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Muslims Slaughter "Apostate" in Tunisia

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My friend you are a perfect example of a hypocrite. Do you think I woke up one day hating Muslims out of the blue. Let me tell you I do not hate Muslims in the slightest, I feel great pity for them. What I hate is their ideology. You see the problem you face is not my opinions, the problem you face is the truth contained in the Koran Suna Hadiths the explications of Islamic scholars themselves the daily atrocities committed in the name of this creed. I can tell that you have never studied the Koran or any of the other Islamic books of faith. So it can only be one of two things. You are either deceived or a deceiver. If any of the claims I or Mr Sina made are false and you are correct why don’t you explain it then, bring your evidence, contact Mr Sina and shut down his site if like you say he is a bigot who spreads lies. Do you know why you can not do this, because you would have to change the Koran and the reality of its effects in the world also. Why do you defend a ideology of hate. You should be ashamed.


We are in a world where we are told what Islam could be instead of what Islam is.


The Koran without the Suna Hadiths could be a solution to the utter insanity we see every day.


However it still goes back to the man himself 'Muhammed'

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You didn't reply to my point about evidence that Islam is 600 years behind Christianity. You defend Christianity, a religion that just 70 years ago gave the world the holocaust. In the EDL video an EDL member gives the sieg heil salute, an act of supporting the holocaust. The EDL sieg heiler is a British Christian. So are you. You don't like the truth about British Christianity. You'd rather criticise Islam to cover up your own religion's support for fascism. Why?

Youre at it again..how do you know he/they are christians you seem to be paranoiac in your hatred/fear of ,I repeat ,a few hundred or so football hooligans,tis thread is about the beheading of a person not some semi illiterate thug making silly hand actions.... get real

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My friend you are a perfect example of a hypocrite. Do you think I woke up one day hating Muslims out of the blue. Let me tell you I do not hate Muslims in the slightest, I feel great pity for them. What I hate is their ideology. You see the problem you face is not my opinions, the problem you face is the truth contained in the Koran Suna Hadiths the explications of Islamic scholars themselves the daily atrocities committed in the name of this creed. I can tell that you have never studied the Koran or any of the other Islamic books of faith. So it can only be one of two things. You are either deceived or a deceiver. If any of the claims I or Mr Sina made are false and you are correct why don’t you explain it then, bring your evidence, contact Mr Sina and shut down his site if like you say he is a bigot who spreads lies. Do you know why you can not do this, because you would have to change the Koran and the reality of its effects in the world also. Why do you defend a ideology of hate. You should be ashamed.




You are funny.


I'm glad you're so sure I've never studied the Koran, Hadith or Sunnah, that alone is enough of a statement for me to ignore your posts as rambling.


The problems we face is the opinions of people like you, nothing more, nothing less.


I have no idea who Mr Sina is and genuinly don't care. Inviting me to go to the website of an extremsist so he can refute me based on his own criteria is a classic sign of cultism.


Why doesn't your friend Mr Sina follow your example and come to the public forum to express his views? Isoloting yourself in a bubble doesn't make you correct, what it does is create an attitude of superiority. If his interpretation is so accurate he will have no problem with presenting it to the public sphere for scrutiny.


On that note I will leave you to it.

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He didn't oppose the Jewish faith. He opposed the way some of its leaders had interpreted the texts and, from his point of view, were taking the law too literally at the detriment of meaning behind the law.


That is far different from opposing the Jewish faith.


Well Jesus certainly stood up against it in the only way he knew how (assuming he existed). Working on the sabbath was a pretty big deal and kinda integral to the Jewish faith at the time.

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Well Jesus certainly stood up against it in the only way he knew how (assuming he existed). Working on the sabbath was a pretty big deal and kinda integral to the Jewish faith at the time.


I agree, but Jesus didn't just base his 'revolution' on the fact that the Jewish power base were against working on the Sabbath. He wasn't against the Jewish law, he was against the hypocritical attitudes of those who were implementing it. Complaining that people were working on the Sabbath then allowing money lenders to operate in the temple compound was to Jesus hypocritical behaviour.


Jesus was in favour of a 'living' law, not just those in power telling people what they could and couldn't do. If a man had to work on the Sabbath to keep his livelihood 'afloat' then to Jesus that was a reasonable excuse to 'bend' the rules. Sticking stricktly to religious rules which meant detriment to the person, in the eyes of Jesus, was not practicing the religion, it was merely causing affliction.


In this context it wasn't the Jewish religion Jesus was against, it was those in the seats of power dictating how that religion should be implemented when it was causing harm to the followers that he rallied against.

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Oh man. Buddy you suffer from the same ailment as those pigs who committed that bloody deed. You have lost the ability to reason and understand logic. How much evidence will it take for you to accept reality? Let me make it easy for you. Ali Sina is a ex Muslim who was born in Iran and grew up in Pakistan. He is a well known public figure. Mr Sina has put forth a challenge on his website to Muslims that if they are able to prove his claims about Mohamed and Islam are false he will shut down his site and pay the person who proves this 50 000 US Dollars. What are his claims then? Mohamed was a thief, liar, murderer, rapist, sadist, lecher, warmonger, narcissist, pedofile, racist. This is the prophet of Islam and the fruit of his doctrines are there for everyone to see on the news everyday. No my deceived friend, you may think the problem you face is people like me telling the truth but let me tell you the problem people face is being murdered because of the teachings of that madman. Finally Mr Sina is to busy setting thousands of Muslims free everyday from the lies of Mohamed to talk with a hypocrite like you. If you are so sure that you are correct, go to his page and score some free money by refuting his claims. Over the last ten years the combined wisdom and effort of all the mullahs and deceived Muslims have not been able to do this. Why because like I said before, you would have to destroy Islam to proof that the claims are false, it is there in writing for anyone to see. All you have done with your second statement to me is prove to anyone who reads this that you are either a liar who defends evil or a idiot who does not know any better.

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No my deceived friend, you may think the problem you face is people like me telling the truth[/Quote]


No I don't, because you're not telling the 'truth', so that is not a problem for me at all.


but let me tell you the problem people face is being murdered because of the teachings of that madman[/Quote]


People have been murdered for the teachings of most ideologies, no matter how inspiring they are, both secular and religious. Some nutters wildly misenterpreting religious texts is not the same as those texts themselves promoting that action.


Finally Mr Sina is to busy setting thousands of Muslims free everyday from the lies of Mohamed to talk with a hypocrite like you[/Quote]


How convenient.


If you are so sure that you are correct, go to his page and score some free money by refuting his claims[/Quote]


As i said before, if he wishes to bring those claims to a public forum I will gladly refute them. I make it a personal principle not to engage people who have extreme views on their own territory, the public forum is a much fairer and balanced platform where both sides can be held to account. Offering money to someone to refute your interpretation of something is not a balanced platform, all it takes is for me to make a claim and him to say 'that doesn't fit my interpretation' for him to claim victory, it is exactly the same method the extremists who purpatrate these horrors use, regardless of which side it comes from it is a corruption.


I could easily say 'I'll give you a tenner' if you can prove God doesn't exist and no matter what argument you give me simply say 'That's not proof'. On a public forum that can be avoided by having independant observers.


It is extremist attitudes on both sides that cause these atrocoties, one is the stacker of the kindle and the lighter of the fire the other fans the flames, but both blame the other.


If you genuinly want this violence to stop you have to positively engage with Islam, not seek to eradicate it.

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A brave man, who faced a slow painful death showed amazing grace at the point of such horror. Bound and helpless seeing the knife that was about to slice his head off, did he curse spit or dam his murderers? No. Did he insult Islam, Muslims, Muhammed? No. Did HE BEG FOR HIS LIFE? No. He asked god to forgive them.

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