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What is david icke saying in a nutshell

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What's a well known fact? That a 400 year old organisation got rich and then established itself as a powerful organisation. It's hardly worth writing home about is it?


This is exactly what I'm talking about, you're saying 'it' (whatever 'it' is) is a well known fact and yet we're supposed to be subverively controlled by it.


If it's a well known fact it's not very successful as a secret society is it?


I looked into these things as a teenager (as many teenagers do), it didn't take long to figure out it was a minority of attention seekers finding links where there were none and I left it at that.


As far as men dressing in funny clothes taking part in bizarre rituals, that could apply to 90% of sports.


I'm saying that the Masons are a well known 'secret society.' We know they exist but we don't really know who belongs to them amongst the upper echelons, or just what power/influence they really have. I'm not talking about Uncle George going down to a meeting at his local lodge, but people at the top of the tree.


I also find it rather spooky if it wasn't so funny that grown men at the top of their professions should want to go in for breast baring rituals, knives and trouser leg rolling. Doesn't that strike you as just a little bit odd?


And don't get me started on Bohemian Grove and the cremation of care ceremony. What's wrong with these people?


As Donald Rumsfeld so accurately put it...


"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."

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seen david icke on you tube under many titles, is he saying the goverments plan the economic downfalls for their gain, what is he on about, i dont think he believes in 2012 doomsday , but seems to say that the goverments etc know whats going to happen in the world for their benefit...........:huh:


I presume there was no pun intended by the word "nutshell" in your OP

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I'm saying that the Masons are a well known 'secret society.' We know they exist but we don't really know who belongs to them amongst the upper echelons, or just what power/influence they really have. I'm not talking about Uncle George going down to a meeting at his local lodge, but people at the top of the tree.


I also find it rather spooky if it wasn't so funny that grown men at the top of their professions should want to go in for breast baring rituals, knives and trouser leg rolling. Doesn't that strike you as just a little bit odd?


And don't get me started on Bohemian Grove and the cremation of care ceremony. What's wrong with these people?


As Donald Rumsfeld so accurately put it...


"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."


Here's a couple





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Another aspect of it all, of course, is that the established clans, those in power; do not want transparency, they do not want the masses to comprehend the ways in which they are being deceived and manipulated.


If the masses were to realise such, AND, to act in a concerted way; it could threaten the established order of things.


I don't know all that much about David, but it seems he makes a career out of attempting to expose the power elite. Naturally, they'll want to discredit him (or anyone else who seeks to expose their machinations).


Then again, perhaps he is engaging in his own machinations, creating his own cult, for personal profit.


I really don't know, or care for that matter!


good post:)

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I'm saying that the Masons are a well known 'secret society.' We know they exist but we don't really know who belongs to them amongst the upper echelons, or just what power/influence they really have. I'm not talking about Uncle George going down to a meeting at his local lodge, but people at the top of the tree.


I also find it rather spooky if it wasn't so funny that grown men at the top of their professions should want to go in for breast baring rituals, knives and trouser leg rolling. Doesn't that strike you as just a little bit odd?

And don't get me started on Bohemian Grove and the cremation of care ceremony. What's wrong with these people?


As Donald Rumsfeld so accurately put it...


"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."


My point is this, many organisations have high up members that mix with the leaders/influence members of the government in ways in which we'll probably never know (and yes I do find those rituals a bit odd).


However, and this is the crux of what I'm saying, none of these things mean that they are part of a secret world wide organisation controlling us for one huge shady purpose. From what I can tell re reading this thread those in favour of such a huge conspiresy theory seem to be basing their opinion on the many being controlled by the few and big organisations having influence on the decision makers.


No one has questioned those two assumptions, they are pretty much taken as read and that has been the case pretty much since society began.


What I am saying is that it is a huge step to go from accepting that to saying there is a world wide organisation that is completely secret (apart from to the likes of David Icke who has somehow managed to infiltrate this organisation and seems to know its entire agenda) who are controlling every aspect of our lives for their own ends.


Even if we accept that (which is unlikely in my book) we also have to take into account ideas like the Royal family are really huge reptiles etc etc, which are just plain silly.


I maintain and unless I'm given actual evidence probably always will that the biggest flaw in the argument is that we have an organisation that contains (it would have to, to maintain its influence) millions of members that secretly controls our planet without 'average Jo' knowing anything about it because that control is so subtle yet a chosen few have totally seen through it and aren't buying the lies.


To paraphrase Monty Python, 'It is a silly idea'.

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hes been saying this stuff for years i remember seeing him at the leadmill donks ago, to be fair most of the things hes said back then have transpired, but then again most of us could have predicted it too with educated guessing

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My point is this, many organisations have high up members that mix with the leaders/influence members of the government in ways in which we'll probably never know (and yes I do find those rituals a bit odd).


However, and this is the crux of what I'm saying, none of these things mean that they are part of a secret world wide organisation controlling us for one huge shady purpose. From what I can tell re reading this thread those in favour of such a huge conspiresy theory seem to be basing their opinion on the many being controlled by the few and big organisations having influence on the decision makers.


No one has questioned those two assumptions, they are pretty much taken as read and that has been the case pretty much since society began.


What I am saying is that it is a huge step to go from accepting that to saying there is a world wide organisation that is completely secret (apart from to the likes of David Icke who has somehow managed to infiltrate this organisation and seems to know its entire agenda) who are controlling every aspect of our lives for their own ends.


Even if we accept that (which is unlikely in my book) we also have to take into account ideas like the Royal family are really huge reptiles etc etc, which are just plain silly.


I maintain and unless I'm given actual evidence probably always will that the biggest flaw in the argument is that we have an organisation that contains (it would have to, to maintain its influence) millions of members that secretly controls our planet without 'average Jo' knowing anything about it because that control is so subtle yet a chosen few have totally seen through it and aren't buying the lies.


To paraphrase Monty Python, 'It is a silly idea'.


The lizard thing is certainly bizarre/ ridiculous. I've never heard David Icke on the subject. Is he perhaps saying something about DNA or somesuch, not that they're shape shifting lizards?


As for a relatively small number of people controlling our planet - what's secret about that? I think most people would agree that with great wealth comes enormous power, and some of the heads of huge corporations have as much clout as governments.


As for secret societies, well it's probably a man thing. There's no doubt they love this sort of thing, and the dressing up. (Bohemian Grove anybody...) Also, working on the 'power corrupts' principle, I think they probably try to push the boundaries of what's acceptable as far as possible, just because they can. This is probably why it's secret.

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I maintain and unless I'm given actual evidence probably always will that the biggest flaw in the argument is that we have an organisation that contains (it would have to, to maintain its influence) millions of members that secretly controls our planet without 'average Jo' knowing anything about it because that control is so subtle yet a chosen few have totally seen through it and aren't buying the lies.



"They're" not that hands-on when it comes to manipulating and controlling us all, they dont have to be, they have made us police ourselves by setting conservative(with a small c) cultural norms which are then passed on through religions, teachers parents and peers. They dont of course adhere to these cultural norms themselves, they indulge themselves shamelessly in all sorts of debaurchery such as swapping their wives around and throwing nazi themed orgies etc, while the masses are supposed to live pious monogamous lives.

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