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Should planners be lined up against a wall and shot..

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Agree. So long as we start with our own.


That plank on last night's programme was never going to accept any blame.


Regarding Sheffield, it's been said for years:


Whatever the German Luftwaffe couldn't destroy, our council could - and did.


Sadly, they've learned nothing since. Look how fast the 'answers' to our city's problems have been and gone: Civic Circle and pedestrian underpasses; Town Hall Extension; 'Streets in the Sky' and so on. The planners pedestrianised The Moor. That spelled the end to the Moor's days as a vibrant shopping area.


And not a word of apology for their endless blunders which have cost the tax payers of this city fortunes.

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See my siggie ... says it all about the methods of the times. You only have to look at the areas that were left to see that gentrification was the answer, rather than splitting up settled and long established communities. I speak of Sheffield, as all I know of Deptford was the programme last night which prompted me to post the quote. But it could equally well have been Sheffielders talking. I blame a lot of the social unrest we have today on this outmoded policy.


The complete quote "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis

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Regarding Sheffield, it's been said for years:


Whatever the German Luftwaffe couldn't destroy, our council could - and did.



And not a word of apology for their endless blunders which have cost the tax payers of this city fortunes.



That's not strictly true. The council have managed to retain some of the ugliest, most pointless and redundant buildings in the city. Look how much they've chucked at the Park Hill flats. Then there's Castle Market. Pulling that down would make too many losers homeless. Then there's all the "heritage" areas and "conservation" areas. The city is full of old, crumbling former workshops in so called "heritage" areas. Without those artificially created areas to police the planners would have nothing to do. Let's face it planners can really milk the system by inventing their own rules to keep themselves in work and sod the people.

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It all comes down to the land. And land monopoly.


What has recently gone on in Sheffield beggars belief. 1000s upon 1000s of homes knocked down to 'increase property values'. (Leaving many homeless, and in overcrowded conditions, forcing poor people into the private sector and driving the hosuing benefit bill up massively!)

Others have been straight up privatised. In the case of parkhill we have spent £30 million + of public money to evict a 1000 Sheffield families from social housing, at a time when the social housing waiting list has never been greater.

To buy a bedsit at parkhill? £90k, You need a £30k salary, more than 50% higher than the Sheffield average salary! This slum accommodation of yesteryear is now unaffordable for the rich, let alone the poor. It is not a laughing matter.


The irony being, property works differently in cases of supply and demand.


So whilst prices were forced up in the short term as houses were demolished, Sheffield soon became a horrible place to live. As a born and bred Sheffielder I despair for the city.


Money forced into higher rent at the expense of Sheffielders, boosting the income of foreign B2L scum investors (be they Londonites with too much money from the financial district, or parasitic Sheffield elders who in turn use their rent extracting methods of income generation to fund foreign holidays). Sucking the lifeblood out of the city, destroying the local economy to such a degree, that people want to move out, that businesses close.


Sheffielders themselves are guilty of letting this happen, we should have fought back. We should have demolished councillor's houses brick by brick in protest to stop the demolitions of the peoples' housing.


Communities have been destroyed. Child rearing has been forced to be postponed, we deny our youth from breeding. Jobs have been lost, the economy has suffered, and for what? So that we could destroy our own housing standards.


We should be crying for the North Koreans to liberate us, it is a shame we won the war, as many say, the luftwaffe did less damage when bombing us, than our own elected officials have done.


Housing estates of yesteryear are now derelict land, if your lucky you can find some blackberries to pick on them, where once there was human civilisation.

We have homeless builders, hungry chefs, unemployed men on allotment waiting lists.


Should our planners be shot? Yes, and their bones should be crushed up and used to construct a monument to housing policy stupidity, with a large plaque commemorating their executions, so that citizens of Sheffield never forget the mistakes made in the past.

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Ethnic Cleansing? Leaving aside the Toynbee-esque frothing Hyperbole, I presume you are unaware that planners only implement decisions based on national and local policy and don't just decide things on a whim? For big and controversial decisions blame politicians and councillors, not those who merely implement what the Ivory Towers decree.


What about the children whom haven't been born?


Back in the day, you could get a house a job and raise a family.


Now, our youth live in tenement housing paying extortionate rents and put off child rearing due to it being unaffordable what with the burden of extortionate housing costs.


We have denied our children and grandchildren an existence in the first place.

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So the campiagn against archaic laws involves bringing back public execution.


Only for politicians and planners who introduce policies that result in ethnic, social or cultural cleansing and architectural vandalism. Turning this country into just another 'could be anywhere place' is completely unacceptable as far as I'm concerned!

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