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Help with JSA appeal?

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The Job Centre just as much admitted when I went that if I had children it would be easier for me to claim, what does that say about their so called system??.

Feeding multiple mouths more important than feeding but one.



The first thing the advisor asked me was if I had a child or children I asked why?? why?? does that matter?? I should be entitled anyway irregardless of if I came in here pushing a pram or had a child with me that really got my back up.


If you have children you entitled to child benefits. - You need to tell them this.


They failed to tell me I was entitled to claim Working Tax Credit the advisor was very rude to me so I complained about her.

HMRC deal with WTC - system is s complicated some JC+ workers aren't even claiming what they are entitled to!


I was sick to death of being treated like this by them, a bit after I stopped receiving benefit they sent me a letter saying that JSA was taxable and I had, had £723.00 in JSA and that they would be dedudcting it from me in tax if I should find a job between the next tax period.


Standard letter, saying that income is counted as taxable income for the ENTIRE YEAR for the purposes of tax collection - unemployment basically results in you getting a tax back cheque from HRMC down the line due to reduced pro-rata earnings..


Luckily I did not as I sent them another colourfully worded complaint letter, I recieved a pathetic excuse of a reply justifying this disgusting letter since when has JSA been taxable?? I was not the only one to receive a letter like this disgusting just disgusting another showing up for David Cameron and his fantastic Britain.


You don't pay tax on it because it's below the threshold. We do have a massive problem with EMTRs, but JSA income is below that and can only bring down your tax burden when averaged out.


I wanted to try and get on a training course recently to get back into work, so went to a local training provider who said I would need a JSA agreement to get the funding. While I was there I thought I would ask about signing on again, I was told I was not entitled to sign but I could have my NI paid, what good is that hen you are struggling to live?? I realise that it would help me when I am a pensioner if my NI is paid so I have no gaps but I stated that by the time my husband and I are pensioners with the way this country is headed there won`t be such a thing as state pension.


Pension system screwed, but might aswell get your stamp, your probably entitled to claim, ask for hardship payments for meanwhile.


They then said I would need to come down and sign on every two weeks despite them refusing to pay me any benefit, they go on about are you doing enough to find work and when you try they just put obstacles in your way to make i difficult. All I wanted was to get the JSA agreement and be able to get on the course and possibly to claim again yeah good luck with that. I sent a long letter of complaint to the manager at my local Job Centre stating all my grievances with them and the system, again receiving a half hearted pathetic letter of excuse about it being policy that you come down and sign on blah blah blah blah I yawn and switch off at this point, I have given up complaining to them they are a lost cause.
You have to play the game.


I did appeal against them saying I am not entitled to JSA, I had my appeal recently and the judge was awful I felt like she was judging me from the moment I went in and was not sympathetic to my situation despite me telling her all the problems I have had with the Job Centre, why I felt it was unfair that I had only been able to claim for 6 months in 2010 and the wayI had been treated was completely unacceptable. She said she could not change the decision made I then said well if you cannot change the decision made why are we here then having this tribunal??. She was awful and it upset me and made me feel even more angry so I sent another letter of complaint about the judge and aired my grievances, I received a letter back recently asking me to go into more detail about my complaint which made me feel angry as I told them my complaints on the first letter nevertheless I have sent it back and am awaiting a reply soon so I will keep you posted sorry for the long post but I have a lot to say about the Job Centre and Government. :)


To be honest you sound like a right pain in the arse. I suggest you try being nice to people, instead of wasting your time writing letters of complaint, be more courteous and patient and avoid arguments in the first place..


If they are pressing the button every fortnight to pay your dole, you want to be friendly to them.

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BEWARE JSA Claimants

Yep, at Cavendish Court there is a guy called Andy who deliberately doesn't submit enough information about your job seeking activities, or in my case tells you to apply for a jobs which require ESSENTIAL qualifications you don't have.


Just play the game.


Have you never applied for a job where you knew you'd be struggling to meet the criteria? Both Sheffield Universities (OK, one university and the other a polytechnic) insist on a degree for just about any job they advertise.


So just apply! You know you've got no chance, but if it keeps the JC morons at bay, you've fulfilled your part of the bargain.


Yet another bunch of box-tickers who, like bank workers (all of them), politicians, etc. etc. would sell their grannie for a fiver, as long as their line-manager gives them a pat on the head.

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Just play the game.


Have you never applied for a job where you knew you'd be struggling to meet the criteria? Both Sheffield Universities (OK, one university and the other a polytechnic) insist on a degree for just about any job they advertise.


So just apply! You know you've got no chance, but if it keeps the JC morons at bay, you've fulfilled your part of the bargain.


Yet another bunch of box-tickers who, like bank workers (all of them), politicians, etc. etc. would sell their grannie for a fiver, as long as their line-manager gives them a pat on the head.


Would it not be better to apply for jobs that they have a chance of getting, there are jobs advertised that require no qualification?

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This is the problem with the job centre.


The vast majority of the jobs advertised (the mythical 500,000 vacancies that IDS keeps going on about) are either part-time from 4 (!) to 16 hours a week which don't pay the bills.


Or they are for 'jobs' that are very vague which could end up being commission only sales jobs where you go door-to-door with no idea what you are going to earn (if anything).


Or the jobs are for people with specific skills - e.g. - HGV driver where you need a HGC license, Interpreter, etc.


Then there are all the other 'jobs' that are probably given to the Jobcentre by the agencies which probably don't even exist.


IF there were really the amount of real decent paying jobs out there where you could actually get on-the-job training and didn't need X number of qualifications/years of experience then the job centre wouldn't have to sanction many people at all.


The usual problem claimants always get around this though as they can play the system. The honest people who know theres no point in applying for these jobs get screwed unfortunately. :|

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My appeal for JSA was also dismissed not shocking really, the Government don`t like people who have something to say and stand up to them and point out their faults to their faces as there are many faults made by the Government on a daily basis that the tax payer constantly foots the bill for, thanks David Cameron and the fantastic Government not. :)


You make a point of saying "the taxpayer" so people who work for DWP & such don't pay tax, get real course they FLIPPING DO so they are also TAX PAYERS. You got sanctioned; it will be over now, & JSA will be back in payment.


So sorry you have to get off your arse, once a fortnight & sign on, oh & the pure impudence of them asking you to look for work. If you don't like the jobcentre simple, don't sign on, live without it, staff who work there DON'T MAKE THE RULES, but they are bound by them.

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Just play the game.


Have you never applied for a job where you knew you'd be struggling to meet the criteria? Both Sheffield Universities (OK, one university and the other a polytechnic) insist on a degree for just about any job they advertise.


So just apply! You know you've got no chance, but if it keeps the JC morons at bay, you've fulfilled your part of the bargain.


Yet another bunch of box-tickers who, like bank workers (all of them), politicians, etc. etc. would sell their grannie for a fiver, as long as their line-manager gives them a pat on the head.


I do from now on, eg I've just applied to become PM!

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