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Monarchism and IQ?

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Could you argue that by having a low IQ you are more likely to go with public (majority) opinion as a means of avoiding it's complexity and showing ignorance?



Q. Do you believe in evolution?

A. Yes

Q. Why?

A. Because mostly everyone I know does (and I get to wave a flag)


Those with enquiring minds are more likely to question the status quo and received wisdom. This applies to everything.

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The reason the Monarchy contiues to exist is because it pleases the people to keep it. It doesn't exist against the will of the people (the majority that is) because if it did the Monarchy would have disappeared a long time ago.


It's obvious that the Royal Family are still very popular. It's easy to like the Royal Family and easy to despise and dislike politicians who are after all, unlike the Royals responsible for all the mistakes that land us in the mess we end up in.


I'd suggest that apathy is the major factor in maintaing the status quo.

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Those with enquiring minds are more likely to question the status quo and received wisdom. This applies to everything.


It's why I used "evolution" as an example. Didn't want to upset the monarchists.



Had to get the "flag" thing in though. :hihi:

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I'd suggest that apathy is the major factor in maintaing the status quo.


Or a chronic uncertainty and unease about the ramifications involved in changing from a Monarchy to that of a Republic.


Doing away with the Royals would only satisfy a minority of people who resent inherited wealth and power (if the Monarchy has anything that could be called power these days).

The money saved by eliminating all the reciepients on the Civil List wouldn't put a dent the size of a golf ball in the national debt.


Personally I'd hate to see all the tradition, pomp and ceremony disapppear.

The country would be a far sadder and duller place without it

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Teddybare ..Bless you ...I don't really care about justifying my opinion to you ....or anyone else to be honest, <sweetsmile> :)


As you seem to have misunderstood what I was trying to say, I will repeat it.

So far you haven't given an opinion on the question. I agreed with your assessment of smart people without educations.

I'm not asking you to justify anything, especially your opinion as so far you have not given it.

If opinions and discussion is not the point of a forum then what is?

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Could you argue that by having a low IQ you are more likely to go with public (majority) opinion as a means of avoiding it's complexity and showing ignorance?



Q. Do you believe in evolution?

A. Yes

Q. Why?

A. Because mostly everyone I know does (and I get to wave a flag)


You can argue whatever you like, the trick is to argue it successfully.


population IQ has a Normal or Gaussian distribution (bell curve) The average IQ is also the Median and Modal IQ the proportion of the population with higher and lower IQ's relative to th mean drops off. Most of the population lies within 2 standard deviations of the mean (70 - 130) and all but the brightest and the intellectually challenged lie within 3 standard deviations. (55 - 145) .



You undermine your own position by arguing that those with low IQ follow majority position The majority are statistically likely to come from the centre of the distribution by definition they are of average intelligence. Those of low intelligence , if they do support the majority , would merely be providing a relatively small increment. Your ignorance of the distribution of IQ has lead you down the wrong track.

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