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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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If South Sudan is safe enough the the israelis to send the Sudanese refugees back home, why don't the israelis go back home to Russia and Eastern Europe?

After all, it's safe there now.


Because are Israelis and not Russians or eastern European.

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Would you support somebody that ideologically wants to kill you?


Perhaps if you supported them and stopped causing immense suffering to their friends and family they might not want to kill you anymore.


I highly doubt that most Palestinians hate Israel for ideological reasons, when there are about 50 good historical reasons from the past half century or so that they could choose from .

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Your mindless support for israel indicates you're guilty of doing just that.


I don't mindlessly support Israel, I am capable of logical thought though. Why would any nation state welcome a government in neighbouring territories that actively seek it's destruction? That is exactly what Hamas wanted when they were elected, hence my reply to Woodmally.


Do you expect that they (Israel) should have welcomed with open arms this policy that seeks it's destruction, just because the government with that policy was democratically elected? Try to think logically.

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Rounding up and expelling illegal immigrants. having foreseen the problems that refugees have on an economy I can't fault Isreal at all for this. It is the right of every country to protect themselves from unwanted invaders. Just because these invaders turn up with no seen weapons this does not mean they cannot attack the country from the inside.


Good for Isreal, this is something the UK could learn from.

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But you didn't say ashkenazi jews, you said Israelis :roll:


Yes I did. With my trademark lower case 'i'.


Here's an article with a quote from a israeli politician you'll find interesting. They have big mouths, these israeli politicians and ever so often they say far more than they should:


Israel turns on its refugees

Firebombing of house containing 10 Eritreans is latest example of growing racism stoked by politicians and media



Political leaders did not allow the violence to temper their verbal onslaught against the migrants. Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Israel's national identity was at risk from the flood of "illegal infiltrators". Interior minister Eli Yishai suggested that Aids-infected migrants were raping Israeli women, and all, "without exception", should be locked up pending deportation. They do not believe "this country belongs to us, to the white man", he said in an interview.



jews are trying to convince us they are white people now?


But haven't the jews been trying to convince us that they are descended from brown-skinned people who've been living in the Middle East for over 3,000 years?

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