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The rich are getting richer

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The poor are not getting poorer. Far from it. Labour have been trotting out that tired old cliche for at least 50 years. So if the poor were getting poorer they would be getting less now than they were 50 years ago. In reality they are much much better off than they ever have been. And what is the definition of poor these days? Can't afford a 42" plasma TV?


Sure, I can certainly imagine that's the case in the UK, when you contrast the poor of today, with the poor of yesterday. Perhaps the gap between rich and poor is widening though, I don't know, I haven't seen the relevant stats.


The thing is, moaning about it, isn't going to help the poor; that was the main point I was trying to make. People who obsess and spend their time complaining, are only wasting time and energy that would be better used for advancing their own cause.

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Winsor's report stated that the police were unfit and that some 23% were obese . Untrue ! A small number of policemen had self-reported to an obesity awareness group , voluntarily . Of those self-reporting , only 23% were actually found to be obese !


Winsor's law firm Case and White subsequently advised G4S on their bid for the police contract , which they won . So no conflict of interest ther , eh ?


I have read , but am unable to independently verify , that Teresa May and husband hold lots of shares in the Prudential . If you look at the G4S site , Prudential is one of their biggest shareholders .


So if G4S does well , who else does well ???


And tomorrow , the appointment of Winsor will be made probably behind closed doors , hmmmm ( despite 2 other candidates who actually have extensive police experience ).


Has anyone looked at G4S's record on human rights , eg Jimmy Mubenga 2010 , also have a look at what Russia Today has to say about them .

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You only have to look at what happened to those Workfare people forced to police the Jubilee flotilla last week at £2.80 an hour to see what happens when taxpayers' money goes to unscrupulous security firms , the bbc was up in arms was it not ?


Just wait until G4S hits the scene ! Then when public sector pension protests are held , this will provide a training ground for new recruits on the minimum wage ....




With so many public sector unemployed , private companies will be able to have their pick of the unemployed . After all , as someone once said , we are only 9 meals away from anarchy !

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I have read , but am unable to independently verify , that Teresa May and husband hold lots of shares in the Prudential . If you look at the G4S site , Prudential is one of their biggest shareholders .


So if G4S does well , who else does well ???


And tomorrow , the appointment of Winsor will be made probably behind closed doors , hmmmm ( despite 2 other candidates who actually have extensive police experience ).


Has anyone looked at G4S's record on human rights , eg Jimmy Mubenga 2010 , also have a look at what Russia Today has to say about them .

i wonder what xenia thinks about this company ?
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Most people you talk to agree that the future is very frightening , but cannot say exactly why .


So how on earth do we stop all this ? Simple , WE NEED TO ALL LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER and stop being so blinkered about what is happening .


What if we took the soft , cuddly banks out of the equation for a start ??


What if we looked more towards credit unions , which are democratic , also peer to peer lending ? They are regulated by the FSA , so people's savings are still guaranteed up to £85,000 , should the union go bust .


People with savings could help those who would otherwise have been driven into the arms of Wonga etc .


Instead of our money being sucked dry by the banks , we would all have more money in our pockets , due to the lower interest rates charged by credit unions . This money could then be the life blood for small businesses , and we might see an increase in creative and positive business schemes and the development of innovation , which is currently being held back by the lovely banks .


Any thoughts ?

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Why did bbc parliament not broadcast live when the Healthcare Reforms were going through ? It was the most important event of the year , yet the bbc did not cover it live !


Systematic destruction of the public sector is pre-planned , there is nothing we can do unless we all stand together and support each other financially .


There are also plans to make 20% of the Military redundant , to be replaced by " more efficient" private companies . Does this mean that WorkFare is coming to a front line near you soon ??

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Wasn't it that hero of the Working Classes , John Prescott , who recommended Winsor to oversee the railways a few years ago ?


So , as I said earlier , who exactly is GONNA WORK FOR THE WORKING MAN ?




Sorry , was in Manchester last June with 45,999 others in the pouring rain and still haven't got over it !

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