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I saw a ghost last night

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i am also a sufferer of poor sleep patterns, and i am acutely aware of the effects of lack of sleep can have on the brain, Whilst doing the final exercise in my RAF Regiment training, by the fourth night of non sleeping, most of us were hallucinating, we were barely coherent as our speech was severely affected, and our bodies were gradually shutting down, even simple tasks like buttoning a jacket up were almost impossible due to the lack of hand eye co-ordination. i personally remember seeing a section of enemy advancing towards our trench, i shouted "stand to" so as to make all our guys know that we were coming under an imminent attack, by the time i had refocused on the supposed enemy, it transpired to be 8 trees that were silhouetted on the hill top, i was adamant that i had seen the enemy, lol, it was an awful feeling (hallucinating) as you never knew what you could trust and what you could trust, even if you got it right you couldn't do that much due to the severe tiredness and lack of co-ordination, lol. if i remember correctly we eventually stayed awake for 4 nights and five days.

06.00hrs Mon morn

18.00hrs Fri eve

total 108hrs, buggered would be putting it politely, lol

I can hardly believe that they could make you carry out an excercise like that.It sounds something like the sleep deprivation barbaric method that is used to torture someone under interrogation.Yet i suppose there must be a reason for doing it,such as preparing you for the probabilities of what could happen.


I have heard terrible stories about the later effects of trauma endured by the military following war situations,not to mention the experiences of what so many of them have to encounter. :sad:

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Like other posters I take a load of meds for pain, bloodpressure, arthritis, nerve damage due to surgery etc. etc. etc. I dont doubt anything I see, but I dont take it serious. Things move, a bit like a mouse running just outside your main field of vision, nightmares are commonplace, Doc reckons its steroids and Tramadol. I think he humours me......................:hihi:

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So if I believe I'm going to win the lottery, I will? :banana:


.....what? :confused:



Where did you get this "fact" from?


From here Melinda Gordon is a young newlywed with the unique ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of people who have died, and who seek her help.:)

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I can hardly believe that they could make you carry out an excercise like that.It sounds something like the sleep deprivation barbaric method that is used to torture someone under interrogation.Yet i suppose there must be a reason for doing it,such as preparing you for the probabilities of what could happen.


I have heard terrible stories about the later effects of trauma endured by the military following war situations,not to mention the experiences of what so many of them have to encounter. :sad:


you hit the nail on the head with, it you prepared to be in such a situation where you are deprived of sleep so as to know what signs and symptoms to look out for. you can tell someone till you are blue in the face what a sensation feels like, but to experience it first hand is a different matter!!

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