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Muslims Slaughter "Apostate" in Tunisia

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Originally Posted by HighGreens35

Where are these Catholics cutting/slicing heads off?


For an answer to your question have a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-18140844. 49 Christians beheaded by other Christians in Mexico over drugs wars. Are there are many more examples of that in the Americas if you care to look.


As for more Christian barbarism, fascism was an invention of Catholics. It led to the holocaust. It's just a fact that the holocaust gets labelled a Nazi act or a German act but not a Christian act because those doing the labelling are other Christians. But Christians do commit acts of barbarism.


So lets get it correct you're saying that the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury ordered these beheadings.:huh:

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Unfortunately the attitude of ignorance 'Islam teaches death to apostates', with no context of understanding will only fuel the fire of misunderstanding and will inevitably lead to more horrific acts like this


Here is a little context for you as you seem to have missed it.


Saudi Arabia, the centre of the Islamic faith and location of its most holy site(s) puts to death anyone who tries to leave the faith.


But that's not all, Turkey is predominantly Sunni and they follow The Hanafi school, which is one of the four Madhhabs schools of law. This school of law has been around since around 800 AD and originates from what is now Iran and is followed in countries like, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Russia and the Muslim parts of the former Yugoslavia. The Hanafi states that "The apostate deserves the death sentence." but that even a nation that ceases to be a Muslim nation is considered a House of War with Islam.


I wouldn't go as far as to say all Islam is the same and that just because one group does x, this mean group y does the same. I would also look upon any other religion with the same view.

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Historically being the operative word.

Christianity has moved on yet Islam still operates with a medaeval mentality in most of the Muslim world.

This apostate was beheaded, muslim women get stoned in one African country for wearing a bra or getting raped.

In the UK some women get stoned before being raped:o


Islam's dealings with homosexuals are less ambiguous.

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Why should you be surprised at this action its been going on for years ask the families of Ken Bigley,Daniel Pearl and the rest ..their crimes ? not being of the faith..Islam the religion of Peace...like the existence moderate muslims... a fallacy

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Why should you be surprised at this action its been going on for years ask the families of Ken Bigley,Daniel Pearl and the rest ..their crimes ? not being of the faith..Islam the religion of Peace...like the existence moderate muslims... a fallacy




Reactions to the grotesque jihadist decapitation of yet another "infidel Jew," Mr. Berg, make clear that our intelligentsia are either dangerously uninformed, or simply unwilling to come to terms with this ugly reality: such murders are consistent with sacred jihad practices, as well as Islamic attitudes towards all non-Muslim infidels, in particular, Jews, which date back to the 7th century, and the Prophet Muhammad's own example.

According to Muhammad’s sacralized biography by Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad himself sanctioned the massacre of the Qurayza, a vanquished Jewish tribe. He appointed an "arbiter" who soon rendered this concise verdict: the men were to be put to death, the women and children sold into slavery, the spoils to be divided among the Muslims. Muhammad ratified this judgment stating that it was a decree of God pronounced from above the Seven Heavens. Thus some 600 to 900 men from the Qurayza were lead on Muhammad’s order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and their decapitated corpses buried in the trenches while Muhammad watched in attendance. Women and children were sold into slavery, a number of them being distributed as gifts among Muhammad’s companions, and Muhammad chose one of the Qurayza women (Rayhana) for himself. The Qurayza’s property and other possessions (including weapons) were also divided up as additional "booty" among the Muslims, to support further jihad campaigns.


Did Jesus act this way? Christians still kill, but in doing so have failed there faith, can the same be said of Islam?

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Here is a little context for you as you seem to have missed it.


Saudi Arabia, the centre of the Islamic faith and location of its most holy site(s) puts to death anyone who tries to leave the faith.


But that's not all, Turkey is predominantly Sunni and they follow The Hanafi school, which is one of the four Madhhabs schools of law. This school of law has been around since around 800 AD and originates from what is now Iran and is followed in countries like, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Russia and the Muslim parts of the former Yugoslavia. The Hanafi states that "The apostate deserves the death sentence." but that even a nation that ceases to be a Muslim nation is considered a House of War with Islam.


I wouldn't go as far as to say all Islam is the same and that just because one group does x, this mean group y does the same. I would also look upon any other religion with the same view.


If we're so concerned with 'missing' things let's look at the scriptures themselves. Can you present me with the Islamic scriptures in context that promote the killing of those who leave the faith.


I, like you treat all religions the same. The Mahayana school of Buddhism (which is 2000 years old) isn't scripturally sound, virtually the entire Christian religion (which is almost 2000 years old) isn't scripturally sound, therefore as a religious scholar I would say that in an ideal world they are not correct representations of there original teachers, just like this isn't (as far as I can tell) representitive of Islam.


But if we take the wider view that all 'Muslims' (that is self - identifying) are representations of the religion regardless of what they believe we have to aknowledge that these horrific acts are part of Islam (in the same way we would have to accept child abusing priests and those covering them up as part of Christianity). If that is the case we have two choices, say 'Islam is evil' and seek to eradicate it, or, which is my view, work with Muslims to see the correct context of their faith (which many already do) to create change from within which, I believe, would be a far more successful way of making these horrific acts end.


The antiquity of a particular group is not a sign of authenticity when it doesn't stand in line with the scriptures it proposes to represent. I'm not saying it isn't identified as a part of Islam (by self identity), I'm saying it isn't Islamic (by scriptural authenticity), and they are worlds apart.

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Reactions to the grotesque jihadist decapitation of yet another "infidel Jew," Mr. Berg, make clear that our intelligentsia are either dangerously uninformed, or simply unwilling to come to terms with this ugly reality: such murders are consistent with sacred jihad practices, as well as Islamic attitudes towards all non-Muslim infidels, in particular, Jews, which date back to the 7th century, and the Prophet Muhammad's own example.

According to Muhammad’s sacralized biography by Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad himself sanctioned the massacre of the Qurayza, a vanquished Jewish tribe. He appointed an "arbiter" who soon rendered this concise verdict: the men were to be put to death, the women and children sold into slavery, the spoils to be divided among the Muslims. Muhammad ratified this judgment stating that it was a decree of God pronounced from above the Seven Heavens. Thus some 600 to 900 men from the Qurayza were lead on Muhammad’s order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and their decapitated corpses buried in the trenches while Muhammad watched in attendance. Women and children were sold into slavery, a number of them being distributed as gifts among Muhammad’s companions, and Muhammad chose one of the Qurayza women (Rayhana) for himself. The Qurayza’s property and other possessions (including weapons) were also divided up as additional "booty" among the Muslims, to support further jihad campaigns.


Did Jesus act this way? Christians still kill, but in doing so have failed there faith, can the same be said of Islam?


Briliant post, no Jesus didn't act or preach this way and Christians don't carru out these acts in the name of their religion, only Muslims murder on a massive scale today in the name of their religion.

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But if we take the wider view that all 'Muslims' (that is self - identifying) are representations of the religion regardless of what they believe we have to aknowledge that these horrific acts are part of Islam


In what other of todays religions other than Islam do the leaders encourage their followers to go out and commit mass murder.

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