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I saw a ghost last night

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Is my mind playing tricks on me or is the title of this thread, 'I saw a ghost last night'?


Can't say I've ever read a thread that's made my head spin as much as this one. I've tried my best to follow but now I think I need some fresh air.

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Now most of you who are familiar with me will know that I am a total sceptic on the existance of ghosts.


That is why this interested me so much.


I woke up at 2am this morning and at the end of my bed I saw two girls. They were dressed in what appeared to be night gowns, one was about 18, the other about 13.


There outlines were as clear as day and I could make out some details. They were just stood there looking at me.


What interests me about this is I know there were no ghosts, I woke the dog up who made no suggestion whatsoever that anything was there with us, but I swear on my life they were there, my eyes definately saw them, my brain definately percieved them, for all intents and purposes there were two girls stood at the end of my bed.


Fortunately the fact that I am well versed in Buddhist meditation allowed me to analyize the situation to such a degree that I saw the process as it unfolded of the the way the light was playing, the fact that I didn't have my spectacles on which meant my vision wasn't its best, and my mind filling in the gaps.


There were definately no ghosts in my bedroom last night.


But to my eyes and my brain there were definately two girls stood at the end of my bed, I saw there outlines, I saw details to a degree that I saw there faces and what they were wearing.


Seeing these ghosts and analyzing the situation as it unfolded has convinced me beyond any doubt I may have had that ghosts don't exist.


I definately saw two ghosts last night.


Any thoughts?


I haven't a clue who you are ?.

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I'm confused!

You definitely saw a ghost but you know it definitely wasn't a ghost???

Sounds to me like you have a bad case of little girl ghost infestation......or have you?

My head hurts!


My mind interpreted it as a ghost, as real as an actual person in front of me (actually that's what it appeared to be, but conditioning in a society that believes in ghosts coupled with it being very unlikely that two girls would have got into my bedroom without disturbing me or the dog gave the impression of 'ghost' rather than 'stranger in my house'), so for all intents and purposes when I saw it it was nothing less than an actual 'ghost'.


At the same time as a part of my mind interpreted 'ghost' another part was analyzing events as they unfolded and 'knew' it wasn't a ghost. It was simultanious but both points of view were as real as the other.


Some people seem to get this very easily while others seem totally baffled by it.


There was no ghost but had I been a believer what I saw would have been accepted as a 'ghost'. I know many, many 'rational' people who swear that they have seen ghosts. After this experience my scepticism has been increased. For all intents and purposes I saw a ghost as real as the lap top in front of me. But it was a trick played by my mind. I have concluded then that in many cases what 'believers' witness as ghosts could be equally highly convincing 'illusions'.


Based on that in a very real sense I saw a ghost (considering I believe ghosts to be nothing more than mind playing elaborate and totally convincing tricks on us). I don't believe ghosts are spirits of the dead, so in that sense I didn't see a ghost, there were no spirits of the dead in my room that night.


I don't know how many more ways I can put it, if you don't 'get' it then we'll just have to leave it at that, if you do then I welcome thoughts both from sceptics and believers as to their opinion on the matter.

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Well what about an apology for me you told me to b****r off to Uzbekistan or Russia, just because I dared to disagree with you :(


I did not use that expression.


Ok, its what I meant at the time.


I am glad you didnt take my advice and I hope you are feeling better.

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Originally Posted by Bypassblade View Post

what is strange is the dog didn't react

Why is that strange? Palirich has already said that what he saw wasn't ghosts, would you expect a dog to react to nothing?


Originally Posted by Bypassblade View Post

yet they are supposed to be susceptible to these things.

Are they? Is there a reason to think that or is it just something that some people say, perpetuated by others accepting it and repeating it?


If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.


I should have said receptive, and read his post he said he did, then he didn't, then he did, no wonder the bloody dog was confused.

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In addition I have a good friend & her son has seen a man in his room regularly, for a 3 year old its frightening & her neighbours son has also seen him. Like animals children are "receptive" to these kind of things. There are unexplainable things out there, if you believe you do, if you don't that's your prerogative, but no need to castigate people that do believe.

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I should have said receptive, and read his post he said he did, then he didn't, then he did, no wonder the bloody dog was confused.

Okay then, Is there a reason to think that dogs are receptive to ghosts or is it just something that some people say, perpetuated by others accepting it and repeating it?

if you believe you do, if you don't that's your prerogative, but no need to castigate people that do believe.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not castigating anyone, I'm just asking a simple question.

Also, what makes you think the dog was confused?

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