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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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The following responses to my post demonstrate just how bullies operate on this forum


What, you waffling on about the moor and darkies has relevance to the thread title?


I never mentioned colour, just that I was surrounded by foreigners, do not ascribe your own prejudices to me.





How on earth do you know who or what I vote for, instead of posting your ill- informed and worthless judgements of someone you know nothing about, why don't you add something useful to the debate, tell us how you think the situation could be remedied if inded you feel that the situation needs to be remedied.




It's typical of someone who can post such inane ramblings to accused another of spoiling the thread because something is posted that they disagree with.



Whats up touched a nerve have I,go on humour me tell me that you didnt vote liblabcon,go on,as to how the situation can be remedied read what I said,ok just for you here it is again its too late,you voted for this and now you moan about it,lol people who vote for the main 3 parties then complain that the city and country have changed ought to how why.

People like you have made the country how it is and so you only have yourself to blame,so try thinking next time you vote.then again dont know why I bother you will vote the same way and you know it.

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Ahhhh Salem News.



The same phrase could be given to this thread:




the source you seem to give full support and belief to, despite it only been suspected.


Innocent until proven guilty not mean anything to you?


Funny how no one bothers about what currently goes on in other countries.


Exactly. Why is Israel so special on SF? Is there a large Israeli community in the city? This has been brought up before with no answers from the OP.

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which country would you bestow the title of leading democracy in the middle east?


There isn't one. Israel thinks it's a democracy but in reality, it's not. What do you call a country that makes sure there's a certain ethnicity always 'at the top' ?


Is that a democracy to you ?

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I am the original poster and would like to point out that this subject is not about Jews, Muslims or any other religion, .


why are you posting under two different handles, in the same thread? What, exactly, do you have to hide?

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Israel has come a long way since Golda Meir apparently said, on being asked to consider the immigration of Ethiopian Jews into Israel, 'haven't we got enough problems anyway, without all these blacks?'


kind of funny looking back on it really. Of course since then and after a considerable amount of investment the Ethiopians have assimilated pretty well into the rest. Literally changed the complexion of the country.


the most shocking anti black sentiments you will find in the Middle East are of course among the Arabs. British Somalis are pretty likely to experience something unpleasant when they are on their hajj, never mind people from sub Saharan Africa, like Nigeria, etc. Then there's all the tension between Egyptian Arabs/black Nubians, Libyan Arabs/black Chadians etc. Dislike of and predjudice against black people is very deep seated, I even heard stories of Iraqi insurgents cancelling ambushes at the last minute on American platoons in Iraq, because there were no black soldiers in the unit. They wanted to hold their fire until they had the chance to shoot up a few blacks who they regarded as absolutely the worst kind of possible invader. Could be an apocyphal tale I suppose, but not totally unbelievable.


It is totally unbelievable, even insurgents have military tactics, Iraqi insurgents abandoning the chance to shoot US Zionist invaders because they would rather shoot blacks !


A good attempt at diverting from the issue which is that those that constantly wail about pogroms, holocausts, discrimination and racism ad nauseum can't wait to put the blacks on the bus home.


Throughout Europe and America opposition to immigrants contending for resources, driving down pay and conditions, changing the host culture, disproportionately committing crime and bringing in disease is countered vehemently by Jewish groups that invoke equality,human rights, invoke the spectre of holocausts and pogroms ad nauseum.


The Jewish groups involved don't give a toss for the host population, it is now apparent that they don't actually give a toss about the poor bloody foreigners they pretend to defend, they merely use the foreigners as a defensive wall to ensure that they manage to maintain their own infiltration in America and Europe.

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