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Fifty Shades of Grey - Don't see what all the fuss is about myself

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Sales of the 50 Shades trilogy last week were almost twice as high as the sales of the next bestselling 1,000 paperback novels combined.


This is going to have serious implication for the publishing industry. As in, books that don't sell well are going to become even more difficult to publish. Which is bad news for people who like reading books that the general public don't.

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From about chapter three i was completely enthralled in fifty shades of grey. I found it thrilling, to read a book filled with so much passion. I think the most enjoyable thing was, i didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed about reading it. If anything i found myself speaking to more people about how thrilling and captivating it was. A lot of people said that they couldn't find the story line beneath it, however i picked up on something straight away.


As the story progressed into fifty shades darker the plot between Anastasia Steele and the infamous Mr Christian Grey thickened and grew more exciting. It was plain to see that there was something much deeper to Mr Grey beyond the "kinky f***ery". So not only was i reading a book that was, for lack of better words, erotic and passionate, but there was a developing relationship, filled with a lot of tension and a lot of revelations. When it reached fifty shades freed, i felt a great amount of sympathy for Mr Grey and i literally hung on every word that i was reading.


All in all i found it very hard to pull myself away from these novels, and i found myself somewhat at a loss when i finished reading the final book. I have so far not spoken to one person who does not like this book. Even my mother, who does not read often is completely hooked on it. Understandably i think a lot of people are automatically jumping to the fact that it seems to "belittle" women. On the contrary i think it proves that woman can be as strong as they allow themselves to be. Anastasia defended her believes even though she had fallen in love with Christian. Christian was doing the only thing he knew and when Ana he realized that i wasn't right and better pleasure could be gained by having consent and love.


A five star read for me. I bow down and thank E.L.James from the bottom of my heart for creating a read that has literally blown my mind.

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From about the third letter I was completely brain dead staring at fifty shades of grey. I found it soporific to read a book void of passion. I think the most suicide inducing thing was, I felt like ending it all reading it. If anything I found myself speaking to strangers about what a waste my life had become. A lot of people said that they couldn't find the story line beneath it, however , being an escaped lunatic, picked up on something straight away. Usually dog excrement on the pavement.


As the story progressed into fifty shades darker the plot between Anastasia Steele and the infamous Mr Christian Grey thickened and grew more like a pudding. It was plain to see that there was something much deeper to Mr Grey beyond the "nylon panties". So not only was I reading a book that was, for lack of better words, pathetic and hopeless, but there was a developing relationship, filled with a lot of pants and a lot of repetition. A lot. When it reached fifty shades freed, I felt a great amount of lumpy porridge for Mr Grey and I literally hung wall paper with it on every wall that I was staring at. It had me glued.


All in all I found it very hard to pull myself away from cliff edges, and I found myself somewhat at a loss when I finished reading the final book so I went to Asda where my life took on new meaning. I have so far not spoken to one person who does not like this book. I have spoken in fact to no one. No one ever speaks to me. I haunt the aisles of Asda until I'm thrown out. Even my mother, who sits in the window rocking, does not read often, is completely hooked on fishing. Understandably I think a lot of people are automatically jumping to the fact that the long jump is an Olympic sport though it seems to "belittle" women. On the contrary I think it proves that woman can be as long as jumpers as they allow themselves to be. Anastasia defended her believes and her beliefs even though she had fallen in the sand pit with Christian. Christian was doing the only thing he knew, jumping, and when Ana broke the record, 8 metres 40, he realized that I/ he / she / it / the dog / wasn't right and better treasure could be gained by having a pirate's map, a shovel and to know when to stop digging a hole. Love doesn't come in to it.


A five star universe for me. I blow down with a feather and rank E.L.James at the bottom for creating a bread that has literally flown my mind over the cuckoo's nest from where I write.


New York, Paris, Rome and I. All capitals.

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Either the OP is also known as Tia1, or has just copied and pasted the review from here.............http://www.streetarticles.com/book-reviews/50-shades-of-grey-book-review!!



Theres already a big 50 shades thread in the entertainment section :)

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Bought all 3 to see what the fuss was about. I have read 2 of them and find that I am only reading because I wanna know what happens but I am not 'hooked'- some of my friends read all 3 books in a week or so and are re-reading them! I have given my workmate them to read and pass on as I never read books twice these days and if I did, they wouldn't be re-read by me.


I haven't read the other replies on this thread and don't want to read too much and spoil the 3rd book now I have come this far, but so far I find the author very repetitive with the 'pressed his lips into a hard/grim line' and the fact that Ana and Christian 'mumble' and 'mutter' almost everything they say- makes me picture them mumbling incoherently at each other under their breath... the sex parts got kind of boring (and I am no prude) and were repetitive, too. My hubby was disappointed that it didn't have an effect on me as some of his workmates said their wives/partners got really horny reading it. Poor hubby haha! I know a woman whose partner fell out with her for reading it! I want to get to the end of the third book and get on with reading the Hunger Games books I had started. I bet the author is or will be very rich soon? Will be interested to see who plays the characters in the film.

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