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Monarchism and IQ?

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Have you never met others who are monarchists? Do you not know any monarchists personally?


That question was the title and question of this thread.


It's obviously way past your bedtime young 'un, you're getting crankie, I'm off to get my Horlicks, they say it's good for the brain ;):wave:

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It's obviously way past your bedtime young 'un, you're getting crankie, I'm off to get my Horlicks, they say it's good for the brain ;):wave:


Not at all. I'd just like your opinion on the question.


Ps. Horlicks is it? My grandma swears by her ovaltine.


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After 4 days being stuck with an extended family I've concluded that increasing royalist sentiment seems to match decreasing IQ fairly well. The people interviewed on tv during the jubilee seem to fit well with this theory.

My family members most excited by the jubilee were also the least bright ones.


As people age their IQ drops significantly and royalist tendancies seem to increase.

Wondering if anyone else had made similar observations or had a plausible explanation for this trend.

Or even possible examples of people you consider to be intelligent going against this trend in my observations.


Genuinely interested in hearing opposing views/observations.


Have you thought of euthanasia as a good holiday :clap:

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And anyone who believes that the queen has worked hard or even at all in the past 60 years obviously doesn't know what work is and hasn't had the displeasure of knowing hard work personally.


You obviously have a very limited concept of work - it's not just going dahn pit you know! Queenie et al are basically one giant diplomatic and PR bundle for the UK and for the money they cost I think they are very good value. As to not working hard - find me any single 80 year old woman who puts in as many hours and works as hard as the Queen. That's not even venturing into the work they all do for the charity sector and the comedy value we get from Prince Philip who's worth his weight in comedy gold!

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Moot point. I'm not suggesting replacing them with anything.


For me it's increased apathy to things I cannot change which has tempered my socialism. But love of the monarchy is a different issue. What I'm asking is could it be possible that a lower IQ would predispose someone toward monarchism.

I also note the fact that all the people who I personally consider intellectuals or great thinkers happen to be republicans. Whether I agree with them or not.


I also do not buy the arguments of "they're value for money" "they generate income" or "she works really hard for our country".


It's £60million that could be better spent elsewhere while they live off their own massive wealth.

How many tourists actually get to see the royal family and not just the palaces?

And anyone who believes that the queen has worked hard or even at all in the past 60 years obviously doesn't know what work is and hasn't had the displeasure of knowing hard work personally.


The points you raise are interesting, re the IQ issue, I concede that as we get older we get sentimental and it may be that we view the Queen as a person who has, in a way, been with us through our lives, and, as we ourselves grow older we see in her a reflection of our experiences, for instance my sister was born about the same time as Prince Charles, my father died on the same day that Charles married Diana, I am not saying that these Royal happenings were in the forefront of my thoughts but they are there, almost as a background.


I do argue with you that they are value for money, the relationship the royals have with the royal families in the mid east is valuable long lasting and ongoing. The Queens stature in the Commonwealth does us a great deal of good trade wise.


When she was made Queen at the age of 26 she undertook to do her job, to serve and to represent this country, I dont think she has put a foot wrong. Despite the Thatchers, Blairs etc, our standing in the world is strong I think she has to have at least some of the credit for that.


Regarding the intellectuals, if we relied on them for our prosperity we would by now, have starved to death. I note that both the Hitchens brothers were broadly supportive of the monarchy. Germaine Greer knocks anything English. Clive james is critical but, again as he has grown older, quite supportive.

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The points you raise are interesting, re the IQ issue, I concede that as we get older we get sentimental and it may be that we view the Queen as a person who has, in a way, been with us through our lives, and, as we ourselves grow older we see in her a reflection of our experiences, for instance my sister was born about the same time as Prince Charles, my father died on the same day that Charles married Diana, I am not saying that these Royal happenings were in the forefront of my thoughts but they are there, almost as a background.


I do argue with you that they are value for money, the relationship the royals have with the royal families in the mid east is valuable long lasting and ongoing. The Queens stature in the Commonwealth does us a great deal of good trade wise.


When she was made Queen at the age of 26 she undertook to do her job, to serve and to represent this country, I dont think she has put a foot wrong. Despite the Thatchers, Blairs etc, our standing in the world is strong I think she has to have at least some of the credit for that.


Regarding the intellectuals, if we relied on them for our prosperity we would by now, have starved to death. I note that both the Hitchens brothers were broadly supportive of the monarchy. Germaine Greer knocks anything English. Clive james is critical but, again as he has grown older, quite supportive.


Although in principle I am anti-monarchy, rather than anti-Queen Liz per se, I agree with you here. All these events are landmarks on the map of our lives and most of us can remember when, where, what we were doing on all of these occasions.


I cannot help but respect her, given her tireless duty to an utterly tedious role, and her fortitude at her age. However, I do not nor will I, revere her, purely on the basis of her bloodline.

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After 4 days being stuck with an extended family I've concluded that increasing royalist sentiment seems to match decreasing IQ fairly well. The people interviewed on tv during the jubilee seem to fit well with this theory.

My family members most excited by the jubilee were also the least bright ones.


As people age their IQ drops significantly and royalist tendancies seem to increase.

Wondering if anyone else had made similar observations or had a plausible explanation for this trend.

Or even possible examples of people you consider to be intelligent going against this trend in my observations.


Genuinely interested in hearing opposing views/observations.


It just all made me wanna puke, this is the only comment I've made about the whole thing.

My six year old was quite excited about the party side of things, the mother inlaw went to London to see it (she's bonkers) my wife watched some on tv but then, she also watches TOWIE.


Draw your own conclusions.

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After 4 days being stuck with an extended family I've concluded that increasing royalist sentiment seems to match decreasing IQ fairly well. The people interviewed on tv during the jubilee seem to fit well with this theory.

My family members most excited by the jubilee were also the least bright ones.


As people age their IQ drops significantly and royalist tendancies seem to increase.

Wondering if anyone else had made similar observations or had a plausible explanation for this trend.

Or even possible examples of people you consider to be intelligent going against this trend in my observations.


Genuinely interested in hearing opposing views/observations.



Since the monarchy has been around for centuries what you're in effect suggesting is that British people have traditionally low IQs because the monarchy has always been popular. That's an absurd argument and senseless logic.

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Reading between the lines (of personal insults and presumptions) you're saying with age comes wisdom? Therefore, when I am as old as my grandma I too will be a royalist?

As I feel nothing but apathy towards the royal family or removing them I wouldn't consider myself a republican. I do think the monarchy flies in the face of equality though and I would prefer if everyone was equal.

You proclaim your own intelligence and then go on to wish for universal equality.

A redeeming feature of your post is the last line where you do at least acknowledge that universal equality doesn't exist.

Equality is an abstract mathematical concept, all humans are different and therefore by definition unequal.

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