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What is david icke saying in a nutshell

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I think the lizard stuff is just a publicity stunt to get you to listen to the real agenda. Michael Ruppert is more up my alley.


I think the media have leapt on the crazier stuff and reported it in such a way as to make it seem crazier still, just to discredit him, so that the genuine truths he tries to put before the public are tainted with the same brand of 'David Icke nuttiness.'

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We are all supposedly controlled by a world wide secret society with an agenda that none of us are privvy to which would need thousands (if not millions) of people to implement it successfully and yet a few privelaged few like Mr Icke and the like have seen through the smoke screen?


Of course the few control the many, it's the way it's always been and probably always will be, but to extend that into this secret ruling world wide subconcious control society is ludicrous.


They are that good that they have controlled us all for years yet one or two people happen to know all the inside information on them?


Bum, my sceptism must be down to my having been brainwashed.

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We are all supposedly controlled by a world wide secret society with an agenda that none of us are privvy to which would need thousands (if not millions) of people to implement it successfully and yet a few privelaged few like Mr Icke and the like have seen through the smoke screen?


Of course the few control the many, it's the way it's always been and probably always will be, but to extend that into this secret ruling world wide subconcious control society is ludicrous.


They are that good that they have controlled us all for years yet one or two people happen to know all the inside information on them?


Bum, my sceptism must be down to my having been brainwashed.


I also started out totally sceptical about this sort of thing, but now I'm beginning to wonder. You only have to look at the Masons, which, let's face it, no one would believe if it wasn't already a well known fact, (and only the tip of the iceberg is actually visible.)

Think about it; men dressing up in funny clothes, taking part in bazarre rituals, invoking strange influences. who'd have thought it.

Then there's Hitler's well documented but very strange affiliation with satanic rights and rituals etc.

There are some undeniably wierd people in charge...

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I also started out totally sceptical about this sort of thing, but now I'm beginning to wonder. You only have to look at the Masons, which, let's face it, no one would believe if it wasn't already a well known fact, (and only the tip of the iceberg is actually visible.)

Think about it, men dressing up in funny clothes, taking part in bazarre rituals,


What's a well known fact? That a 400 year old organisation got rich and then established itself as a powerful organisation. It's hardly worth writing home about is it?


This is exactly what I'm talking about, you're saying 'it' (whatever 'it' is) is a well known fact and yet we're supposed to be subverively controlled by it.


If it's a well known fact it's not very successful as a secret society is it?


I looked into these things as a teenager (as many teenagers do), it didn't take long to figure out it was a minority of attention seekers finding links where there were none and I left it at that.


As far as men dressing in funny clothes taking part in bizarre rituals, that could apply to 90% of sports.

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Is David Icke still hanging around ?:huh:

He never went away.Talks to sold out arenas and halls worldwide.Even if he is a conspiracy theorist he has certainly made his money from it.


I remember when he was vilified in the media in the early days.He did a show where everybody heckled him and laughed.He said "you all think i`m mental don`t you.Well you have all paid money to come and laugh at a mental person,what does that make the lot of you".They all went quiet i think.There is a clip somewhere of it.Made me laugh.

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He never went away.Talks to sold out arenas and halls worldwide.Even if he is a conspiracy theorist he has certainly made his money from it.


I remember when he was vilified in the media in the early days.He did a show where everybody heckled him and laughed.He said "you all think i`m mental don`t you.Well you have all paid money to come and laugh at a mental person,what does that make the lot of you".They all went quiet i think.There is a clip somewhere of it.Made me laugh.


Not so daft after all then is he ?:hihi:

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He never went away.Talks to sold out arenas and halls worldwide.Even if he is a conspiracy theorist he has certainly made his money from it.



He spotted a niche market - the gullible and / or mentally "challlenged".


Of course the Earth is hollow, the royal family are reptilians etc etc :hihi::hihi:

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That's no revelation though is it, that's the way it's always been and most people are aware of it.


And the trick is to have a good life whilst being screwed by the few (rich) and not waste it on resentment and jealousy.:)

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