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Monarchism and IQ?

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After 4 days being stuck with an extended family I've concluded that increasing royalist sentiment seems to match decreasing IQ fairly well. The people interviewed on tv during the jubilee seem to fit well with this theory.

My family members most excited by the jubilee were also the least bright ones.


As people age their IQ drops significantly and royalist tendancies seem to increase.

Wondering if anyone else had made similar observations or had a plausible explanation for this trend.

Or even possible examples of people you consider to be intelligent going against this trend in my observations.


Genuinely interested in hearing opposing views/observations.

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Doesn't your proposition fall at the first hurdle? I'm presuming you're claiming to be a republican? And I'm not noticing anything in your contributions that leads me to think that you're particularly bright.


The increasing age question could be that older people have seen it all before, and are in a better position to make a reasoned choice? With age comes experience.


When I was a teenager, I thought my father was a fool, who knew nothing about anything. By the time I reached my 20s I was amazed by how much he'd learned.

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Me thinks Ruby is losing it, judging it by the Royalist tendencies she must be have dropped an IQ point for each year of QE2's reign (the monarch not the inflationary money printing instituted by the BoE) :hihi:

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Me thinks Ruby is losing it, judging it by the Royalist tendencies she must be have dropped an IQ point for each year of QE2's reign (the monarch not the inflationary money printing instituted by the BoE) :hihi:
lol, Tommo, come on ... even if I had, which I strongly dispute, I'd still have a higher IQ than many on here. And if it came to a contest, you know what would happen ;)
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Doesn't your proposition fall at the first hurdle? I'm presuming you're claiming to be a republican? And I'm not noticing anything in your contributions that leads me to think that you're particularly bright.


The increasing age question could be that older people have seen it all before, and are in a better position to make a reasoned choice? With age comes experience.


When I was a teenager, I thought my father was a fool, who knew nothing about anything. By the time I reached my 20s I was amazed by how much he'd learned.


Reading between the lines (of personal insults and presumptions) you're saying with age comes wisdom? Therefore, when I am as old as my grandma I too will be a royalist?

As I feel nothing but apathy towards the royal family or removing them I wouldn't consider myself a republican. I do think the monarchy flies in the face of equality though and I would prefer if everyone was equal.

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lol, Tommo, come on ... even if I had, which I strongly dispute, I'd still have a higher IQ than many on here. And if it came to a contest, you know what would happen ;)


Fair do's, haven't seen you on here in a while so I fancied a cheeky dig :P:D

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I do think the monarchy flies in the face of equality though and I would prefer if everyone was equal.


But we aren't, and never have been. Nobody is created equally, and nobody gets exactly the same chances as everyone else. It's a fact of life that some people get better opportunities than others and no amount of moaning about equality will change that. For a start, people want the best for themselves and their families.

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lol, Tommo, come on ... even if I had, which I strongly dispute, I'd still have a higher IQ than many on here. And if it came to a contest, you know what would happen ;)


I seem to remember you as a republican at one time?

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She shoots, she scores!


As I'm not a republican or a monarchist I don't see the relevance of your post or ruby's.

My iq has not been tested in many years and I'm sure it will be far lower than it once was. I'm also less anti-establishment than I used to be.

I was asking for opinions on the topic of the thread not a critique of my posts to date.

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