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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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IBS is wildly annoying and painful at times, it is worse than depression sometimes when the body takes over and keeps you ridden for hours including all the stress related connections with it so what foods make things better and what to avoid, I have done all sorts of things over the years to combat this evil and nothing really works so suppose it is with me for life now, feeling down, constipated and pains when you go can really grind you down at times and give up eating full stop, it's fighting a losing battle at times and you can never win, I have always been bound up and stressed and never loose or relaxed to go, maybe it's something that will never be cured and something that other people suffer as well.

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I also have IBS brought on by anxiety so my doc says. The problem with me is that I can't always get to the toilet when I am at work. I don't think 70 odd passengers would be happy with me just leaving them whilst I go. I am fine when I am not at work because I can go any time, but as soon as I know I am going to work I start worrying and needing the toilet. The thought of being sat on a bus for 5 hours at a time with limited toilet stops scares me. This has been happening for a few years now. It is taking over my life. Even as I type this now, because I am thinking about it, I need to go. I have resigned myself to the fact that this is now my life and I can't do anything to change it.

Edited by fozzybear210
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Don't want to scare you or anyone else reading this thread. My Mum was diagnosed with iBS then it was something else. Eventually after visting Doctors for months she was sent for a scan and a ovarian cyst was discovered. She died 6 mths later, if detected earlier she may have been alive today. The Doctors said it was all trial and error. I don't particually trust them anymore. If you are female get a second opinion.

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  • 1 year later...
I suffered with ibs for a year, terrible pain, bloating, lack of energy, feeling sick , running to the loo after every meal.


By process of elimination I discovered that nurofen or any other ibuprofen type tablets caused it!


I stopped taking them, it went away. I never knew, and the doctors never mentioned this / but anyone with a delicate tummy shouldn't take ibuprofen as it can irritate your stomach and long term use is harmful!


I was so relieved to have got rid of ibs, but I also agree that stress definitely makes it worse!


Not saying its the medication that causes it in everyone, but it did me, only down side now is I can only take paracetamol for any pains


Well that's extraordinary ! To think that Ibuprofen could be the cause of IBS !

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I know this is an old thread , there are many things in the diet these days which can cause these symptoms, most of the food you buy is processed in some way . I prefer natural food grown without chemicals in the soil , I cook from fresh everyday , I don't microwave but doing real cooking like my mum used to do , I don't buy convenience foods.

If you have IBS or constipation I would visit a trained colon hydrotherapist who knows about diet , can help clear the toxins out of your system if you don't go to the toilet your body absorbs toxins from the bowels which leads to all sorts of illness .If anyone want the name of such a person Pm me please .

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gluten is your no 1 enemy as our flours etc are processed


I may have an allergy test done to see if I am allergic to gluten.


---------- Post added 13-08-2016 at 19:43 ----------


Colpermin caplets work for me (don't buy cheap ones as they dissolve in the stomach not in the intestine /bowel ).


Tried them but didn't work for me.

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I may have an allergy test done to see if I am allergic to gluten.


---------- Post added 13-08-2016 at 19:43 ----------



Tried them but didn't work for me.


No point as the blood tests differ day to day , you would also have to alot of it which would make you ill

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