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Working part time and benefits?

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And you have to be over 25.


Bu if you do get £1 of working tax credit you get the exemption card, and passported benefits - optical care, dental care, free prescriptions...




Very true, the best way to access this is to be self employed.


Very difficult to get around this if you have a job ( a proper job ) as your wage slip will tell how many hours you work and how much you are being paid

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You could deduce she is single from the 'fiver better off'.


That is the income disregard for a single person, and it has been since before I was born! It has never increased in line with inflation, of which there has been considerable amounts of!


Crack is love, you earn £5 you keep it.


You earn anything past £5, you lose your JSA at a rate of 100%.

Earn £1, lose £1.


When you no longer get JSA, you begin to lose housing benefit and council tax benefit.

For each £1 you earn you lose 20p of you council tax benefit and 65p of your housing benefit.

I.e. earn £1, lose 85p.


But your soon paying tax and NI, you'll will start to lose 96p per £1 earned now.


And when you break free of benefits you only lose 32p in the £1.


So, @min wage.


Work 1 hour, £5 better off.

Work 10 hours £5 better off.

Few more - Still only £5 better off.

HB/CTB band, you'll be 24p-90p better off per hour worked.

After you break free of benefits, you'll be £4 better off per hour worked.


This does not include travel costs, which in South Yorkshire are about £6 a day for so called 'public transport', which incidentally has risen considerably in price since the 1980s.


What we need to know, is are you over 25 luv?


It might be weth working it you can claim working tax credit.


How long have you been unemployed? It might be weth working if you claim NEA instead.


Can't you find any cash in hand work? Spend the money on cheap supermarket vodka and its equivalent to paying 80% tax, so your essentially saving government the trouble of collecting your tax via the PAYE system, and paying nearly double the rate of tax of our highest earners.


Thanks for the comprehensive response chem1st, thats why no matter what hours i could do I would only ever be around £5 better off, no wonder folk stay on the dole.


However I may officially work around 12 hours a week just so I have at least some money to live on and to keep them off my back, how many hours would somone have to work each week so they don't have to go on the work programme?


I'm currently waiting to hear about my JSA sanction.




Also I'm a bloke - i have all the right equipment and I'm over 25, what made you think I'm a she?

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Thanks for the comprehensive response chem1st, thats why no matter what hours i could do I would only ever be around £5 better off, no wonder folk stay on the dole.


However I may officially work around 12 hours a week just so I have at least some money to live on and to keep them off my back, how many hours would somone have to work each week so they don't have to go on the work programme?


I'm currently waiting to hear about my JSA sanction.




Also I'm a bloke - i have all the right equipment and I'm over 25, what made you think I'm a she?


Somebody asked if you had a child... That must have thrown me.


So getting up the duff to claim some child tax credits is out of the question :hihi:


How long have you been unemployed. If your over 25 I think it is one year before they put you on the work program.


Have you heard of NEA?




If you have been unemployed 6 months, you could get NEA and start a business/go self employed.


You could then qualify for working tax credits and working tax credit exemption card for semi-privatised NHS healthcare.


The NEA money is tax free, so if you were working part time, you could become better off from doing so.

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Maybe its just me but I prefer to earn my money, even if I was ever in the situation that I would be worse off working.


And another question why only work PT??


Why work only 40 hrs a week, you could do 7x24's.


You could show your appreciation by paying your employer for the privilege of working.

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Somebody asked if you had a child... That must have thrown me.


So getting up the duff to claim some child tax credits is out of the question :hihi:


How long have you been unemployed. If your over 25 I think it is one year before they put you on the work program.


Have you heard of NEA?




If you have been unemployed 6 months, you could get NEA and start a business/go self employed.


You could then qualify for working tax credits and working tax credit exemption card for semi-privatised NHS healthcare.


The NEA money is tax free, so if you were working part time, you could become better off from doing so.


lol, i could give you proof I'm a bloke but its not appropiate for this family forum.


I have continiously been unemployed for just the last 4 months, but becuase my previous job only lasted 6 weeks and was unemployed for the previous 8 months it was a rapid reclaim. So its 12 months from the Job Centres perspective and I'm now due to go onto the work programme.

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Maybe its just me but I prefer to earn my money, even if I was ever in the situation that I would be worse off working.


And another question why only work PT??


I can only get a part time job otherwise i would work full time.


Each to their own but I prefer to eat and stay alive instead or working for less money than job seekers allowance. .

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I'm single and have no chidren.


It's ludicrous that single childless people get penalised like you yet chavs who churn out kid after kid - usually with different fathers - get rewarded with thousands of pounds in free benefits. With our country as overpopulated as it is the system needs to change so that its' those who don't have kids who get rewarded.

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