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Cameron forgets his kid- ever lost yours too?

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The child was accompanied onto the premises though so what would the law do.


It's not right to let an 8 year old girl go to pub on her own.


It ain't right to drop her off at the pub, and pick her up later.


He might have left her by accident. But anybody could use that excuse.


You might aswell make it legal to let little children into pubs instead of having a pointless law.


Or uphold the law, and haul Cameron before the courts.


We need to set an example. If the lawmakers are the lawbreakers. Then who should have respect for the law!

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It's not right to let an 8 year old girl go to pub on her own. They didn't


It ain't right to drop her off at the pub, and pick her up later. They didn't


He might have left her by accident. But anybody could use that excuse. But would they?


You might aswell make it legal to let little children into pubs instead of having a pointless law.


Or uphold the law, and haul Cameron before the courts.


We need to set an example. If the lawmakers are the lawbreakers. Then who should have respect for the law!


I don't see what law they broke. The child was with them when they went in. Sensibly we know it wasn't their intention to leave her so it's hardly a case for welfare so other than he's the PM and a Tory one at that which really ticks you lot off I don't see what the offence is.

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What's happening to this forum - a perfect opportunity for the usual rabble to attack Cameron and the Tories and all we get is common sense and rationality?


Its the "Riff Raff" influence i think.

Who would have expected the Entertainment/Chat section to turn into an arena for angry political rants.

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before I was born my parents left my baby elder brother in a cot on the baggage rack over the seat in a train compartment. They had been having an argument, and both got out of the train at their stop, exactly like they used to do before they'd had the baby only a few months before, leaving the silent sleeping baby on the train which then left.


they had to get the guard or whoever to call through to the next station a couple of miles away to arrange for the baby to be taken off the train and then got the next train there themselves to be reunited with him. A bit stupid, maybe for sure. But not all that totally beyond the realm of possibility.


a few years ago a case was reported in the media where it emerged that a family had left one of their eight children in an airport when the other nine of them had got on the plane, and hadn't realised the child was missing until the plane had taken off. Somebody even posted a topic about it on here. I was one of the few that said, well they've been a bit stupid for sure, but with eight children, it's not exactly all that surprising that somebody might miss one, and leave it behind on a very rare occasion, especially if they're under a bit of stress, like people often are when they are in airports and have to get on a plane.


I got howled down for saying this by a lot of the other respondents. Of course, unlike the parents in the news story, they were all perfect, and could never conceive of the possibility of them being distracted, or stressed out enough to leave a child behind anywhere, and somebody even expressed the belief that they were clearly neglectful parents and that social services should get involved and the child taken into care.

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Did you ever try to tell you child he/she was adopted :hihi: we use to around Cchristmas time, use to tell him he'd get better gifts from his real parents so not to expect too much from us...he was old enough then to get the joke.

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