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Raped as passengers too tight to lend someone 20p for bus fare

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You have shown in those quotes that I wasn't blaming her for her rape. It is entirely her fault she could not get the bus. The rape is nothing to do with that.


Imply away though:D


You could at least refrain from editing my posts though. How underhanded is that?


Don't try and wriggle out of it.

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My god!! People on this forum don't half like looking down there neses at others. Everyone on here is perfect aren't they.


"if I left the house, I would make sure I have enough money to get home".............SO WHAT?!? That's not the point.


She could have gone for a taxi after getting some cash but obviously didn't want to.


The point here is that someone got raped!! The fault lies with Joseph Moran, not the woman and her choice to walk home. Oh, and the BBC for mentioning the fact that she was refused on the bus for 20p.


I entirely agree. The two things are totally unrelated!

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Don't try and wriggle out of it.


out of what? she could not get the bus (her fauilt)


she got raped (not her fault)


I dont need to wriggle out of anything:loopy:


The only person claiming these things are related was the op (and now some others on this thread). The police agree with me and so does the writer of the story (although the person doing the headlines well and truly hooked you!)


You are the ones applying guilt to the passengers on the bus and the bus driver. That is just not fair!

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Yes it was entirely her responsibility to make sure she had the funds to get home, but because she was alone, it was her last bus and she was only 20p short then I think the driver should have allow her on to the bus. It’s clearly not her fault, the drivers fault, or passenger fault that she was raped.

But it does demonstrate how uncaring we are becoming when a young lady that is 20p short is expected to find another way home.


The driver could have used his discretion, Mr Smith...


The driver of the bus didn't commit the crime against this young woman, the rapist did. However, IMO, the driver contributed to the woman being attacked by refusing her permission to travel.


The driver KNEW he was leaving a young woman behind, alone, in the early hours of the morning. It wasn't like it was the middle of the day, when the city was bustling, and there were loads of people around. As I understand it it was about 3am, and the .


For the sake of 20p, he could have allowed her to travel, and taken her name and address, issuing her with an unpaid fare docket, or he could have been chivalrous and waived the 20p altogether.


I agree with Rubydazzler's comment that the other passengers may not have been aware that the lady was just 20p light for her fare. you can't always see/ hear what's going on by the driver's cab when you are further down the bus. if you are upstairs, then almost certainly not.

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Moran is the one to blame here.


Many times I've refused people "20p for my bus fare" and I bet most people have.



Slightly different situation here.

I don't give beggars cash, but I'd have no problem paying the difference to make up a bus fare.



Nottingham Crown Court was told that CCTV footage showed the student pleading with the driver for eight minutes before he turned her away, and none of the passengers who boarded the bus offered to make up the fare.



.............said the student had been out celebrating the end of her law exams when she boarded the last bus home. He told the court: "The fare was £5. She had only £4.80. The bus driver would not waive the 20p. She asked him if he could wait while she got some money from a nearby cash machine.


He refused that request too. She was effectively turfed off the bus and left stranded at 3am."



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You have shown in those quotes that I wasn't blaming her for her rape. It is entirely her fault she could not get the bus. The rape is nothing to do with that.


Imply away though:D


You could at least refrain from editing my posts though. How underhanded is that?


Your comments are offensive in the extreme.


The young lady was not to blame for being raped.

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no we don't that is utter rubbish. Those were not the options at the time and you don't know they even knew thats why she didn't get on the bus.


We live in a society where people ignore the facts and believe implications from dubious sources:roll:


It is people like you llamatron that don't help the people that need it. That is a fact, just read all your post on this topic and it shows you are pretty sick an selfish as far as helping people is concerned.

Don't worry about it, there must be a reason you feel this way. There are many kind and loving ways you can solve your problems as wel as being hard closed and stuck like a rock.

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The system is used in some petrol stations(especially supermarkets) if you fill up and have no money.


yes it is. Once I accidentally put some petrol into a diesel vehicle. Not much, only a few pounds worth. I knew there would be no problem at all and the mistake would be rectified if I filled up with diesel, enabling the much larger amount of diesel compared to petrol to dilute the petrol, but I only had a tenner on me. I went into the station and told them the problem, asking them if it was OK to fill the vehicle up with diesel and then come back and pay them in 10 minutes. They said OK.

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Would the driver face repercussions at work when his monies were added up and found not to balance with tickets issued? I would imagine the bus company would be pretty hot on cash not balancing with tickets.


Equally - would he face more trouble if his route was running late(r than usual) ?


For all I know that might be enough to have lost his job.


[Just playing devils advocate for a moment]

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You have shown in those quotes that I wasn't blaming her for her rape. It is entirely her fault she could not get the bus. The rape is nothing to do with that.


Imply away though:D


You could at least refrain from editing my posts though. How underhanded is that?

If you actually look at my op, I didn't say anyone was blaming her for being raped, I said she was being criticised, which she has been. And you're still doing it ...


Unlike some, most of us are imperfect and sometimes we don't think to check what the busfare might be, or we forget our phone or keys, or don't take our credit card on a night out. And with hindsight there are always things that we would do differently. Fortunately, these oversights don't usually result in an horrific attack like this one, but there but for sheer luck go we.


Turning anyone off the late night bus for the sake of 20p, or even £2 is one of those things that shouldn't happen, especially these days, in my opinion.


I'm sorry that you feel you've been unfairly misquoted, but I only snip for brevity. Your original posts are still there in their entirety for anyone to read.

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