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What is david icke saying in a nutshell

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Only if he believes that which he preaches. I have my doubts that he does.





He's laughing all the way to the bank! I note thate the cheapest Wembley tickets are £35. If he isn't doing it for himself, then why doesn't he just charge a fee to cover his costs.


I think that what he is doing is quite dangerous, there is somebody on here who has expressed admiration for him before. He seems to think that he is some kind of financial guru, making all sorts of doom laden predictions he has heard others make then passing them off as his own!

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He's laughing all the way to the bank! I note thate the cheapest Wembley tickets are £35. If he isn't doing it for himself, then why doesn't he just charge a fee to cover his costs.


I think that what he is doing is quite dangerous, there is somebody on here who has expressed admiration for him before. He seems to think that he is some kind of financial guru, making all sorts of doom laden predictions he has heard others make then passing them off as his own!


Not to mention his stance against vaccinations, in particular MMR, and Big Pharma. People can die as a result of believing the crap that comes out of his mouth.



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I think the gist of what he's saying, is that those who are in positions of power and influence within human society; are pulling strings and being manipulative, so as to retain and grow their own power (and that of their cronies), even though doing so creates more lack and poverty for the rest of humanity.


I think it's a pretty fair assessment of human nature. People are clannish, and work together for the benefit of themselves, and their clans; to the detriment of others.

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I think the gist of what he's saying, is that those who are in positions of power and influence within human society; are pulling strings and being manipulative, so as to retain and grow their own power (and that of their cronies), even though doing so creates more lack and poverty for the rest of humanity.


I think it's a pretty fair assessment of human nature. People are clannish, and work together for the benefit of themselves, and their clans; to the detriment of others.


It's nothing new though,it's always been thus...

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It's nothing new though,it's always been thus...


Another aspect of it all, of course, is that the established clans, those in power; do not want transparency, they do not want the masses to comprehend the ways in which they are being deceived and manipulated.


If the masses were to realise such, AND, to act in a concerted way; it could threaten the established order of things.


I don't know all that much about David, but it seems he makes a career out of attempting to expose the power elite. Naturally, they'll want to discredit him (or anyone else who seeks to expose their machinations).


Then again, perhaps he is engaging in his own machinations, creating his own cult, for personal profit.


I really don't know, or care for that matter!

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