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Fifty Shades of Grey - Don't see what all the fuss is about myself

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It doesn't need any good reviews, everyone seems to be captivated by the book be it in a good or bad way, you claim to hate it yet appear to be somewhat obsessed about your hate for it :hihi:


Just my current bête noire or rather grise.


I would have expected 'over a million copies sold' or something stamped on the cover. Is it Richard and Judy's Book Club list yet? Is that still going?

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That says more about you than it does about the book.


I bet if you had your way all the great romantic novels would end in chapter one with the hero being thrown in jail for sexual harrassment and the heroine shacking up with his lesbian sister!


Perhaps some women find it romantic and flattering when they're tracked down via their mobiles, have a man whom they barely know turn up at an address that they haven't disclosed to them, appear when they've been told that said woman would rather be alone and does not wish to see them etc. Silly me for finding that really creepy and disturbing. *slaps wrist and experiences a frisson of delight* Oh my!

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I have just finished reading all 3 books and I could not out them down, but they must have sex 6 times a day and never get bored, maybe its just me but erm NO! lol. sex before breakfast, sex after breakfast, sex when they come home from work before supper, sex after supper, then sex in the shower then sex after shower in bed.


I loved the storyline as I am a sucker for a love story, so admittedly I could not put it down and read all 3 books in 10 days, but did sort of just start skimming the sex scenes with a quick glance and then got back to the nitty gritty of the underlying story.


I am glad I read them, and really did enjoy them, but wont read them again, I have many books I will reread but these I wont. I think they were worth the tenner I paid as they have now been passed onto my mum who is also loving it. I think yes in places the writing is not very good, and many times I thought oh god come on are you serious? Yet as someone else said I could still not put them down, I really wanted to know how it ended, and it met my expectations and the ending is lovely.


One last thing I will say is I expected something so bad it would shock me after the reviews and how people went on about it, but not one thing did shock me, I think all the people saying it is really shocking and really erotic, have possibly had a very boring sex life (sorry). It is more soft porn in my eyes, and can get very repetitive. The writer jumped into the sex scenes way too fast, everything was done in the first book, so by the 2nd and 3rd book id heard it all before so to speak. Maybe she should have gave it more suspense, and lengthened it out more over the 3 books, rather then simply repeating the same sex scenes worded differently.


After all is said and done I would still recommend the books and have done, they are decent one time only read and even I by the end had a soft spot for MR Christian Grey. :)

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I have just finished reading all 3 books and I could not out them down, but they must have sex 6 times a day and never get bored, maybe its just me but erm NO! lol. sex before breakfast, sex after breakfast, sex when they come home from work before supper, sex after supper, then sex in the shower then sex after shower in bed.


I loved the storyline as I am a sucker for a love story, so admittedly I could not put it down and read all 3 books in 10 days, but did sort of just start skimming the sex scenes with a quick glance and then got back to the nitty gritty of the underlying story.


I am glad I read them, and really did enjoy them, but wont read them again, I have many books I will reread but these I wont. I think they were worth the tenner I paid as they have now been passed onto my mum who is also loving it. I think yes in places the writing is not very good, and many times I thought oh god come on are you serious? Yet as someone else said I could still not put them down, I really wanted to know how it ended, and it met my expectations and the ending is lovely.


One last thing I will say is I expected something so bad it would shock me after the reviews and how people went on about it, but not one thing did shock me, I think all the people saying it is really shocking and really erotic, have possibly had a very boring sex life (sorry). It is more soft porn in my eyes, and can get very repetitive. The writer jumped into the sex scenes way too fast, everything was done in the first book, so by the 2nd and 3rd book id heard it all before so to speak. Maybe she should have gave it more suspense, and lengthened it out more over the 3 books, rather then simply repeating the same sex scenes worded differently.


After all is said and done I would still recommend the books and have done, they are decent one time only read and even I by the end had a soft spot for MR Christian Grey. :)


You can buy a top shelf jazz mag for a couple of quid. The stories in that are of the same standard.

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