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Unemployed bussed in to steward river pageant

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Actually slaves could do as they were told or be killed.


Being able to do as your told or walk away with no reprisal is just called a choice. Not getting paid if you choose to walk away is often called being employed or work.

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Just like slaves in the old days had a choice, they could do as they were told or die.


Quite frankly we should have full employment & people should be paid decently for the jobs they do. Unemployment is only a problem because the politicians have engineered it that way in the last 30 years, to keep wages artificially low so that the rich can make more money at the expense of everybody else. This is just the next stage of turning us all into slaves.


Full employment = won't happen! It's in the government's interest to have a few Million on the rock and roll, for various reasons.

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Giving the unemployed the opportunity to pay back something to the society that supports them isn’t slavery or in any way a bad thing.


But these exploited people didn't pay back anything to society.


They helped maximise the profits of a private company in order to minimise its wage, national insurance and tax bills.


Maximising profit for the few, at the expense of the many. These were real jobs that should have paid national insurance and income tax contributions to the benefit of society as a whole. Instead a few extremely rich shareholders and a well paid CEO were able to avoid paying something back to society.



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Full employment = won't happen! It's in the government's interest to have a few Million on the rock and roll, for various reasons.


I would estimate ther are more than a million who are unemployable. Bone idle, daft or thieves.

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I would estimate ther are more than a million who are unemployable. Bone idle, daft or thieves.


We do have to take into account that you're off your rocker though, which means we should probably divide your estimate by about 100.

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We do have to take into account that you're off your rocker though, which means we should probably divide your estimate by about 100.


If being off my rocker differentiates me from you and some of the other mediocrities on here, I will continue to howl.


PS make that a million and a half.

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Then another company is now short of staff and can only hire by doing the same thing. Ultimately there is overall a shortage of workforce at that point though, and it can't be solved by 'poaching' as some company somewhere is constantly without a person it wants.


The possibilities are that either there is always a turnover of unemployed people who are available (this isn't about long term unemployment, they might only be unemployed for weeks) and businesses can always fill any vacancy that arises due to growth of the business, or there are excess vacancies that cannot be filled, a turnover of vacancies that are available if you like (the flip side of the turnover of people that are available).

From an economic point of view having vacancies filled and a moderate number of short term unemployed is a more fluid and better situation, the alternative encourages wage inflation and reduces the fluidity of the economy (ie business cannot respond to an upturn in demand and so growth is limited).

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If being off my rocker differentiates me from you and some of the other mediocrities on here, I will continue to howl.


PS make that a million and a half.


I certainly hope that you're differentiated from me, I have no desire to be like you at all.

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