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Germany & Europe

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The rise of Germany under Bismarck was not greeted with much enthusiasm by France and when Kaiser Wilhelm started to construct a naval fleet which would potentially rival that of Britain's, the British government saw it's old ally as a threat to it's status as the world's leading sea power and by default extending to Britain's overseas colonial possessions from where cheap raw materials came from. In fact I believe the Kaiser at one time was demanding colonial possessions of his own in Africa.


This was not the cause of World War One but the Kaiser's perceived arrogance and his grand fleet were factors that Britain along with her former traditional enemy France saw as a threat to the balance of power in Europe

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hey sounds great, except it would have been a fascist dictatorship, no different from the Communist ones that made life a hell on earth for half of Europe's inhabitants in the 1960s.



No different? Really? Fascism = Communism?

Isn't that just a lie Churchill invented to get America to help in the war? :)


Imagine if everyone was speaking German, it'd sound anything but great. Achtung!! Schmetterling!! :hihi:


We'll get to find out soon enough. It's headed that way again anyhow. Watch this space. Emperor Murky.

Bigger net exporter than even china, soon to be permanent seat on the security council and a solid history of fascist imperialism. Hell they're even building nuclear subs for Israel while increasing the size of the armed forces under the guise of NATO/UN.

They already own greece.

A good reason to stop buying BMWs and Mercedes. :)

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No different? Really? Fascism = Communism?

Isn't that just a lie Churchill invented to get America to help in the war? :)


Imagine if everyone was speaking German, it'd sound anything but great. Achtung!! Schmetterling!! :hihi:


We'll get to find out soon enough. It's headed that way again anyhow. Watch this space. Emperor Murky.

Bigger net exporter than even china, soon to be permanent seat on the security council and a solid history of fascist imperialism. They already own greece.

A good reason to stop buying BMWs and Mercedes. :)


They don't own Greece they are just lumbered with her debts.


If the Germans had won the war this country would have a population speaking a foreign language, hang on a minute ...................


Communism had a far higher death toll than Fascism did.

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They don't own Greece they are just lumbered with her debts.


If the Germans had won the war this country would have a population speaking a foreign language, hang on a minute ...................


Communism had a far higher death toll than Fascism did.


Obviously not.


Communism had a far higher death toll? Directly attributed to its ideology?

Higher than 26000000 people as a direct result of communist theory?

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Obviously not.


Communism had a far higher death toll? Directly attributed to its ideology?

Higher than 26000000 million people as a direct result of communist theory?


Communism accounted for approx 100000000 people or 100 Million


I assume you mean 26 Million for Fascism given that there weren't 26000000 Million or 26000 Billion people on the planet !!!

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Communism accounted for approx 100000000 people or 100 Million


I assume you mean 26 Million for Fascism given that there weren't 26000000 Million or 26000 Billion people on the planet !!!


Yes. 26million. Apologies. It did make it sound much more dramatic though.

Pseudo-communism has existed for much longer in much more populous countries than fascism.

Depending on what you count as attributable, it hardly seems fair to count all the deaths that have ever happened in communist countries many of which may be indirectly linked to communist rule not the ideology.

For example communism in Vietnam, America invades slaughters loads of Vietnamese and casualties from both sides are attributed to communism.

Or massive sanctions and embargoes on china after the communists inherit a country that has been brankrupted by the KMT with the help of America, and many people starve to death. Then blamed on communism.


Fascist ideology is directly responsible for and directly called for the deaths of millions of 'inferiors'.

I don't believe communism did.

The other argument is that true communism has never been implemented or allowed to exist on a large scale, therefore, so called communist countries were never truly communist.

The examples of deaths attributed to communism often occurred in dictatorships with definite fascist elements.

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The other argument is that true communism has never been implemented or allowed to exist on a large scale, therefore, so called communist countries were never truly communist.

The examples of deaths attributed to communism often occurred in dictatorships with definite fascist elements.


I think we've seen more than enough examples to know that this is the inevitable outcome of a communist government. It works on very small scales, such as the kibbutz, where everyone really does want to work together for the greater good; it does not, and cannot work on a countrywide scale because the average human is not very intelligent, and is very selfish.

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I think we've seen more than enough examples to know that this is the inevitable outcome of a communist government. It works on very small scales, such as the kibbutz, where everyone really does want to work together for the greater good; it does not, and cannot work on a countrywide scale because the average human is not very intelligent, and is very selfish.


The average human is of average intelligence.


Evolution saw to it that the average person is selfish, those that weren't died out and their generous genes died with them.


Altruism is often selfishness skilfully disguised by the more intelligent human.

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