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Which dating sites online?

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and trust me there a more than a few frogs on them sites to sit and look at wonder how to escape out of the toilet window so forget the sites and the new course at the college they are just has bad. go shopping at asda the end of the day and check out the shopping basket, shopping for one you cant beat it. you lot of men should try reading the lady's mags and just reverse the man /women thing

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Thanks, I won't. Bugger that then, and the classes & rip-off date sites etc. I'll just stay on my own.


I meant a course in something you find interesting. Or useful like a foreign language. Just an excuse to spend time with people.

Dating agencies and Internet sites are just profiting from people's loneliness and desperation.

If all else fails there's always mail order :)

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I meant a course in something you find interesting. Or useful like a foreign language. Just an excuse to spend time with people.

Dating agencies and Internet sites are just profiting from people's loneliness and desperation.

If all else fails there's always mail order :)

I know, I just haven't the enthusiasm even for that! :hihi:

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Maybe if all the single people stopped listening to the not single people slating dating sites / agencies then perhaps more people instead of spending time on their own wishing they could meet someone would actually be going out meeting people

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Well, just my 2 pence worth..


I was possibly the most sceptical person when it came to online dating of any kind, free or not. I did the whole 'I would never ever even try, they are all nutters etc' thing, in fact I looked at a few sites including POF, Match etc and it was a depressing experience, I wondered how civilisation has survived at all if this was a large sample of the population. (male in this case). I never intended to start any conversations through this...


Then something happened, very accidentally and through a pretty amazing chain of events, and now I have met someone brilliant, and very normal too - we may be 2 of the few normal ones on there of course:D but it just shows. I went through so much soul searching and worrying - will there be chemistry? how do you deal with meeting someone face to face AFTER getting to know them so well as if you'd known each other for years..etc) but very glad I took the plunge.


It's not much different than any other way of meeting people. Beer goggled conversation in a bar.. random meeting in the street... string of emails at work which leads to something more... just another way.


Good luck everyone and honestly, you just have no idea what is around the corner.:)

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I'm single and in my mid 30s but even I wouldn't touch a dating website with a 10 foot bargepole, mainly for reasons too personal to post in public.


So why even post?


Are you just attention seeking or is there something deep down that you'd really like to share with us?

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you could always take up pottery, or car maintainance. l did German then went to Canada for the next few years so did me no good other than meeting so real funny looking single men


The man wants to oil his loins!

Not sleep with a mis-shaped home made plant pot..:huh:

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