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Raped as passengers too tight to lend someone 20p for bus fare

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as i see it


99.9% of the blame lies with the rapist, obviously without his actions thered be no rape and no story.


the other 1% id lay blame on all of the other parties equally


bus driver, he was obviously following the rulebook to the law, but in some cases driver discretion should be applied, did she look / act like a troublemaker? did she appear drunk and / or vunerable? did she come across as trust worthy on first appearence to take her name and address? im sure a lot of people who try it on actually give false addresses etc to con the drivers


bus passengers, most might not have known what was going on, specially with music playing and playing on phones etc. people late at night generally tend to try and stay away from strangers / drunk people in case of trouble, head down, stay out of peoples way etc. IF somebody on the bus had given her 20p shed have got home safe and there wouldnt have been a rape and it wouldnt have made the papers.


mum - i heard something about not wanting to do the one way system or something? well she has to share the blame aswell making her daughter walk alone halfway across the city centre because she didnt want to drive the whole way.


AND victim, why didnt she save the whole £5 and put it someplace safe? surely she knew how much the far home is going to be? if she dint have enough for a last drink in the place then you ask friends to lend it or dont have it at all? you dont risk not being able to get home safely.


but as i said without the sick twisted indivuals actions there wouldnt have been a rape or attack so hes wholly responsible

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99.9% of the blame lies with the rapist, obviously without his actions thered be no rape and no story.


the other 1% id lay blame on all of the other parties equally

You can't be responsible by proxy. Come on ... don't you join in. ;)


IF somebody on the bus had given her 20p shed have got home safe and there wouldnt have been a rape and it wouldnt have made the papers.

If she'd not gone to uni, she'd never have graduated, and never gone out, and never been off the bus, and there wouldn't've been a rape.


Moving blame eternally back can only end in a mess. The people on the bus are solely and completely responsible for being mean spirited and not letting her on, or not giving her 20p. It's impossible for them to be responsible for a crime that happened later that night.


but as i said without the sick twisted indivuals actions there wouldnt have been a rape or attack so hes wholly responsible

Ah, a contradiction now. Is he 100% responsible or 99.9% responsible?

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Bus companies would do well to remember that they provide a service.


It can be more dangerous for people out alone at night because predatory types use the cover of darkness to their advantage.


People depend upon buses; we can't always assume that they have an atm card, credit card or enough cash for a taxi, in fact they may even have have lost, or had their cash stolen when at a club etc. It's safer not to be on the streets late at night but it would be helpful in the avoidance of scenarios such as this; of people becoming stranded or vulnerable, if the bus companies would let people travel on the late buses even if their fare is short.


As stated earlier it is the bus company's policy to issue non-payers with a receipt to be paid withing 48 hours. The fact that the driver did not do this and turned her away means he was not doing his job properly and his negligence has put this woman in danger. If he hadn't (wrongly) excluded her she would not have been raped that night. I see culpability in this.


No one knows how many passengers were on the bus, if they were sitting close enough to the driver to determine what was going on, or if they were paying attention to it. They can hardly be judged, based on this lack of information.


"Det Ch Insp Griffin said: "One might try and blame the bus driver in these circumstances but I think we've got to remember that had she got on that bus that night, with the mood that Joseph Moran had been in, I think he would have attacked somebody else"


A fairly stupid comment which suggests that Moran's mood led to this rape. People rape because of their mindset, not their mood and these types need to be removed from society.

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Some interesting views here. All I know is that some younger people spending inordinate amounts of time arguing with bus drivers over claiming not to have money/passes is becoming a huge problem. They don't seem to mind holding up an entire busload of people while they try to get their way.


So far, people have laid the blame on a) the girl b) the bus passengers c) the bus driver/company policy and d) the rapist. But aren't the true villains escaping attention?


Whenever we see a story (often) of a pit-bull dog or similar savaging a child, nobody ever blames the dog. After all, it's a wild animal without any thoughts. Instead, we blame the person 'in charge' of the animal.


What if the wild animal here is the rapist? And who is to blame for his continued savage behaviour over a number of years? Don't bother saying it's the 'mother' - she is one of a growing number of people who was born bad, is living bad and will die bad - totally pointless trying to change them. People like that never change.


So shouldn't the blame go to the army of social workers, probation officers authoring highly-favourable pre-sentence reports, criminal defence barristers lying on his behalf and idiot judges?


If any of these so-called 'professionals' had shown any common sense instead of a desire just to line their own pockets, this particular wild animal wouldn't have escaped 'justice' for so long and would have been incapable of continuing his vile 'career'.


Clearly the solution is free buses for all. Instead of having workers publicly subsidise buses, subsidise disabled and elderly fares, and then have to pay to the use the god damn things, they subsidise in the first place. Fire all conductors as they serve no purpose, collecting fares is a pointless activity when they require subsidy too.


Everytime you get on a bus, you pay multiple times, once with real cash, and 2ndly with high taxation, it is a joke, and everytime an oap hops on you pay again!

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Bus companies would do well to remember that they provide a service.

try telling that to arriva who run our ONLY bus, it used to be hourly, now we get it half hourly but only because they got told by the powers that be that WE need a service.

theyre still thinking of ways to claw back cash tho as after loftus our bus doesnt pay its way from loftus to whitby.

currently theyve stopped buses after half 8 so we cant go out after half 8 now cos we cant get home unless we pay for a taxi, if we go to middlesbrough to a gig or someat i think its £50 taxi fare home.

they also moved the bus pass boundry 3 stops back so now instead of costing me £18 it costs me £25 for the exact same journy cos i have to buy a pass that you can use to whitby instead of the teeside one i used to buy.


apparently more changes are expected in july so ill soon see if theyre gonna shaft me again

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Clearly the solution is free buses for all. Instead of having workers publicly subsidise buses, subsidise disabled and elderly fares, and then have to pay to the use the god damn things, they subsidise in the first place. Fire all conductors as they serve no purpose, collecting fares is a pointless activity when they require subsidy too.


Everytime you get on a bus, you pay multiple times, once with real cash, and 2ndly with high taxation, it is a joke, and everytime an oap hops on you pay again!

clearly FREE buses for ALL wont work, where do they get their money from? conductors? do buses still have conductors? none round here, and none on any of the buses ive caught in sheff for the past few years, only seen one inspector on a bus in nigh on 10 years too lol


i wholeheartedly think we should scrap that stupid free OAP scheme too, a lot only catch the bus now cos its free and use em all day.

round here some of the buses are full of oaps and workers etc have to wait half hour or an hour for the next one :loopy:

im sure some oaps who get free travel can actually afford it too, maybe it should be means tested?

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clearly FREE buses for ALL wont work, where do they get their money from? conductors? do buses still have conductors? none round here, and none on any of the buses ive caught in sheff for the past few years, only seen one inspector on a bus in nigh on 10 years too lol


i wholeheartedly think we should scrap that stupid free OAP scheme too, a lot only catch the bus now cos its free and use em all day.

round here some of the buses are full of oaps and workers etc have to wait half hour or an hour for the next one :loopy:

im sure some oaps who get free travel can actually afford it too, maybe it should be means tested?

If the OAPs did not fill the buses then the providers of the service could say there wasn't enough demand to run the service.

Thank the OAPs and remember you will be one some day.

The well off OAPs probably use cars.

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At £5 for a bus fare I would say the greedy bus firm and the greedy fuel companys played a part in this young lady's terrible luck. Obviously Moran was the scum that perpetrated the crime but really what kind of person would leave some one miles from home in the middle of the night. Shame on the bus driver for the sake of 20p in a £5 fare. I just hope that if he is ever faced with a similar situation he makes the better choice next time.


The part about extortionate bus fares and greedy bus companies is right enough. As so many people are interesting in directing the finger of blame elsewhere other than with Moran, then perhaps Margaret Thatcher, who deregulated bus services is to blame?


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is perhaps people should be less quick to blame the driver at all. As I've explained previously the bus company were quick to inform us that he's faced disciplinary for not following procedure....However, in these times, working for companies, we all know that "company policy" is sometimes NOT what your bosses actually want you to follow, if you get my drift? A bit of me can't help wondering whether the faceless company was using the driver as a bit of a scapegoat here.

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