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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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thanks for the reply minnime. does the dr give you any medication etc? has it got better over the years? and how did your dr know thats what you had???

i finished up in hospital as i was that bad so they did all tests and found out.Sorry no mine hasnt got better over the years but i do have alot of stress hun doc gave me some tablets.The thing i hate about it is my tummy swells n i look nine month preggys hope you get it sorted just dont ignore it:thumbsup:

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Diet can help with IBS. However, I think you need to see your GP very urgently for a referral to a consultant who can arrange a colonoscopy because your symptoms are definitely not normal. Sorry to say this but if that were me I'd have been knocking at the GPs overnight. There is also an emergency service which you can call and they could refer you if they decided it was necessary.

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Diet can help with IBS. However, I think you need to see your GP very urgently for a referral to a consultant who can arrange a colonoscopy because your symptoms are definitely not normal. Sorry to say this but if that were me I'd have been knocking at the GPs overnight. There is also an emergency service which you can call and they could refer you if they decided it was necessary.



wendygs, thanks for you advice. ive just thought its normal cos ive had all these pains and what i thought were sickness bugs from working in a school, ive had them since starting in this new job, so at my sickness reviews ive said that i must just be perceptible to bugs due to working with children, as ive never been sick before! thats why i havent been to drs before.


its not till someone else i know mentioned they had it, i recognised the symptoms in myself, and since looking at net ive thought that i migt actually have it, rather than picking up bugs and having pains almost all the time.


im just hoping that not only will dr 'make me better', that i can get my employer to understand too! as ive had so many 'bugs' and days off, theyve accused me of not being ill, and just not wanting to work. which is a nice feeling............!

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The SO is ill, and after 2 weeks in pain has finaly been to the doctor.

Our doctor doesn't realy do accurate diagnosis, so he has told him he "probably" has irritable bowel syndrome (I can imagine our doctor doing a post-mortem on a headless body and putting "probably decapitated" as the cause of death)


Being a bloke he didn't ask any questions about what to eat or not and just came home with the tablets.


So, does anyone else suffer with this and what causes it ?

What should he not eat ?

What can he take to help relieve the symptoms, the tablets don't seem to be doing anything, looking at the ingredients they are mostly peppermint oil ?


Any help/advice would be appreciated.





try a product called lepicol you get it from herbal stores it's a very good productit does exactly what it says on the tin

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If IBS is so debilitating, you should get further investigations done.

Ask your GP to refer you to see a consultant.

My apparent IBS (diagnosed by GP) which has got so bad that I am having to stick to a very basic diet of rice & chicken just to get through the day.

I demanded to be referred & the consultant said I was right in doing so as I have lost 2 stone in 6 weeks.

They are now testing me for Gastroparesis (basically my stomach doesn't work, so food stays there, gets infected then I explode) the other is Celiacs (gluten & dairy problem).

Other things people could try is cutting out certain types of foods to see if it works.

E.G cut out dairy for a few weeks, if no better cut out Gluten & so on.

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Yeast and white flour can also cause these symptoms so it is really well worth keeping a food diary of everything you eat and how you feel afterwards. It does require some discipline and developing a sense of awareness of how you feel after you've eaten.


There is a great deal of truth in the saying "you are what you eat" and on observing the effect of certain foods, I just dont want to feel like that any more and simply dont eat them. I cant think of examples to give you an idea of what I mean; some foods make me feel sluggish and downright miserable.

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