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Unemployed bussed in to steward river pageant

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The middle paragraph is about right. The events industry is choc full of jobs with long hours and alot of standing around waiting to do something in a strange town. And changing facilities - I bet most djs on here can dish out horror stories of toilets with an inch of questionable liquid running through it. I know a guy who had to get changed in a stable.


That said, these are people from out of town with no experience. They should have had some supervision. I still don't know why the bus disappeared. Stay on the bus !


I don't believe that the only stewards were people working for dole/trainees (depending on your political viewpoint). Where were the guys who were getting paid or at least marshalling the volunteers ?

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Because they had the threat of not obtaining the qualification they were going for held over them.


The more I learn about this disgusting con, the more angry I become. £50 for a polo shirt! Who are they kidding? In other countries people would have taken to the streets. Taking money from the public purse and giving it to these people is not just irresponsible, it is CRIMINAL. It is not just the likes of CPuk and A4E that should be under investigation it is the politicians who are dishing out the spoils to them!


Stop whining and take to the streets then.

Stand up and be counted.

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Perhaps they should have just rang for their chauffeur to pick them up in the limousine???


Perhaps they couldn't just go home because home was over 100 miles away, in Bristol? And they couldn't afford, being long term unemployed, the transport costs?


If they are that stupid that they would fall for all that's supposed to have happened, there's no wonder they can't get a job.

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based on the story on the bbc website it sounds very much like they volunteered to get work experience etc (it would sound pretty good as work experience) and the bus just dropped them off two hours early due to an administrative **** up. Not really slave labour then!

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based on the story on the bbc website it sounds very much like they volunteered to get work experience etc (it would sound pretty good as work experience) and the bus just dropped them off two hours early due to an administrative **** up. Not really slave labour then!


That doesn't sound half as dramatic though, the crusaders on here wouldn't be able to bleat on as much :)

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I am sorry, I am more right wing than most people on here, I have little sympathy with the workshy, I am a card carrying Tory and proud of it.


BUT this company is in about its 7th incarnation after going bust numerous times, no doubt owing money to the tax man, staff etc.


These staff were treated appallingly and the it appears that they were charged out to the end user as stewards.


The hourly rate charged should reflect the wages cost, NI, PAYE, general overheads and retained profit. By using unpaid stewards the company has profited unreasonably to the extent that it is fraudulent.


Where people make themselves available for work they should be paid, their Health Safety and Welfare should be paramount (why were there no supervisory staff on the bus?) Where they are undertaking training, then they should be accompanied, supernumery to the task being performed.


Who the hell employed this company? Does no one within the the organisation that awarded this contract check the bona fides of the Directors?


Why has it been left to Lord Prescott to take this matter up? where are the Unions, were is the Labour party and where are the right thinking Tories on this matter.?

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That doesn't sound half as dramatic though, the crusaders on here wouldn't be able to bleat on as much :)


No it doesn't sound half as dramatic if you miss out the bits about


*People being dropped off at 2am from all over UK and told told sleep under a bridge in the freezing cold and rain with no toileting facilities. And had to change into their uniform in these conditions.

*Fearing that if they spoke out they could lose their poxy benefits.

*30 of the staff were unpaid, 50 'apprentices' were paid £2:80 per hour.

*At least 2 of the 'volunteers' were initially told that they would be paid, then when they got to the bridge they were told that they would in fact be unpaid. And if they did not accept they wouldn't be considered for stewarding the Olympics.

*The firm Close Protection UK laid off fully trained security personnel after they had secured unpaid / lower paid people.

*Taxpayers have forked out at least £1.5 million for the stewarding - it certainly didn't go into the pockets of the serfs used by CPUK.

*The Charity Tommorow's people which linked the serfs to CPUK is headed by a Tory baroness. Little wonder that Cameron dismissed any criticism.

*This whole charade was done so the people of this country can wave flags and cheer an incredibly rich family.


Perhaps some of the trolls on here think nothing of sleeping under a bridge (the normal residence of a troll) and expected to defecate in bushes like some animal, but I wouldn't like to be treated in this ****ty way. Especially not by a cheapskate exploiter like CPUK.

P.S. If anybody would like to leave feedback to CPUK, please do:


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No it doesn't sound half as dramatic if you miss out the bits about


*People being dropped off at 2am from all over UK and told told sleep under a bridge in the freezing cold and rain with no toileting facilities. And had to change into their uniform in these conditions.

*Fearing that if they spoke out they could lose their poxy benefits.

*30 of the staff were unpaid, 50 'apprentices' were paid £2:80 per hour.

*At least 2 of the 'volunteers' were initially told that they would be paid, then when they got to the bridge they were told that they would in fact be unpaid. And if they did not accept they wouldn't be considered for stewarding the Olympics.

*The firm Close Protection UK laid off fully trained security personnel after they had secured unpaid / lower paid people.

*Taxpayers have forked out at least £1.5 million for the stewarding - it certainly didn't go into the pockets of the serfs used by CPUK.

*The Charity Tommorow's people which linked the serfs to CPUK is headed by a Tory baroness. Little wonder that Cameron dismissed any criticism.

*This whole charade was done so the people of this country can wave flags and cheer an incredibly rich family.


Perhaps some of the trolls on here think nothing of sleeping under a bridge (the normal residence of a troll) and expected to defecate in bushes like some animal, but I wouldn't like to be treated in this ****ty way. Especially not by a cheapskate exploiter like CPUK.

P.S. If anybody would like to leave feedback to CPUK, please do:



The BBC said they were dropped off at 3 but it should have been 5am. The bbc are not reporting that they would have lost benefits if they didn't go and I very much doubt that is true. Clearly they should not have been told to sleep under a bridge but it wasn't slave labour.

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The BBC said they were dropped off at 3 but it should have been 5am. The bbc are not reporting that they would have lost benefits if they didn't go and I very much doubt that is true. Clearly they should not have been told to sleep under a bridge but it wasn't slave labour.


That the BBC are not reporting they would have lost their benefits doesn't mean to say that if they 'walked away' from the situation (admittedly very difficult since many of the people in London were from Bristol or Portsmouth) they would have lost their benefits.

There seems to be confusion about this workfare scheme and benefits.

I'm not against training unemployed people for work, but very clearly what has happened is that the unemployed here were expected to do the job of the stewards at little or no pay. That cannot be right surely to God?

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