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What is david icke saying in a nutshell

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The BNP are recognised as a legitimate political group, that doesn't stop their ideology from being at best questionable, if not racist. B



They are the only political party that aren’t racist all the other political parties discriminate based on race.:)

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SAYING they did is not evidence, how about some proof? They had no problem publishing pictures of a dead Gaddafi so why not Osama? I don't have any proof he's alive but I believe he died in 2002 or maybe even summer 2001. He was said to be having daily dialysis in 2001 and I don't think there are many caves in the Afghan mountains.

You of course are entitled to your opinion, I'm just pointing out how deceived we are every single day and the people who take the mickey out of Icke are the ones who are falling for the rubbish a child wouldn't fall for.


So you seem to be basing your argument on there being no photos? Maybe the corpse was too mutilated to publish photos? Maybe it was mutilated to the point where showing the photos wouldn't constitute proof. What if photos were produced? What would stop you saying they were old photos and just being used as a cover story?


It's all well and good saying we fall for 'rubbish' but other than a few people like Icke who claim to have seen through the lies your camp is hardly stacking up the testable evidence in favour of your view.

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Why must there be?Thanks for clarifying btw. How much control/influence do you think they have then?


I think there's enough evidence to prove these secret socities exist. The Masons, Bohemian Grove, various satanic cults such as Alistair Crowley's 'Golden Dawn' frequented by the rich and famous in the thirties, even Hitler was into Astrology and satanism apparently. Princess Grace of Monaco was allegedly said to be dressed in ceremonial robes for a meeting of some sort when she had the car crash in Monaco.


These are the ones we know about, so there must be plenty we haven't even heard of. (They are secret after all...)


As for control and influence, who knows? No doubt they have some influence, but why bother with all the cloak and dagger stuff, when it's Universally accepted that money and power go together in all walks of life, and you don't have to be a politician to throw your weight about.

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So you seem to be basing your argument on there being no photos? Maybe the corpse was too mutilated to publish photos? Maybe it was mutilated to the point where showing the photos wouldn't constitute proof. What if photos were produced? What would stop you saying they were old photos and just being used as a cover story?


It's all well and good saying we fall for 'rubbish' but other than a few people like Icke who claim to have seen through the lies your camp is hardly stacking up the testable evidence in favour of your view.


No I'm basing my argument on there being not a single scrap of evidence.

If you wish to remain in a state of perpetual slumber then that's your right.


Nothing to see here, go and have a nice glass of sodium flouride laced drinking water and soak in the garbage that the TV tells you is real but a 2 year old would be able to decipher as bullpoo.

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I think there's enough evidence to prove these secret socities exist. The Masons, Bohemian Grove, various satanic cults such as Alistair Crowley's 'Golden Dawn' frequented by the rich and famous in the thirties, even Hitler was into Astrology and satanism apparently. Princess Grace of Monaco was allegedly said to be dressed in ceremonial robes for a meeting of some sort when she had the car crash in Monaco.


These are the ones we know about, so there must be plenty we haven't even heard of. (They are secret after all...)


As for control and influence, who knows? No doubt they have some influence, but why bother with all the cloak and dagger stuff, when it's Universally accepted that money and power go together in all walks of life, and you don't have to be a politician to throw your weight about.


The Golden Dawn (as far as I know) weren't 'secret' (neither was it set up by Alistair Crowley if my memory serves me right). I think we might be getting our wires crossed. What I am referring to are societies that on paper 'don't exist' and supposedly seek to actively control us through their influence. Known organizations that may or may not have influencial (or corrupt) members don't really constitute 'secret societies'.

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No I'm basing my argument on there being not a single scrap of evidence.

If you wish to remain in a state of perpetual slumber then that's your right.


Nothing to see here, go and have a nice glass of sodium flouride laced drinking water and soak in the garbage that the TV tells you is real but a 2 year old would be able to decipher as bullpoo.


No, with respect you are basing your arguments on that evidence not being shared with the general public. It's not the same thing.


I'm not in slumber about anything. I acknowledge that the powers that be may have reason to withold information from us (I also think there should be an independent body that they are accountable to for misusing witheld information). That is a far cry from saying they are using subversive methods to secretly manipulate and control us.


You seem to be very good at telling us we're being lied to and not very good at giving us details of how we're being lied to or even evidence that we are. And I'm pretty sure you don't have to consider national security before Sharing your evidence.


You keep telling me I'm being deceived like a child but it is you that believes there is an all controlling society lurking in the background controlling our every whim.


Last time I checked things like that were merely the work of fiction (although no doubt, conveniently that is what they want us to believe).


Anna at least appears to have an informed opinion, that I can respect. You metely seem to be saying 'your wrong because I say so'.


So please, give us some details how this wonderfully organized society crosses culture and nation to keep us all subdued without any of us (apart from the chosen few like Mr Icke) being able to see through the lies, I'd be very interested in how they actually manage to successfully carry out this amazing control.

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I also find it rather spooky if it wasn't so funny that grown men at the top of their professions should want to go in for breast baring rituals, knives and trouser leg rolling. Doesn't that strike you as just a little bit odd?

Who does that?


And don't get me started on Bohemian Grove and the cremation of care ceremony. What's wrong with these people?

Why, what exactly do you think goes on there? Don't tell me you believe that "documentary" by Alex Jones where he makes stuff up about it as he goes along?


As Donald Rumsfeld so accurately put it...


"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."


Yes, that was the idiot's speech about Iraq, and guess what... it turned out there were no "unknown unknowns" there. He was wrong.

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The Golden Dawn (as far as I know) weren't 'secret' (neither was it set up by Alistair Crowley if my memory serves me right). I think we might be getting our wires crossed. What I am referring to are societies that on paper 'don't exist' and supposedly seek to actively control us through their influence. Known organizations that may or may not have influencial (or corrupt) members don't really constitute 'secret societies'.


I think it depends on what you mean by 'control us.'


Do I think the Daily Mail aims to 'control' our thinking by flooding it with propaganda? - well yes, (Though in this case, influence would be a better word.)

Do I think some secret society aims to control our thinking by secretly putting mind altering chemicals into the water system or the like?- No, I very much doubt it.

Do I think there was some conspiracy between the banks that resulted in the collapse of the banking system that made a lot of bankers very rich?- Yes, without doubt, though whether it was intended to bring down the banks, or that that was just an unfortunate side effect realised too late when things had gone too far to turn back, I don't know.


The fact is that not only are banks too big to fail, some individuals are now too big to touch. They are above the law, which gives them absolute power.


And absolute power corrupts absolutely....

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Do I think there was some conspiracy between the banks that resulted in the collapse of the banking system that made a lot of bankers very rich?- Yes, without doubt, though whether it was intended to bring down the banks, or that that was just an unfortunate side effect realised too late when things had gone too far to turn back, I don't know.


The bankers obviously did themselves a lot of good by bringing about the collapse of the banking system :rolleyes:




"United States President Barack Obama has limited salaries to $500,000 at bailed-out banks.


Norway: Banking executives taking action ahead of any government-imposed cap, promising voluntarily to freeze their salaries.


Netherlands Government has taken steps to limit "golden handshakes" to one year's salary for departing banking and insurance executives who received government help.


France President Nicolas Sarkozy ruled out bonuses for bank executives benefiting from state handouts worth £9.2bn. Executives at carmaker Renault SA have done the same.


Germany Government has capped annual salaries at €500,000 and prohibited bonuses and dividend payments for senior managers at banks taking government bailout funds. Deutsche Bank will next week slash bonuses for investment bankers and others by 60 per cent.


Switzerland Banks will announce bonus cuts of up to 80 per cent when they report 2008 figures next week.


Denmark Danske Bank has scrapped bonuses for its board and severely cut those for staff.


UK Restraints on executive pay at both Royal Bank of Scotland, now 68 per cent government-owned, and Lloyds Banking Group, 43 per cent public-owned. No formal restrictions on bonuses or pay for junior bankers at either company."

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