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Working part time and benefits?

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That hasn't happened yet, and probably won't, as I was honest enough to declare that I had a disability, so they never even acknowledged my application! :rant:


Nevermind mate. Something is going to come along.


And if your going to be better off than benefits, the sooner the better.


If work pays, it pays to look for it actively...

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I'm not on JSA, I'm on disability benefits.


I have been on JSA, I was on it for just over a year about 14 years ago, till I told the Job Centre they could kiss my arse and I wasn't taking any more of their crappy courses etc.


You woulld have the shock of your life if you was on the dole now, I was also on the dole about 14 years ago and it was really laidback and cushy compared to how it is now.

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If you adjust the 1931 unemployment benefit AFTER it was cut from 18s to 15s3d and adjust for inflation, then that would be equivalent to over £200 a week today!


Citizens income is the way forwards, funded by land value tax.




Very interesting website. It is worth noting Iran is the first country in the world to introduce a defacto citizens income (but for all intents and purposes we already have one in the UK - but it is a crazy one that depends upon age/location etc. and can't be considered a TRUE CI. It is also combined with high Effective marginal tax rates and has destroyed man's incentive to work. So it isn't a proper CI, in the UK)


At the minute we give people £56.25-£71.50 a week, the council pays itself £15, and then pays a landlord up to £400 a week for a poxy shoebox room/house. The UK is land monopoly on crack.


Yes thanks just been looking at their website, very progressive and interesting way of distributing wealth to supply a simple safety net, I totally agree it is the only way forward and would solve so many issues and barriers which stop people progressing in their search for work.

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for myself personally going back into work should be putting me in a better position. my hours will vary but I should average around 20 hours a week at minimum wage, putting me way below the tax threshold. having come of the sick, getting esa payments I can claim a back to work credit of £40 a week. I do currently have 4 prescriptions but can get a yearly card, or might still be eligable for free prescriptions due to my relatively small income. if ky sums are correct I should end up with around £400 spending money after bills and rent so It's enough over what I was receiving to make it worth it. cliched as it sounds I feel great going back to work, even though Im doing something that I'm rediculously overqualified to be doing. also idle hands make devils playthings or something along those lines. It's a lot harder to spend your money when you haven't got the time to do it!

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for myself personally going back into work should be putting me in a better position. my hours will vary but I should average around 20 hours a week at minimum wage, putting me way below the tax threshold. having come of the sick, getting esa payments I can claim a back to work credit of £40 a week. I do currently have 4 prescriptions but can get a yearly card, or might still be eligable for free prescriptions due to my relatively small income. if ky sums are correct I should end up with around £400 spending money after bills and rent so It's enough over what I was receiving to make it worth it. cliched as it sounds I feel great going back to work, even though Im doing something that I'm rediculously overqualified to be doing. also idle hands make devils playthings or something along those lines. It's a lot harder to spend your money when you haven't got the time to do it!


Are you sure ? My calculations when on JSA would leave you considerably worse off.


What is and how do you get a yearly card for 4 prescriptions?

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Are you sure ?


What is and how do you get a yearly card for 4 prescriptions?


Its called a prepayment certificate. People who don't qualify for free prescriptions can save money by buying one if they have more than 3 prescriptions a month. We used these when my OH was ill and needed 6 or 7 at a time. He didn't qualify for anything free because I was in work at the time.



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