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The future is very bright for the chosen few.

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What if there were never going to be more jobs, and the game was to pauperise most of the people, through higher bills, from food to fuel. What would be the benefits?


Well killing the unproductive element in society, cannot be done through extermination camps, that idea is sadly unacceptable, despite its quick and attractive results.


So how can we exterminate, encourage to die prematurely, the unproductive. Well disease, malnourishment, hypothermia, are just a few of the elements having been considered. None of these provide the public with someone, or something to blame, which is the whole point. Extermination through neglect, is the new mantra for those deciding the longest financial depression in human history. Killing millions, and we have nearly 70 of them in the UK, will start slowly and gradually increase over the next decade, and it’s so easy, so predictable, that the obvious will never be suspected by anyone.


The first into the crematoriums will of course be pensioners, the old, who with cuts to care, health and other amenities they have worked for all their lives, will hasten the embers to become a furnace. Killing of these parasites first, will free housing, making renting much cheaper over the next decade, and with more housing, landlords will find rents forced to not increase. This will of course allow properties to be neglected, and let at lower rents, which are fantastic breeding grounds for disease, so the very young can succumb to unfortunate but predictable crematorium bliss. The savings to the Treasury coffers, will certainly please the banking sector, who we are all in debt to.


It’s a long term policy; nothing will happen tomorrow, but slowly and predictably the pieces are now in place for a population reduction. The first signs will be that the population is being sustained at a particular level, as in not increasing. This will be explained as personal choices, women delaying or just not becoming pregnant. There will be a slight increase in child mortality of course, but nothing to worry about.


Winter is a good time for larger and faster extinctions, as choices as to eating or heating will flummox most of the poor crusties. Well its choice, and we do live in a democracy, but more the method of death, and of course there is no one to blame. The cuts have just started, and they have a lot further to go, taxes, both direct and indirect, will help this process of pauperised extermination. The joke is no one can do anything to stop it, which is the point, and no one to blame either.


All I am attempting to do is plant this idea in people's memories, something someday you will wake up to, as it’s a slowly engineered extermination process. You might think this could not happen in the UK, as we are a democracy, well in name only. Sadly the UK is just one of many nations where this policy is being enacted. You see with a global population of 7 billion, a mechanism was needed to halt this growth, and this model, is far from new. It has been allowed to happen in Africa and other 3rd world countries for decades, where drugs costing pennies, some, just to make drinking water safe from disease, has not been used, allowing the frail, young and old, to, well you get it, die of NATURAL causes. War has its purposes these days, not as you might think killing terrorists, but allowing uranium shells, and bombs to pollute the lands, thus disrupting the breeding process. Well they have deformed children, who will not breed, which is the point, if one is patient, populations shrink naturally, well with a little help from certain elements of the corporate industrial sector.


You are considered to be expendable, there will never be jobs for all of you, and something has to be done. Fortunately the educational system has been completely dumbed down over the last few decades, thus ignorance is considered bliss for the masses, making it easier to use the media, to get the message that the government and authorities really care, while all the time creating greater neglect and austerity of course. You got it yet?


Remember it’s already well on its way, and when you are told through the media that the population is stabilising, and should hopefully starting to be noticeable in about 5 years, when the increase should have been checked, and as in not rising as fast.


We are in a depression, and despite all the fine talk, there is no new industry in the UK to soak up unemployment. The manufacturing base will continue to collapse. I dare not tell you the plans for the police to discourage dissent, as things get harder, or as the media call it "squeezed" but this is not something natural at all. It has been a long time in the planning, and you are the people that will experience increasing poverty, as the years go by, and it’s all because of the economic climate innit!??? So no one top blame there either. Well not exactly, but that is another part of the picture.

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What if there were never going to be more jobs, and the game was to pauperise most of the people, through higher bills, from food to fuel. What would be the benefits?


Well killing the unproductive element in society, cannot be done through extermination camps, that idea is sadly unacceptable, despite its quick and attractive results.


So how can we exterminate, encourage to die prematurely, the unproductive. Well disease, malnourishment, hyperthermia, are just a few of the elements having been considered. None of these provide the public with someone, or something to blame, which is the whole point. Extermination through neglect, is the new mantra for those deciding the longest financial depression in human history. Killing millions, and we have nearly 70 of them in the UK, will start slowly and gradually increase over the next decade, and it’s so easy, so predictable, that the obvious will never be suspected by anyone.


The first into the crematoriums will of course be pensioners, the old, who with cuts to care, health and other amenities they have worked for all their lives, will hasten the embers to become a furnace. Killing of these parasites first, will free housing, making renting much cheaper over the next decade, and with more housing, landlords will find rents forced to not increase. This will of course allow properties to be neglected, and let at lower rents, which are fantastic breeding grounds for disease, so the very young can succumb to unfortunate but predictable crematorium bliss. The savings to the Treasury coffers, will certainly please the banking sector, who we are all in debt to.


It’s a long term policy; nothing will happen tomorrow, but slowly and predictably the pieces are now in place for a population reduction. The first signs will be that the population is being sustained at a particular level, as in not increasing. This will be explained as personal choices, women delaying or just not becoming pregnant. There will be a slight increase in child mortality of course, but nothing to worry about.


Winter is a good time for larger and faster extinctions, as choices as to eating or heating will flummox most of the poor crusties. Well its choice, and we do live in a democracy, but more the method of death, and of course there is no one to blame. The cuts have just started, and they have a lot further to go, taxes, both direct and indirect, will help this process of pauperised extermination. The joke is no one can do anything to stop it, which is the point, and no one to blame either.


All I am attempting to do is plant this idea in people's memories, something someday you will wake up to, as it’s a slowly engineered extermination process. You might think this could not happen in the UK, as we are a democracy, well in name only. Sadly the UK is just one of many nations where this policy is being enacted. You see with a global population of 7 billion, a mechanism was needed to halt this growth, and this model, is far from new. It has been allowed to happen in Africa and other 3rd world countries for decades, where drugs costing pennies, some, just to make drinking water safe from disease, has not been used, allowing the frail, young and old, to, well you get it, die of NATURAL causes. War has its purposes these days, not as you might think killing terrorists, but allowing uranium shells, and bombs to pollute the lands, thus disrupting the breeding process. Well they have deformed children, who will not breed, which is the point, if one is patient, populations shrink naturally, well with a little help from certain elements of the corporate industrial sector.


You are considered to be expendable, there will never be jobs for all of you, and something has to be done. Fortunately the educational system has been completely dumbed down over the last few decades, thus ignorance is considered bliss for the masses, making it easier to use the media, to get the message that the government and authorities really care, while all the time creating greater neglect and austerity of course. You got it yet?


Remember it’s already well on its way, and when you are told through the media that the population is stabilising, and should hopefully starting to be noticeable in about 5 years, when the increase should have been checked, and as in not rising as fast.


We are in a depression, and despite all the fine talk, there is no new industry in the UK to soak up unemployment. The manufacturing base will continue to collapse. I dare not tell you the plans for the police to discourage dissent, as things get harder, or as the media call it "squeezed" but this is not something natural at all. It has been a long time in the planning, and you are the people that will experience increasing poverty, as the years go by, and it’s all because of the economic climate innit!??? So no one top blame there either. Well not exactly, but that is another part of the picture.

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Boring old tat, an excuse made up to try and counter facts about rightwing activists by reducing the argument into absurdity.


It's not an excuse; more an accurate observation.


Which rightwing activists are you referring to? There's hardly a militant right on here...

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