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I saw a ghost last night

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you hit the nail on the head with, it you prepared to be in such a situation where you are deprived of sleep so as to know what signs and symptoms to look out for. you can tell someone till you are blue in the face what a sensation feels like, but to experience it first hand is a different matter!!

I can't imagine what it must be like,i knew someone who had been in the Gulf war and had been exposed to chemical weapons,the after effects of that can be terrible,causing sleep deprivation and many other symptoms ..dreadful !!

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Originally Posted by RootsBooster View Post

Okay then, Is there a reason to think that dogs are receptive to ghosts or is it just something that some people say, perpetuated by others accepting it and repeating it?


No it has long been a belief of mine that they are more receptive, as children are, I don't talk to others about it, it's my belief. It is not perpetuated by anyone I know it is just what I believe, now if you want to have a pop because of someone's beliefs feel free.


I believe it because these are the animals we live and because of that we notice their behaviour much more and can probably understand it better. And before you go on the majority of what is believed, was originally founded upon folk accepting it & repeating it.


Ta Ta

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Originally Posted by RootsBooster View Post

Okay then, Is there a reason to think that dogs are receptive to ghosts or is it just something that some people say, perpetuated by others accepting it and repeating it?


No it has long been a belief of mine that they are more receptive, as children are, I don't talk to others about it, it's my belief. It is not perpetuated by anyone I know it is just what I believe, now if you want to have a pop because of someone's beliefs feel free.


I believe it because these are the animals we live and because of that we notice their behaviour much more and can probably understand it better. And before you go on the majority of what is believed, was originally founded upon folk accepting it & repeating it.


Ta Ta


I'm not entirely sure Roots is 'having a go' at what you believe, he is merely asking why you believe it.


In this post you have said


it has long been a belief of mine that they are more receptive, as children are[/Quote]


How are children receptive? You haven't really answered his question of 'why' you believe animals are more receptive, you have just added a further question of 'why are children receptive?'.


You also said

It is not perpetuated by anyone I know it is just what I believe[/Quote] animals and children being receptive is a commonly held belief amongst believers of ghosts, which is probably why Roots suggested it could be a belief that you had picked up from elsewhere.


And finally

I believe it because these are the animals we live and because of that we notice their behaviour much more and can probably understand it better[/Quote] Doesn't really answer the question. Our understanding of animal behaviour in no way suggests why they would be more receptive to spirit.
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How are children receptive? You haven't really answered his question of 'why' you believe animals are more receptive, you have just added a further question of 'why are children receptive?'.


Right I'm getting a wee bit sick of the pedants on this site, you started the bloody thread. I feel kids are more receptive because, their minds to more extent are open & are not clouded by what is thrown at you in later life. Hence they don't have all the doubters & disbelievers trying to fill their heads, with their crap, hence this leads to them being more open minded & receptive. This means that they don't do logical equations & such at such a young age, and as I say minds are more open & not in any way biased.


Dogs because they do I'm not a dog expert it's just a belief of mine that they are, they have a higher sense of "things" than humans that is all & this could lead to them perceiving things differently. Just what is your understanding of animal behaviour BTW, do I have a pop at you for your beliefs? no, so don't have a pop at mine.

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How are children receptive? You haven't really answered his question of 'why' you believe animals are more receptive, you have just added a further question of 'why are children receptive?'.

Right I'm getting a wee bit sick of the pedants on this site, you started the bloody thread. I feel kids are more receptive because, their minds to more extent are open & are not clouded by what is thrown at you in later life. Hence they don't have all the doubters & disbelievers trying to fill their heads, with their crap, hence this leads to them being more open minded & receptive. This means that they don't do logical equations & such at such a young age, and as I say minds are more open & not in any way biased.


Dogs because they do I'm not a dog expert it's just a belief of mine that they are, they have a higher sense of "things" than humans that is all & this could lead to them perceiving things differently. Just what is your understanding of animal behaviour BTW, do I have a pop at you for your beliefs? no, so don't have a pop at mine.


I would say their minds are more credulous. If a child was to see two apparitions at the end of their bed they would perhaps think they were ghosts for the simple reason they are unaware that it is more likely that it is simply their mind playing tricks.



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How are children receptive? You haven't really answered his question of 'why' you believe animals are more receptive, you have just added a further question of 'why are children receptive?'.


Right I'm getting a wee bit sick of the pedants on this site, you started the bloody thread. I feel kids are more receptive because, their minds to more extent are open & are not clouded by what is thrown at you in later life. Hence they don't have all the doubters & disbelievers trying to fill their heads, with their crap, hence this leads to them being more open minded & receptive. This means that they don't do logical equations & such at such a young age, and as I say minds are more open & not in any way biased.


Dogs because they do I'm not a dog expert it's just a belief of mine that they are, they have a higher sense of "things" than humans that is all & this could lead to them perceiving things differently. Just what is your understanding of animal behaviour BTW, do I have a pop at you for your beliefs? no, so don't have a pop at mine.


I'm not having a 'pop' at you, I (and Roots) am merely asking you why you believe it, the fact that you believe it is entirely up to you.


If you likewise wanted to question my beliefs you are more than welcome to do so, I don't consider someone asking me about my beliefs (which they did to such an extent I set a web page up about them) as them having a 'pop' at me. I fail to see why you do.


I feel kids are more receptive because, their minds to more extent are open & are not clouded by what is thrown at you in later life. Hence they don't have all the doubters & disbelievers trying to fill their heads, with their crap, hence this leads to them being more open minded & receptive. This means that they don't do logical equations & such at such a young age, and as I say minds are more open & not in any way biased[/Quote]


That's fair enough, so I guess what you're suggesting is that (to put a more psychology angle on it) that before children develop self identity they are not clogged up with learned attributes.


The assumption is fine, now can I ask you without you getting upset why you think that spirits would be more observable to someone without such mental 'baggage'?


Dogs because they do I'm not a dog expert it's just a belief of mine that they are, they have a higher sense of "things" than humans that is all & this could lead to them perceiving things differently[/Quote]


I think you're cofusing things there a little. I don't think they have a 'higher' sense of things, but I do agree that they have a different perception, this could, if such things did exist be a possible avenue as to why they could percieve them and we can't.


What I don't understand is why you equate animals and children? Children are little people, therefor regardless of the 'openness' of their minds they still only have the same sensual range as big people, they may focus on a particular aspect of that range more than adults, but the range is the same. If you're saying that animals are more perceptive because they have different perceptions than humans do this doesn't really explain why children would be party to that same sensual frequency.

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No it has long been a belief of mine that they are more receptive, as children are, I don't talk to others about it, it's my belief. It is not perpetuated by anyone I know it is just what I believe, now if you want to have a pop because of someone's beliefs feel free.

Nobody is having a pop, I asked simple question, that's all. You avoided it or ignored it twice, so I asked a 3rd time.

I believe it because these are the animals we live and because of that we notice their behaviour much more and can probably understand it better. And before you go on the majority of what is believed, was originally founded upon folk accepting it & repeating it.

Ta Ta

Yes it is, which saddens me. I wish people would look into the reasons and origins of things for themselves before they commit themselves to belief either way.

Right I'm getting a wee bit sick of the pedants on this site, you started the bloody thread.

What on Earth are you talking about? This a discussion forum, the operative word being discussion. If you really feel that simple and genuine questions, presented in a civilised manner are offensive, then maybe you shouldn't take part.

If you don't want to answer a question then just say so, but winding yourself up by ignoring it and being asked again is just making you hostile.


I feel kids are more receptive because, their minds to more extent are open & are not clouded by what is thrown at you in later life. Hence they don't have all the doubters & disbelievers trying to fill their heads, with their crap,

hence this leads to them being more open minded & receptive. This means that they don't do logical equations & such at such a young age, and as I say minds are more open & not in any way biased.

Re you saying that thinking about it makes them non-receptive?

I'm totally open minded but I've never been receptive to ghosts.


Dogs because they do I'm not a dog expert it's just a belief of mine that they are, they have a higher sense of "things" than humans that is all & this could lead to them perceiving things differently. Just what is your understanding of animal behaviour BTW, do I have a pop at you for your beliefs? no, so don't have a pop at mine.


Nobody's having a pop at yours.

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Dont knock it, its working for me.!


I really think you should stop highjacking this thread with your off topic remarks.Its only out of sheer politeness that the OP hasn't taken you to task about it.

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