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Muslims Slaughter "Apostate" in Tunisia

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You see I view things the other way.


Our way of life is a much bigger threat to the Islamists than vice versa. The Western culture rightly or wrong has swept all aside around the world, just look at China now, and the Islamists know that their part of the world will turn sooner or later.


That's why they're attacking us, because they're frightened of us.

Fair comment. Why do so many decide to come and live in our scary country.

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and out of the estimated 1.6 billion muslims it's a tiny minority that support them. Most are not different from any one else in this world, they're to busy trying to get on with their own lives.


support for the actual killers is rife

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It took 8 pages to mention the EDL. Well done. :clap:


In reply, yes there is plenty of evidence, born out by the fact that many Islamic countries still behave in a manner that we (collectively Western and Christian background nations) did maybe hundreds of years ago.


Also I'm not sure what your point is about the EDL thugs. One threw a firework, I don't condone it, it's disgusting behaviour and I'm sure they will be suitably punished within our criminal justice system, but they've a way to go if your aiming to compare them with the limb tearing, body abliterating fireworks set off daily by Islamists.


You didn't reply to my point about evidence that Islam is 600 years behind Christianity. You defend Christianity, a religion that just 70 years ago gave the world the holocaust. In the EDL video an EDL member gives the sieg heil salute, an act of supporting the holocaust. The EDL sieg heiler is a British Christian. So are you. You don't like the truth about British Christianity. You'd rather criticise Islam to cover up your own religion's support for fascism. Why?

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You didn't reply to my point about evidence that Islam is 600 years behind Christianity. You defend Christianity, a religion that just 70 years ago gave the world the holocaust. In the EDL video an EDL member gives the sieg heil salute, an act of supporting the holocaust. The EDL sieg heiler is a British Christian. So are you. You don't like the truth about British Christianity. You'd rather criticise Islam to cover up your own religion's support for fascism. Why?


Are you sure about that, I would assume he is like most in the UK and is an atheist, although I could be wrong and he might well be the local vicar. :rolleyes:

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You didn't reply to my point about evidence that Islam is 600 years behind Christianity. You defend Christianity, a religion that just 70 years ago gave the world the holocaust. In the EDL video an EDL member gives the sieg heil salute, an act of supporting the holocaust. The EDL sieg heiler is a British Christian. So are you. You don't like the truth about British Christianity. You'd rather criticise Islam to cover up your own religion's support for fascism. Why?


Where did I defend Christianity? :huh:

And wasn't the Holocaust commited by people motivated by a political ideology, ie Nazism?

What evidence do you have that a person in a YouTube video is Christian? Is it just because he is white? Isn't that racist to make such assumptions based on ones race?


PS I am British. But I'm not a Christian. I don't know what gave you that idea.

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God where to begin. No wonder the secret service agencies of European governments said Britain has become a Islamic cesspool, you guys are completely ignorant and do not even take the effort to get to the bottom of this. Let me explain for those of you who are willing to take the time and find out why such things happen. First go to google and type in prophet of doom PDF download and then read the book. Second visit Ali Sina’s website at alisina.org. Some of you will rail and say oh no don’t tar the whole group because of isolated incidence of a crazy few. The thing is you have to be a complete idiot to belief that, look at the daily evidence all over the world. Some will say why but my Muslim neighbour is a fine fellow and hurts no one. What you fail to comprehend is that your muslim neighbour lives in a Western Judeo Christian culture and therefore his behaviour is influenced by this to a large degree, some more some less and some not at all as evidence has shown with honour killings and demands for Sharia. Lastly let me explain the reason why muslims in the West do not act like their brothers in the East. They are not living in accordance to the dictates of their faith but according to the influence of Western culture. If they follow the teachings of Mohamed and the Koran and Hadiths, well what you get is Talibanistan. You don’t believe me. Have you studied the Koran or the Hadiths, no like a complete buffoon you let other people tell you what to think instead of finding it out through your own effort and study and ignore the evidence that stares you in the face every day.

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God where to begin. No wonder the secret service agencies of European governments said Britain has become a Islamic cesspool, you guys are completely ignorant and do not even take the effort to get to the bottom of this. Let me explain for those of you who are willing to take the time and find out why such things happen. First go to google and type in prophet of doom PDF download and then read the book. Second visit Ali Sina’s website at alisina.org. Some of you will rail and say oh no don’t tar the whole group because of isolated incidence of a crazy few. The thing is you have to be a complete idiot to belief that, look at the daily evidence all over the world. Some will say why but my Muslim neighbour is a fine fellow and hurts no one. What you fail to comprehend is that your muslim neighbour lives in a Western Judeo Christian culture and therefore his behaviour is influenced by this to a large degree, some more some less and some not at all as evidence has shown with honour killings and demands for Sharia. Lastly let me explain the reason why muslims in the West do not act like their brothers in the East. They are not living in accordance to the dictates of their faith but according to the influence of Western culture. If they follow the teachings of Mohamed and the Koran and Hadiths, well what you get is Talibanistan. You don’t believe me. Have you studied the Koran or the Hadiths, no like a complete buffoon you let other people tell you what to think instead of finding it out through your own effort and study and ignore the evidence that stares you in the face every day.




I am a religious scholar/philosopher.


If you expect anyone to read your post and take that as the 'truth' you are sadly, sadly mistaken.


Effort and study doesn't stem from hating someone and looking through their texts to find tag lines that fit into your ideology.


You could look through almost any ideology, Theistic or otherwise and twist things to accomodate justification for hating them.


Study, that is actual study involves taking all contexts into account. It involves not just looking at some nutters but in fact taking the historical, philosophical and ideological context into account as well.


Islam, as far as the scriptures go has very little in common with what these idiots are doing. Islam as far as most Muslims go has very little to do with what these nutters are doing.


These nutters are influenced by small minded bigots who take out of context interpretations to fuel their own ideological fires.


They are then fueled further by small minded bigots who scream that the whole religion is wrong based on the actions of these few nutters, this attitude actually gives them justification for what they are doing by saying 'Look, the West hates our religion'. Because of this the impressionable get taken in to that ideology and it grows.


This is exactly how cults work over here. The difference being that the cults (generally) don't go lopping peoples heads off, but the psychology behind the two extremes is the same.


Saying that these idiots represent Islam is the same as saying that well known cults on our shores represent Christianity, but if you look at the way they interpret the texts and actually operate they are worlds apart.


Before you go accusing people of 'ignoring' the evidence I suggest you look at it yourself.

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Even Saudi Muslims treat people from other countries as 2cd class citizens.


Video of a Saudi humiliating an Indian taxi driver a few days ago.Press the cc button on the bottom for captions.




It is quite disturbing watching this video, also quite illuminating. The arrogance of the Saudi and the deference of the cab driver is such that it is difficult to watch.


Soon the US will become self sufficient for its energy, hopefully westen Europe will become less reliant on the mid east for its oil. We will then see the Saudis for what they really are, primitive, dominated by religion, repressed sexually and psychologically and more at home on camels.

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My friend you are a perfect example of a hypocrite. Do you think I woke up one day hating Muslims out of the blue. Let me tell you I do not hate Muslims in the slightest, I feel great pity for them. What I hate is their ideology. You see the problem you face is not my opinions, the problem you face is the truth contained in the Koran Suna Hadiths the explications of Islamic scholars themselves the daily atrocities committed in the name of this creed. I can tell that you have never studied the Koran or any of the other Islamic books of faith. So it can only be one of two things. You are either deceived or a deceiver. If any of the claims I or Mr Sina made are false and you are correct why don’t you explain it then, bring your evidence, contact Mr Sina and shut down his site if like you say he is a bigot who spreads lies. Do you know why you can not do this, because you would have to change the Koran and the reality of its effects in the world also. Why do you defend a ideology of hate. You should be ashamed.

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