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Cinema, age restrictions.

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Just got back from the cinema. I went to see Prometheus, which is a 15 cert.


I went with my sister and brother, who are aged 18 and 14, respectively. I used my Orange Wednesday 241 code, so I had to pay at the Box Office. The guy behind the counter asked my brother how old he was, he told him the trouth and said 14 (hi is 15 in 3 weeks). He refused us entry.


I'm not blaming the chap at the Box Office, but I do think that the whole 15, age restriction is a bit of a joke. If I wasn't using my Orange Wednesday code, I would have booked online and we wouldn't have been asked how old my brother was. Or, (like we ended up doing at a different cinema) I could have gone up to the counter without my brother and baught 3 tickets.


Personally, I think the 15 cert should be removed, or changed to 15, unless accompanied by an adult.

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Won't happen.


The BBFC are Dinosaurs, have been for years.. I remember when Gremlins came out on VHS in 84, I was 8 at the time but snuck it out of the video shop on Langsett Road (opposite Morrisons, it's now a Sauna place), I wasn't scared at all, in fact it was more funny than scary.


And when the original Robocop came out on VHS in 89, I was 13, it was rated 18 due to the violence and swearing every other word, was I badly affected? Nope, I don't run round shooting people, I do swear sometimes but not in mixed company and definitely not in public.

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Age restrictions are essential. What used to be X-rated often now secures a 15 Certificate, a very worrying trend.

The BBFC is far too liberal, in my opinion, and not Dinosaurs.


Sorry, but I can't see this. I'll use the above example, Robocop. If a film were to be made with that much blood, violence and swearing today (which it wouldn't), it would still carry an 18 restriction.


The reason that we see far less 18 crets today is quite simply down to one thing.....money. Why restrict your audience when you can make more money with a lower age restriction?!

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Ha Ha! The first two people to support the BBFC are moderators!! Just saying.


I never said i supported the BBFC, i just don't support people complaining when they're caught out breaking the rules.

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Also: BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification (not 'Censorship'; it has no powers to censor).

See its website: http://www.bbfc.co.uk/ It says this:


Law Enforcement


In 1988, Trading Standards Officers were given the power to seize illegal video works. More recently this has included DVDs, Blu-rays and video games. The BBFC can provide evidence to help Local Authority Trading Standards Officers and the Police secure convictions under the terms of the Video Recordings Act (VRA) 1984.


Our service can provide evidence on seized media or on the title alone. Please refer to the relevant section for more information about submitting a case to us.


The BBFC will issue a Certificate of Evidence under the VRA 1984 or the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995. This evidence is admissible in court as ‘stand alone’ evidence and does not require anyone from the BBFC to attend as a witness.


The BBFC can also assist Local Authority Trading Standards Officers and the Police in cases of VRA non-compliance. Please refer to the VRA compliance failure section for more information.

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I went to the cinema this afternoon. To see dark shadows, it was a 12A.


There were children there which must have only been 6 or younger and I know they will not get the jokes but there were some scenes that I do not think are suitable for 6 year old children. I just think it is wrong that the parents took them to see it.

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