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Should cyclists be restricted to using certain roads at certain times

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With the amount of traffic on the roads at the moment cyclists are becoming a unsafe form of getting around is it time the authorities became anti cyclist instead of anti car and started restricting cyclists to certain roads and times were they can not be a danger to themselves or other road users.

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With the amount of traffic on the roads at the moment cyclists are becoming a unsafe form of getting around is it time the authorities became anti cyclist instead of anti car and started restricting cyclists to certain roads and times were they can not be a danger to themselves or other road users.


What's the matter with you, you complain 'not another thread about cyclists' and then start one.


But in answer to your question 'NO'

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With the amount of traffic on the roads at the moment cyclists are becoming a unsafe form of getting around is it time the authorities became anti cyclist instead of anti car and started restricting cyclists to certain roads and times were they can not be a danger to themselves or other road users.

You are aware that if all the cyclists start driving instead the traffic congestion will get worse aren't you? It's the number of cars on the roads that cause the problem. The more people who cycle, the fewer car drivers will be doing their bit to create traffic jams.

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