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The rich are getting richer

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Oh and forgot to mention that David Blunkett is , or was , getting paid £30,000 a year by A4e for "overseas consultancy advice" ( apparently ).


Think he also had his wedding at Thornbridge House . No close ties there then !


Would complain to my MP but CAN'T - it's Blunkett HIMSELF !!

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Moral of the story - can you really trust your MP ?


At the moment , in Sheffield , the risk of fly-tipping is increasing , the Landfill tax is making skip hire hugely expensive and hammering working class builders , and bin collections will now be fortnightly .


Could the plan be to encourage fly-tipping ?


What greater sign could there be of "problems ahead " and a disintegrating society than that of the sight of uncollected rubbish ? All engineered to make our morale even lower than it already is , if that's possible .


The Tip employees are on strike in protest at changes to pay and conditions , they are the thin end of the wedge , we should all be supporting them because it's going to be us next .

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Off to bed now , meant to do some exercises to get rid of this fat arse but got tied up in posting stuff that I really felt needed to be said , and that I felt was important . Rant over now , have done all I can possibly do to alert folks to how we are being manipulated .


Watched a film called "They Live " back in the 80's , a John Carpenter film about a wealthy elite who control the world via mass media brainwashing .


A couple of years ago , on seeing what was happening in the world , I remembered this film , and had read about how the Illuminati like to play with us through films , so ordered it and watched it again , 24 years after seeing the original . It looks quite dated now , but no more than the Terminator films , and have ordered a copy of 1984 which we read at school but which I had not thought about again until recently - the way the media use foreign wars as a way to fool the population into thinking they are in austerity , eg razorblade and food shortages .


N'nite xx

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Forgot to say that I conduct all my searches via Ask.com or any Search engine that ISN'T Google , who the hell wants Google to know everything about them ?


Steve Hilton ( ex top Cameron advisor ) has a wife in a senior position at Google , this is a bit dodgy IMHO , so if you post anything on Google the Prime Minister ( bless him) could get access to your comments straight away and find out who you are - and could deal with you accordingly .

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Am fed up of all of this now , all I want is a neat trim arse designed to make my other half fancy me until we both pop off , happy in the knowledge that we both did our best in life to make the world better in little ways xxx

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Just don't like being shafted , how many people are fighting for their jobs , or seeing their jobs downgraded , in the name of AUSTERITY ?


If the powers that be wanted to , they could cure austerity by getting HMRC to do its job properly , change the law on tax loopholes ( behind closed doors if necessary , as they do !) , and stop these massive bonuses being paid out of taxpayers' money to the private companies' directors .


For example , I've heard that the ex-director of A4e has SERVANTS (paid for by the taxpayer , probably) , what the ????


But there's not enough money to fund my disabled friend's care package, is there ?



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Why did bbc parliament not broadcast live when the Healthcare Reforms were going through ? It was the most important event of the year , yet the bbc did not cover it live !


Systematic destruction of the public sector is pre-planned , there is nothing we can do unless we all stand together and support each other financially .


There are also plans to make 20% of the Military redundant , to be replaced by " more efficient" private companies . Does this mean that WorkFare is coming to a front line near you soon ??


There is nothing we can do if we don't even know about it. Which is why the healthcare reforms weren't covered by the BBC.


It's not the news you hear that's the problem, but all the stuff you don't hear... This is why the internet is such an important source of information, and a thorn in the side of the powers that be. They would do anything to gain control over it, and are constantly trying to do just that.

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Sure, I can certainly imagine that's the case in the UK, when you contrast the poor of today, with the poor of yesterday. Perhaps the gap between rich and poor is widening though, I don't know, I haven't seen the relevant stats.


The thing is, moaning about it, isn't going to help the poor; that was the main point I was trying to make. People who obsess and spend their time complaining, are only wasting time and energy that would be better used for advancing their own cause.



"The Poor Will Always Be With Us". I've heard that before but not sure where. The problem is that nobody really knows what to do about it. Labour not only failed miserably but actually made matters worse. Their problem is that they use "helping the poor" as a lever to help them get votes but in reality they are ideologically opposed to the actions that might actually help the poor such as a decent education and their stupid taxation policies. You only have to look at our own fair city to see just how Labour's policies fail year on year after billions of tax payers money have been thrown wastefully around.


The people who obsess about the poor tend to be lefties who cannot and will not accept that they have created a double and even triple dependancy culture that gives employment to lots of people who would not have cushy tax payer funded jobs if the problem of the poor was solved.

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