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Maybe some local priests do use methods like not discouraging "miracle" claims to attract followers and increase the Churches income. IMO, that's what was happening here.


Now from what I can gather from the discussion that took place, he was saying the Church was anti-science(mentioning Galileo). I'll also add to some extent the Catholic church is against scientific research - especially when it comes to things like stem-cell research.


IMO, some of what he has claimed can be backed up. No doubt he feels he can backup all of his claims. That's for him to do. Still, whether he backups his claims or not, it doesn't warrant his arrest or imprisonment.


The cross by all accounts is not church property though (if that makes a difference) it belongs to a family on the opposite side of the street; whether it's a family memorial or not I don't know. It's reported that the claims made were made prior to Sanal visiting the site and it would appear that this is what has caused most of the upset.


I wouldn't put it passed any religion to fabricate some truths for their own purposes but in this case it seems the church is ignorant to the fact.


For my part I sometimes feel that to much emphasis is placed on destroying beliefs and faiths for no real reason other than the scientific satisfaction of doing so. It does me no harm for people to believe what they wish.

I agree that there should be freedom of speech but is there/was there any need to do so?

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Character assassination by association is a practice used to discredit the opinion of that person.


Linking phrases like .." catchy abbreviation..." (IRA) or "openly anti gay" and "printing deliberate misquotes" and "they invited the guy to Mumbai to stir trouble." with Sanal Edamaruku could be seen as attempting to influence opinion as to the integrity of his views.


I myself like to hear opinions of others and I would prefer that organizations and individuals did not use unfair practice to prevent this.


Opinion stating has to be within the law, in this case the law of India. If that opinion is unfounded then the law should take its course. If an organization is believed to be using the law unfairly then it is the right of individuals to express concern through democratic influence eg a petition.


Ok so i'll retract the statement but it wasn't aimed at Sanal but towards TV-9 who tracked down gay men and saw fit to make their names known publicly which is wrong. If what they say is true then one of these men has already taken his life and more are suffering directly as a result.

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