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Laura Wilson murder - Cover-up by RMBC?

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It is confirmed that an official report released last month concealed the sexual exploitation of Laura. The 'safeguarding Board' said this was to protect the privacy of her family. The BBC piece can be seen here.


Do people recall the five men sent to prison 18 months ago for procuring and having sex with under-age girls in Rotherham? This was happening at the same time. I wonder, could something have been done to prevent this if Laura's case had been acted on at the time? It seems there were many missed opportunities to intervene by several statutory agencies. Will we ever know the truth, or are the agencies too busy covering their backs?


How can they be sure that her death "could not have been prevented"?

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Brendan O'Neill

Brendan O'Neill is the editor of spiked, an independent online phenomenon dedicated to raising the horizons of humanity by waging a culture war of words against misanthropy, priggishness, prejudice, luddism, illiberalism and irrationalism in all their ancient and modern forms.


Muslims, 'sex gangs' and white working-class women

By Brendan O'Neill Politics Last updated: May 9th, 2012

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The silhouette of one of the victims

If you want an insight into how cowardly public debate in Britain has become, look no further than the controversy over the Rochdale Asian sex gang. The discussion about the despicable crimes committed by these eight Pakistanis and one Afghani has revealed extraordinary levels of relativism and self-censorship in modern Britain. Indeed, it seems it is now virtually impossible to have a serious discussion about problematic cultural attitudes, because to do so would apparently offend minorities and, even worse, stir up the passions of the latently racist white masses. And so, in the name of protecting Muslim communities' sensitivities and dampening down white working-class people's alleged savagery, we keep quiet about certain things; we gag ourselves.


Excellent read it all.



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It's not so much that the 'white mob' gags itself. On fora like this, it's firstly gagged by self appointed apologists flinging accusations of racism and xenophobia around and eventually quietly disappeared by the ruling clique.


Hence, we never reach a realistic view of what might be happening or how it might be alleviated or put right.

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It's not so much that the 'white mob' gags itself. On fora like this, it's firstly gagged by self appointed apologists flinging accusations of racism and xenophobia around and eventually quietly disappeared by the ruling clique.


Hence, we never reach a realistic view of what might be happening or how it might be alleviated or put right.


To be fair, the type of thread, usually does contain racist comments at some stage or other. However, you are quite right, cutting threads and silencing commentators is not the answer and does the victims and possible future victims a great disservice. However tedious and time-consuming, each post/poster containing racist comment needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. Equally, those that accuse others of racism when they are not being racist, in an attempt to stifle argument, should also be dealt with.

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