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Muslims Slaughter "Apostate" in Tunisia

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What a load of rubbish! The Holocaust was not carried out in the name of Christianity, it was done by Hitlers nazis in the excuse to blame Jews for the poor financial state of Germany post WWI, nothing to with Christianity.



As of more recent...Blair/Bush?

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Or reinterpreting them in a more modern and relevant way. Exactly the same has happened in Judaism and Christianity.


I can just imagine the modern translation of how and when to beat your.


Bradford version of the Koran.

"If your supper isn't on the table when you come in from the pub you are allowed give your wife a thick ear"

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As of more recent...Blair/Bush?


Oh yes of course the reason Hitler slaughtered millions of jews was because they slaughtered millions of Kurds, Marsh Arabs, Iranians, Kuwaitis etc.


There were mass graves all over Europe full of bodies all slaughterd by the Jews.


You are pathetic.

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To be quite honest the Old Testament has little in common with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus, that is why the Jewish religious leaders wanted rid of him. The Koran is much more recent and far more barbaric, Jesus never instructed anyone anywhere on how to beat their wife.


True. But orthodox Judaism does. There are various passages in both both testaments that most Christians would feel uncomfortable with.

Still does nothing to prove that Islam cannot modernise and progress.

I also don't believe the old testament is any more or less barbaric than the Koran.

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What a load of rubbish! The Holocaust was not carried out in the name of Christianity, it was done by Hitlers nazis in the excuse to blame Jews for the poor financial state of Germany post WWI, nothing to with Christianity.


I'd thought that the majority of the people that carried out the Holocaust was Christian?

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True. But orthodox Judaism does. There are various passages in both both testaments that most Christians would feel uncomfortable with.

Still does nothing to prove that Islam cannot modernise and progress.

I also don't believe the old testament is any more or less barbaric than the Koran.

I fully agree, but the point I'm making is that Christianity went against the old ways.

Remember when they tried to trick Jesus over the woman due to be stoned under Jewish law.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

He also went against many other Jewish beliefs ie "An eye for an eye".

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I'd thought that the majority of the people that carried out the Holocaust was Christian?

Being baptised a Christian does not make what you do a Christian act.

No doubt the Yorkshire Ripper was baptised a Christian but did he murder in the name of Christianity?


I think on German soldiers belt buckles were the words when translated were something like "God be with us" would that make it that they were acting in the name of Christianity? Whereras when Muslims carry out an attrocity they cry out to Allah

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