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Unemployed bussed in to steward river pageant

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I don't want to upset your rant but the events weren't funded by the taxpayer, so none of you unemployment benefit went to paying for it.


Did you not see this post


You people who don't like scroungers are usually very concerned about taxpayers money being ripped off. Here you are then, here's why you should care if nothing else:


Documents posted on the GLA website show that the GLA, Home Office and DCMS contributed £500k each for stewarding and crowd control.


Following multi-agency assessment of the scope of River Pageant and the requirement for adequate stewarding and crowd management arrangements along the route on the north and south banks of the Thames, it was proposed that DCMS, Home Office and GLA make an equal contribution of up to £500,000 each towards the costs of such arrangements.


The documents say the £1.5m was raised. But where did the money for stewarding go?


Did that £1.5m go entirely to the contracted companies, and not the long-term unemployed people they drafted in? paid staff originally pencilled in to steward the Pageant were told they were no longer needed a few days beforehand. It could be you one day.




There are links to the GLA documents agreeing the funding and signed off by Boris Johnson.


Where are the Taxpayers Alliance when you need them, eh?

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How does it cost that much for a CSCS?


Private sector efficiency.


Exploit the subsidy to the best of your ability.


In the UK working is for morons, you don't bother doing productive work, you set up a company and exploit government subsidies. That is the economy.

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Prescott urges probe into claims jobseekers were bussed into capital to work as unpaid stewards during Jubilee pageant and forced to camp at London Bridge


Workers claim they had to change in public, had no access to a toilet, and were taken to a swamp-like campsite at the end of their 14-hour shift


Former deputy prime minister claims the government is presiding over the establishment of 'labour camps'




Even the Daily Mail has picked up the story now, this one is just going to grow and grow...


These are some of the comments from readers of the Mail article


The most hypocritical sh* t stirring Ex MP ever!

- EnglandandStGeorge , Derby, 06/6/2012 16:00

Click to rate Rating 3 Report abuse

Is it not possible to just have the useless fat idiot shot?

- Dutch Ovens, Stillo stuck in this hellhole that used to be Great Britain, 06/6/2012 15:55

Click to rate Rating 3 Report abuse

Lord Hypocrite of Hull, the working mans champion.

- John, Warrington, Cheshire, 06/6/2012 15:50

Click to rate Rating 2


Perhaps those unemployed people should consider themselves lucky that they were bussed in and either not paid or given 'pocket money', because if it were upto some of the Mail readers they would have walked it.

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At the end of the day, and I say this as a unrepentant tory, this is wrong, to treat people in this way is unforgiveable.


Exactly the response I was hoping for.


It's not about pre conceived opinions of the unemployed, or the private sector.


Its about how human beings are treated.

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I havent a lot of time for Prescott (although he has a good straight left).


But someone has to stand up for these people, where are the Unions and the Labour party. Come to that why arent the government launching a full enquiry?

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The director of Close Protection UK, Mary Prince, has a number of dissolved companies behind her:









LDCUK LTD Dissolved

LDCUK LTD Dissolved

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"There are also concerns about the financial standing of Close Protection UK, whose net worth is currently shown by Companies House at £-185,861. The director Mary Prince has dissolved another six companies in the last six years."




Is this company subcontracting to G4S? My understanding was that G4S had the Olympics "contract." If so they too are culpable.


In any case this is an absolute disgrace, how can the relevent authorities issue a contract to these cowboys.? Heads should roll.

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Perhaps you might care to click on the link to the newspaper report in the very first post of this thread, for more information?


Two unamed stewards revealed that they had no access to toilet facilities for 24 hours.


The 'accommodation' provided was a swampy campsite, and the tents were unuseable as they were soaking wet inside (the site was just mud and rain).


You have said the key point in your own post.


Two unamed people have gone and blabbed to the guardian. If its such a disgrace why isn't everyone else who was there kicking off about it.

If its such a national disgrace why the annonymous blabbling. After all, if these "terrible" circumstances are true then no MP would allow the "victims" to lose their benefits over bringing it to attention.


They allege they were forced to hang around under tower bridge for hours on end. Camp on some terrible camp site with no access to toilets for 24 hours??? what??? - they are in central london. They are surrounded by toilets. They must have stopped to eat or have a break at some point in the day. Nobody - not even "slaves" work 14 hours without a stop. Go find a bloody toilet.


Maybe just maybe the reason they were dropped off so early is becuase they were working amongst thousands of other paid and unpaid staff who all needed coordinating, supervising, instructing in an event where preparations commence hours and hours before the actually things gets started.

That may mean a few hours of sitting around waiting for something to happen. But so what? If you have ever volunteered at festivals, galas etc.. that's not unusual. Even volunteering as a magistratre or juror can involve hours of sitting around waiting for something to happen.


I am taking everything in the guardian's article with a huge pinch of salt until the investigations are concluded.


The way I read it is that these people were on a taxpayer funded training scheme. They had received some training and taxpayer funded sponsorship towards the costs of the relevant SIA licence. Which presumably they would receive the benefit of if they actually are prepared to get off their backsides and look for an appropraite job in the industry.


This volunteer one day work placement was part of that training scheme and they accepted it. If this is the case they have no cause to whinge about it. I did 4 unpaid month long work experience placements as part of my degree. I had no choice in that matter either. It came with getting the training.


Lets not take everything in the guardian at face value until we are officialy told otherwise by the investigation. Talk about jumping the gun.... have you seen some of the comments below they article. You think they had been treated like a chain gang or something :loopy:

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