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Whats the going rate for a monetary gift for a wedding?

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P.s. I've asked for money towards honeymoon at my wedding (which just so happens to be this weekend.) I will be grateful for anything we receive and won't be upset if someone decides not to bother.


Life's too short...Some say marriage is too long.....

Our friends had large jars and put it near the bars with a message attached to them saying:

'Instead of getting us a drink as a congratulations for today, please put the money in the jar to be used towards our honeymoon'


People put enough for them to go away on a Mediterranean cruise for two weeks and we still bought them drinks.


I think its a GREAT idea. When our parents and grandparents got married, most of them were JUST starting their lives together so needed physical gifts of toasters, china, etc, now we dont. I see nothing wrong with asking (but not assuming) for money as a present.

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We get married later in the year and aside from a very limited gift list (we live in a small house and already have all the household goods we need so have neither any need nor any space for extraneous waffle toasters or gravy boats) are requesting cash. Anything form a card + £0 upwards is acceptable. The cost of the wedding do is, I think, irrelevant.


I personally have given anything from to £10 to £100 depending upon my relationship to the bride and groom and my particular cash flow at the time.





If you do not need any material goods - and the cost of the wedding is irrelevant why are you asking people for money?


(glad to see just a card would be acceptable for you).

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...............it seems to be the norm these days to ask for money towards something, a new kitchen(!) a posh honeymoon. I don't feel comforable with this, being 'old school'!! Whatever, I hope the bride and groom send a handwritten thank you message to all who donate money or buy gifts. Now people who don't do that really wind me up. It is not acceptable for a third party to say 'our Mary says thank you' bad manners in the extreme.

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What would you spend if buying a gift? I'd give the equivalent money. I don't think you should try to take into accout the cost of the wedding- if the bride and groom weren't happy to spend that money, they wouldn't have invited you.


I really don't have a problem with giving money instead of a gift- I'd rather the couple be able to put money towards something useful/ memorable than give a gift they didn't want or use.

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If you do not need any material goods - and the cost of the wedding is irrelevant why are you asking people for money?


(glad to see just a card would be acceptable for you).


If someone would like to buy us a gift I would rather they didn't waste their money on something we don't want. I am sure they would also rather not waste their money on unwanted gifts. Solution, ask for money from those who want to give a gift. We can then spend the money on something which is wanted and will be much appreciated.

We will probably spend any money we get on our honeymoon, or a better honeymoon.


And (not at you but certain others on this thread) Why shouldn't we? Why would anyone invited to a wedding who would normally buy a gift be offended by making a small contribution towards a nice honeymoon for the couple? Or towards the deposit for a house? Or buy things for the house you actually want?



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If you do not need any material goods - and the cost of the wedding is irrelevant why are you asking people for money?


(glad to see just a card would be acceptable for you).


Saying, if you wish to give a gift please make it cash, is not the same as asking for money.

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