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Muslims Slaughter "Apostate" in Tunisia

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The execution of those who wish to leave the Islamic faith is rife and it is carried out in many Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia for example executes those who convert away from Islam if they do not repent within 3 days.


The real question should be, why is Islam so afraid of losing its followers it would prefer they follow the religion in fear rather then leave? Side stepping Godwins law, this is very similar to rampant nationalism where everyone is coerced into supporting their nation through fear of being singled out as a traitor.

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Can you tell me where it says this? The Qur'an is very much based on the Old Testament and Moslems believe in its content.


And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.




This doesn't say kill, but it means much the same thing i.e. fight them until they are no more.


And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.



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That video is truly horrific, the most savage and merciless murder beyond the scope of my imagination.


The people who performed that vile act should be facing a sentence of murder - no excuses for such barbarity.


I'm speechless.


I just can`t verify where it actually happened.The Egyptian TV station claims it happened in Tunisia but other reports are saying it was the Free Syrian Army.I don`t doubt the video is real just that it can`t be verified where it happened.

Wherever it happened i agree completely.They are nothing more than stone age murderers.

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Errr, no.


You have not established anything or given any significant answer to challenge my point.


So I rest my case.


Oh yeah, do read my signature.


Baz, I'm with you that Islam does not openly calling for the execution of those who leave the religion through its scriptures but you must accept that apostasy is a problem in Islamic countries, most notably, Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Islam.

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This doesn't say kill, but it means much the same thing i.e. fight them until they are no more.


I accept the point you make with your links but my original observation was that fundamentalists of all religions will interpret their holy books to suit their own purposes. I'll amend this to the Abrahamic religions but as these share essentially the same book, I stand by what I said.


By the way, apostasy is the act of renouncing a religion not of killing someone for doing so.

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I have always wondered, why, if Islam is such a great religion, do they need to punish free thinkers and those that wish to relinquish the religion, with death?


Because it hasn't moved on from the seventh century so still carries the fears, insecurities and disregard for human life that were common throughout the world at that time?

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I accept the point you make with your links but my original observation was that fundamentalists of all religions will interpret their holy books to suit their own purposes. I'll amend this to the Abrahamic religions but as these share essentially the same book, I stand by what I said.


By the way, apostasy is the act of renouncing a religion not of killing someone for doing so.


thanks for pointing that out. I cant think for the life of me what the word is now for executing some one on religious grounds. For now I'll have to do with Persecution.

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