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What is david icke saying in a nutshell

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The bankers obviously did themselves a lot of good by bringing about the collapse of the banking system :rolleyes:




"United States President Barack Obama has limited salaries to $500,000 at bailed-out banks.


Norway: Banking executives taking action ahead of any government-imposed cap, promising voluntarily to freeze their salaries.


Netherlands Government has taken steps to limit "golden handshakes" to one year's salary for departing banking and insurance executives who received government help.


France President Nicolas Sarkozy ruled out bonuses for bank executives benefiting from state handouts worth £9.2bn. Executives at carmaker Renault SA have done the same.


Germany Government has capped annual salaries at €500,000 and prohibited bonuses and dividend payments for senior managers at banks taking government bailout funds. Deutsche Bank will next week slash bonuses for investment bankers and others by 60 per cent.


Switzerland Banks will announce bonus cuts of up to 80 per cent when they report 2008 figures next week.


Denmark Danske Bank has scrapped bonuses for its board and severely cut those for staff.


UK Restraints on executive pay at both Royal Bank of Scotland, now 68 per cent government-owned, and Lloyds Banking Group, 43 per cent public-owned. No formal restrictions on bonuses or pay for junior bankers at either company."


Tell that to Bob Diamond. 25 million last year.

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Tell that to Bob Diamond. 25 million last year.


It would help if you could get an easily checked fact right.




And Barclays didn't get bail out money from the government so I'm not sure how this squares with your assertion the collapse made bankers rich - let's face it - they were rich well before the collapse.

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I think it depends on what you mean by 'control us.'


Do I think the Daily Mail aims to 'control' our thinking by flooding it with propaganda? - well yes, (Though in this case, influence would be a better word.)

Do I think some secret society aims to control our thinking by secretly putting mind altering chemicals into the water system or the like?- No, I very much doubt it.

Do I think there was some conspiracy between the banks that resulted in the collapse of the banking system that made a lot of bankers very rich?- Yes, without doubt, though whether it was intended to bring down the banks, or that that was just an unfortunate side effect realised too late when things had gone too far to turn back, I don't know.


The fact is that not only are banks too big to fail, some individuals are now too big to touch. They are above the law, which gives them absolute power.


And absolute power corrupts absolutely....


I think you're viewing the banks/bankers in too much of a black/white way. Relatively speaking they've took a right hammering, they're not above anything. To me and you it seems they're getting off Scot free, but what they have been used to is falling down around there ears.


We all know media and advertisers 'control' us (actually I would suggest influence to be a better word than control). But this is a far cry from the champions of secret society's who claim they have world wide control (and, depending on who you speak to, may have done for thousands of years). It is the latter I disagree with. As has been pointed out many times on this thread the top dogs in society are few (and quite shady), no one disagrees with this. What I think all of us 'anti' conspiracy forum users are saying is that there is a far cry from that and the views of Mr Icke.


Thankyou btw Anna for actually having a discussion, all the other 'pro' Icke ilke seem to have vanished as soon as providing evidence was mentioned.


I wouldn't say your view is that different to mine, just that we define things a little differently.

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seen david icke on you tube under many titles, is he saying the goverments plan the economic downfalls for their gain, what is he on about, i dont think he believes in 2012 doomsday , but seems to say that the goverments etc know whats going to happen in the world for their benefit...........:huh:


he has been harping on about this for more than 20 years now, he isnt mad infact he is a very clever intelligent bloke...

a preacher like Billy Graham etc.

brainwashing people into hearing what they want to hear...... and making a very good living out of it .......... mad, I dont think so

just very clever with words and a great imagination

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