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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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No. The ones already here can stay. Just close the doors for 20 years or so to let things settle down. :)

Leave the EU = loads of jobs available.

I wouldn't protest if all illegal immigrants were offered 1000£ and a free ride home though.


So why not allow the ones already in Israel to stay?

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Because Israel can't afford to be so liberal.

Like I said before, all they have to do is convert to Judaism, and it's easy street.



Israel always seems to be a special case ! Then again they are especially Chosen by the sky pixie are they not?

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Israel always seems to be a special case ! Then again they are especially Chosen by the sky pixie are they not?


Not in my eyes they aren't. They're a disparate bunch in a relatively new, developing country that lives in constant fear of its neighbours, muddling along with right wing buffoons in charge. People are people in every country. Nothing special about Israelis.

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Not in my eyes they aren't. They're a disparate bunch in a relatively new, developing country that lives in constant fear of its neighbours, muddling along with right wing buffoons in charge. People are people in every country. Nothing special about Israelis.


I am aware that the strongest criticism as well as the strongest support of Israeli policy comes from Israelis, when some of the rest of us join in with the former, strangely not the latter, we can run into a bit of trouble.

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What country did the Palestinians 'originate' from?





They didn’t originate from anywhere, they used to be Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanians, and for political reasons changed to become Palestinians, Yasser Arafat the Palestinian leader was Egyptian Born: August 24, 1929, in Cairo

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They didn’t originate from anywhere, they used to be Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanians, and for political reasons changed to become Palestinians, Yasser Arafat the Palestinian leader was Egyptian Born: August 24, 1929, in Cairo


Clearly evident, if you ever have the pleasure of meeting them, different families have completely different pronunciations for the same words.


Invented race, invented cause. Both sides of the fence.

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Would you support somebody that ideologically wants to kill you?


Why do they want to kill Israelis I wonder. Could it be because Israel has denied them state hood. The right to self determination and built a wall preventing them from free movement. Treat them like second class citizens. Israel is not inocent you know.

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Why do they want to kill Israelis I wonder. Could it be because Israel has denied them state hood. The right to self determination and built a wall preventing them from free movement. Treat them like second class citizens. Israel is not inocent you know.


I thought that was built to prevent the free movement of terrorists that enjoy blowing Israelis up.

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Would you support somebody that ideologically wants to kill you?


Sure there's an ideological component to it, but most it's historical, not ideological.


Do you really think there would be anywhere near as much animosity towards Israel if it weren't for the land grabs and all that's happened since it was formed? If they'd just peacefully gone about their business on the original borders?

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