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Germany & Europe

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So they want to create a fiscal and political (on top of monetary) union as a condition of supporting the creation of Eurobonds. A European superstate with Germany at the core, calling all the shots.


I've read a few 'what if' history essays and books and one in particular sticks in my mind. Basically it goes like this:


- Germany wins WW2

- Becomes the centre of a European superstate

- While Hitler is alive, militaristic and repressive policies dominate the superstate

- Hitler dies. Replaced by more moderate leader

- Emphasis switches to a more economically based policy, repressive policies die out

- By 1960s Europe is completely at peace, basically a giant politically unified superstate with Germany at the core, calling all the shots

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You aren't really this stupid are you?


About what? The idea of a European superstate headed up by the Germans?


I'm not saying Merkel is Adolf Hitler mark II if that's what you think I'm thinking.


What I do think is that the creation of such an entity would be a short-term quick fix with potentially horrendous long-term consequences. One thing for sure is that monetary and fiscal pressures would be ultimately replaced with potentially very destructive nationalistic pressures. IMO it's not a recipe for long-term stability.

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while eurobonds are not that bad an idea, they relative strength of the german economy to the rest of the eurozone economy means that to all intents and purposes they will be german bonds but the money will be spread around the rest of the eurozone.


under these circumstances, it's not surprising that germany wants some sort of guarantee that there is some real external controls over individual countries budgets and spending.


i would imagine if it was the uk in this situation then we'd be wanting the same.

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- Emphasis switches to a more economically based policy, repressive policies die out


Not sure that that bit would actually happen, I doubt that the desire for independance would ever have gone from the occupied states. The old USSR and the British Empire never quite managed to get rid of it and they had far longer than the Third Reich to do it.

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So your understanding of the economic situation in Europe today is based on a few fantasy novels.


Nope. I'm saying there are possible parallels with what could have happened if Germany had won WW2.


The stuff I read wasn't historical fantasy but quite dry stuff like in military history journals - one of the contributors to that series of essays was John Keegan. All speculation of course but I never said otherwise did I?

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Not sure that that bit would actually happen, I doubt that the desire for independance would ever have gone from the occupied states. The old USSR and the British Empire never quite managed to get rid of it and they had far longer than the Third Reich to do it.


I agree to a point. I think the EU proves that states that have been traditional enemies can co-exist quite well up to a point, and for quite long periods of time as well. But all it takes is some kind of major shock and that stability is seriously threatened.

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All speculation of course but I never said otherwise did I?


Speculation or fantasy, it's all hypothesis. Germany lost the war and went in a different direction to what it would have done had it won. But it never could have won given that it had taken on both the USSR and the USA by 1941. The regime was based on bellicosity and madness and a nation of under 100 million and limited resources couldn't possibilty sustain years of war against larger and better resourced nations. Despite that, Adolf does have his admirers on here.

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