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Monarchism and IQ?

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Reading between the lines (of personal insults and presumptions) you're saying with age comes wisdom? Therefore, when I am as old as my grandma I too will be a royalist?

As I feel nothing but apathy towards the royal family or removing them I wouldn't consider myself a republican. I do think the monarchy flies in the face of equality though and I would prefer if everyone was equal.

So there were no insults and presumptions in your OP? Look again! :)


I'm not a royalist, nor a republican, I just can't see what the benefit of not having the monarchy would be. Be honest, would we have been having any fun and days off at all last weekend, if we hadn't had the Queen? We certainly wouldn't have been celebrating 20 years of Blair as PM, for example, and thereby raising the profile of UK all over the world.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" It's always been true and always will be, unless you envisage us living in the nightmare world of Harrison Bergeron?

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As I'm not a republican or a monarchist I don't see the relevance of your post or ruby's.

My iq has not been tested in many years and I'm sure it will be far lower than it once was. I'm also less anti-establishment than I used to be.

I was asking for opinions on the topic of the thread not a critique of my posts to date.


Fair play, but your OP does not look at the multiplicity of reasons people may support our current system, it just suggests old people go la la and then get all misty eyed about the Queen.


The monarchy makes money, it attracts tourists - does the German President get anyone waving flags at him? No, because nobody knows who the German President is without googling.


I'm a monarchist for both pragmatic reasons as outlined above and because I have a huge amount of respect for the dedication the Queen has put into her job from day one. Come Charles i'll be focusing on the pragmatism and seeing if that still works.


That view doesn't make me a drooling idiot.

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In this day and age the Royal family is absurd, in the sense that a wealthy family can basicaly think of itself as better than anyone else.

On the other hand they have been born into their situation and therefore cannot help it. They have to make the best of it just like anyone else born outside of it. They are trapped in an Ivory tower. I personally would not wish to change places with any of them.

With regards to my own IQ, I tend to let my favourite brain cell do most of the work; the one I can trust; whilst the rest just look on.

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Reading between the lines (of personal insults and presumptions) you're saying with age comes wisdom? Therefore, when I am as old as my grandma I too will be a royalist?

As I feel nothing but apathy towards the royal family or removing them I wouldn't consider myself a republican. I do think the monarchy flies in the face of equality though and I would prefer if everyone was equal.


I dont know your age, but if the old saying "if you are not a socialist by the time you are 20 there is something wrong with you and if you are still a socialist by the time you are 30 there is definitely something wrong with you" can be transferred to your opinion on the monarchy then yes, your opinion will change.


Mine did, I saw the financial benefit and I saw the problems caused by elected Presidents elsewhere.

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I dont know your age, but if the old saying "if you are not a socialist by the time you are 20 there is something wrong with you and if you are still a socialist by the time you are 30 there is definitely something wrong with you" can be transferred to your opinion on the monarchy then yes, your opinion will change.


Mine did, I saw the financial benefit and I saw the problems caused by elected Presidents elsewhere.


Moot point. I'm not suggesting replacing them with anything.


For me it's increased apathy to things I cannot change which has tempered my socialism. But love of the monarchy is a different issue. What I'm asking is could it be possible that a lower IQ would predispose someone toward monarchism.

I also note the fact that all the people who I personally consider intellectuals or great thinkers happen to be republicans. Whether I agree with them or not.


I also do not buy the arguments of "they're value for money" "they generate income" or "she works really hard for our country".


It's £60million that could be better spent elsewhere while they live off their own massive wealth.

How many tourists actually get to see the royal family and not just the palaces?

And anyone who believes that the queen has worked hard or even at all in the past 60 years obviously doesn't know what work is and hasn't had the displeasure of knowing hard work personally.

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And anyone who believes that the queen has worked hard or even at all in the past 60 years obviously doesn't know what work is and hasn't had the displeasure of knowing hard work personally.
Didn't they say she was a motor mechanic in the forces during the war? And anyone who believes that having to get dressed everyday and meet the PM, and trot about all over the country/world trying to find something to say to a load of randoms and remember what they all do isn't hard work, has obviously never had to do it. :D


And she's carried and born four kids, which is harder work than any of us men will ever know about. I think all this whinging about the royals is sour grapes because it's something you have to be born into. I often wished my dad owned Chatsworth when I was a kid, but seeing what a responsibility it is and how much planning and work goes into it, every single day, I'm glad he didn't. Most people don't know what hard work is either these days. Most people push paper about or answer phones. I bet the Queen's planted more trees than most of us have ever done. It's a specious argument against the monarchy. You'll have to do better than that.


And I do think that people begin to appreciate the monarchy as they get older, because they see that it works as a check and balance to power hungry politicians. I don't think it has anything to do with high IQ or lack of it.

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And anyone who believes that having to get dressed everyday and meet the PM, and trot about all over the country/world trying to find something to say to a load of randoms and remember what they all do


Couldn't tell if this post was facetious or not.

Sounds intolerable. I always wondered how she filled her day.

Getting dressed every day. Why that alone is worth £60million pounds.

Trotting about? On foot? Never. Or are you suggesting the queen has trotters?

I believe she has a team of advisors who tell her who everyone is and probably what to say too.



And she's carried and born four kids, which is harder work than any of us men will ever know about.


Again she has a team of servants to do everything for her. Even wet nurses.


I often wished my dad owned Chatsworth when I was a kid, but seeing what a responsibility it is and how much planning and work goes into it, every single day, I'm glad he didn't.


The role of duke in Chatsworth house was so much hard work that the previous duke spent 360 days a year at his London pad instead.

Hundreds of employees, advisors and managers run Chatsworth. Not the cavendishs.


I bet the Queen's planted more trees than most of us have ever done.


If being handed a trowel full of earth and sprinkling it around a tree counts as actually planting a tree then fair enough you have a point.


And I do think that people begin to appreciate the monarchy as they get older, because they see that it works as a check and balance to power hungry politicians.


So you believe the queen has some kind of behind the scenes power in parliament? And you're comforted by this fact?


I don't think it has anything to do with high IQ or lack of it.


Finally a part that's relevant to the thread. Why though? And what have you observed to make you believe this?

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