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Cameron forgets his kid- ever lost yours too?

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What's happening to this forum - a perfect opportunity for the usual rabble to attack Cameron and the Tories and all we get is common sense and rationality?


On the other hand if Ed Millband had forgotten about his kid and left him/her in a pub would his critics on here be as forgiving? Somehow I doubt it.

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Was at Valletta in Malta 13 years ago, twin boy and girl were 5 and a 3 year old girl. The 3 year old was sat on my shoulders (Where she more or less lived when we were on holiday) and my partner was holding twin girl hand. I was looking in one shop window and she was looking in another. We then both entered a completely different shop and cold hear a far far distant noise, sounded like a goat having it's teeth out! It was the twin boy who'd decided to enter a completely different shop on his own, return outside where the parents had been replaced with 'OTHERS'. If we'd have been back in the UK we'd still have heard him.

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Dave does have form for absentmindedness.

Before the last election he locked his bike up to a bollard, wrapping the chain around it, outside a shop and went in.

A bollard. That is, a three foot post with no chains running off either side of it.

When he came out and found that some criminal mastermind had simply lifted the bike and lock off the bollard and made off with it, witnesses said he stood there repeatedly saying "But I locked it....but I locked it".


What cant speak cant lie.




Thank goodness for the ubiquitous camera phone. Here we see Dave explaining that he locked it to the bollard.

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Why am I not suprised to read this thread?

It was an obvious subject for Labour suporters to pick up on.


So...one parent thought the OH had the child with them.

It's no big deal.

It happens....as has been shown .

The child spent 15 minutes helping staff in the pub whilst she was collected.


My concern is against the security forces supposedly protecting the family.

Something went clearly wrong with that...and should be addressed.

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My concern is against the security forces supposedly protecting the family.

Something went clearly wrong with that...and should be addressed.


Yup. There'll have been a guy with a shaved head and army tattoos down the Jobcentre the morning after that happened.

However if it means the protection detail on Cameron is lax it may mean there's a window of opportunity for a disgruntled citizen to take action and bring about early elections :hihi:

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I was wondering if the great Eric Pickles is looking into this problem family.


He seems to know the father, maybe even gets wasted with him down the boozer from time to time.


The Camerons certainly seem to fit the bill: Dave's dad was a dodgy banker who helped his rich friends set up off-shore accounts. He is living in various houses, provided free of charge by the tax-payer, i.e.non-bankers, together with his children, when he remembers to take them home. He openly consorts with some very dodgy mates, like the Murdochs, the Brookes, George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt, etc. I don't know whether his wife works, but I'm not sure he ever has.


Maybe time to get heavy, Eric! And if you don't fit the bill, as a heavy, I don't know who would.


We're with you all the way if you'd get these people sorted out.

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I'm amazed that a family of 5 owned a car 40 odd years ago :o


hi poppins we didnt actually own it :)

my dad was a service engineer so it was a company vehicle, what I can remember it was more like a van I think


we always had some kind of company vehicle from the early 60's as my dad worked all over the place servicing boilers for launderettes :)

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