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White Bear Ecclesfield - not closing down any more.


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Great News everyone, the pub IS staying open now, possibly for the next Ten Years as Roger has signed or about to sign a deal with the new owners 'Jaguar Estates'.


Myself and Shelly will be ending our time there on Saturday with one hell of a party where everyone is welcome, even Bruno as lets face it. as i have said all along to people who have come into the pub. there were four of us that started to build the pub back up and that can never change. four people with a vision, determination and hard work.

it was unfortunate that as we all know, business and friendship never go together as happend in this case. which is sad really as we were all good friends at one time.


Me and Shelly are looking at other at other options at the moment and will post details on here when the time is right



Me and Shelly would like to thank EVERYONE involved in raising the white bear from the gutter and hope that it goes from strength to strength with Roger running it as of 29th January.




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Thats great news. which is also good for the other Pubs in the village as well as the customers.


As said lets hope The Bear and the rest of the Pubs go from strength to strength.


Good Luck to Roger and Clare.


And echoing what Martine said: "Thankyou to the customers who supported us four when we took over.


And good luck to Martine and Shelly, who im sure feel gutted that thier time has come to an end. (we felt the same) but we all knew it was'nt going to be long term, even though all four of us put alot of hard work in cleaning/decorating/sorting the cellar and the behind the scenes of juggling our own jobs. Have a good Party on Saturday!

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Great News everyone, the pub IS staying open now, possibly for the next Ten Years as Roger has signed or about to sign a deal with the new owners 'Jaguar Estates'.






Is this the same Jaguar Estates that buy buildings, knock them down and then build luxury apartments.

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Is this the same Jaguar Estates that buy buildings, knock them down and then build luxury apartments.


Yes it is, however I would assume The White Bear is a listed building, but not sure if any part of the building is 100 years old

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i would like to say that martine and shelly has done a great job in running the white bear on their own were always in the pub and they make it the life and soul of what a pub should be likeTHANKYOU too them both its only you too that made that pub what it is today WELL DONE ure both great and good luck for the future too you both!!!!

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