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The future is very bright for the chosen few.

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I work and have a good job my missus works and she has a well paid job I pay loads of tax and what gets me mad is my hard earned money goes on scrounging asylum seekers who get everything for nothing and should not even be in this country in the first place so were is the reduction in population happening there because they all bread like rabbits when they get here swallowing more of our hard earned tax money up have you seen them wandering around page hall in their droves.:mad:



:hihi::hihi: and breathe

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So the Daily Mail propaganda machine is still running ?


Don't you know that we are still at war with eurasia and that we are still experiencing a shortage of razor blades thanks to austerity cuts ( George Orwell , 1984 )


I think Winston Smith is gonna be my new hero , along with Jay-Z x

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It's an interesting observation erubus. Basicly if they wanted to kill us all off I think they would create a war to cull us off as they have done so many times in the past. Or create a plague.


I'm sure god will take us all out before the greed of man does it.

Get your self out erubus and try some new stuff, may be writing horror is your thing.

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If there were no jobs EVER, and everyone was forced onto benefits, the Daily Mail would go into meltdown.


If there were no jobs EVER no-one would be able to receive benefits no one would be able to buy the Daily Mail and by definition the Daily Mail wouldn't exist because no one would be working as a journalist on it or printing it or distributing it !

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But don't you think that no wars are needed, given that the "elite" know that our current diet of loads of Omega 6 stuff leads to increasing levels of cancer and inflammatory diseases such as IBS , fibromyalgia , and heart disease.


They know that we are slowly killing ourselves anyway - they are laughing at people's pain , the b!%%&%s

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But don't you think that no wars are needed, given that the "elite" know that our current diet of loads of Omega 6 stuff leads to increasing levels of cancer and inflammatory diseases such as IBS , fibromyalgia , and heart disease.


They know that we are slowly killing ourselves anyway - they are laughing at people's pain , the b!%%&%s


Slowly killing ourselves? The life expectancy in the UK has been continually rising for the last 150 years.

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Yes , the older generation is living longer, they've not known obesity generally thanks to rationing , and natural exercise such as walking . Houses didn't have central heating , so human immune systems were more robust .


Why are more younger people dying young ? Perhaps because of diet , central heating , lack of fresh air, pollution ?


Old cookbooks mention the use of so-called unhealthy suet - but these are the guys who are still battling on in their 90's , who is right ??

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Hmmm - why do i feel as if I'm banging my head against a brick wall ?

particularly so when we deal with a load of young people who are clueless about what happened in the Holocaust , and think that Maybelline has the answers to things ?

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What if there were never going to be more jobs, and the game was to pauperise most of the people, through higher bills, from food to fuel. What would be the benefits?


{etc, snipped for brevity}



If you propose a theoretical scenario you are normally expected to present some evidence in support of your theory.


Do you have any?

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