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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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........ yet they are proposing internment and deportation of a single race of people (Blacks).



Except that they are not proposing anything as radical as you claim.


Asylum seekers come from South Sudan.


South Sudan becomes declared a safe country.


Asylum applications are refused and applicants are invited to return home with financial assistance.

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they're doing them a favour. If they play their cards right on that amount of money, they'll make a living on it in South Sudan. They can open up a business with it. It's a lot of money. Certainly better than they started out with.

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Isreal are deporting people back to thier home? Asad kills his own people in thier homes, now that is fact. Lets not have another bash the jew thread please they are not the problem in the region.

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This is the sort of story you could not make up, Im waiting for the next headline that they have in fact not sent them home but stuck them in some sort of work camp to help out with the war effort against Iran.





Was already suggested. Failed because they decided paying them minimum wage, which was around 3£/hour then, was too much.


They offer them 1000€ to leave, most have paid over 5000$ to cross from Egypt.

All looks pretty damning. But it's not. Most are economic migrants. Looking for a better life. Most work hard for very little pay in the hotels and cleaning businesses around the south/dead sea area. As with any impoverished migrant population they brought with them more than their fair share of bad apples.

Arad used to be silent every day, a very boring and safe place to live.

Now there are massive gangs of African youths in the town centre at all hours. Burglaries, robberies, drugs related offences, stabbings and rapes have started occuring with relative frequency. People in the south have had enough. Unfortunately the good migrants get tarred with same brush.


When they first started arriving, several organisations endeavoured to convert them to Judaism which some did, willingly, in order to gain citizenship and rights. To me that was a worse option than deportation.

I see no problem in deporting illegal immigrants or legal ones for that matter if they commit crimes.


Their skin colour and ethnicity is irrelevant to most Israelis. The south has a thriving Ethiopian population and also many from the African American cult known as the black Hebrews. For every numpty they find to say "burn the blacks' it's possible to find 5 bleeding heart liberals who are collecting money to send the sudanese youths on a pleasure trip to Jerusalem.


Imagine the mixed reaction you would get in Sheffield if the government announced all the illegal migrants were about to be forcefully deported. No other country is as liberal as the uk when it comes to migration. Israel is one of the strictest in the world as it seeks not only to stay secure and keep out terrorists but also to stay majority Jewish. Which has been its main purpose since the war of independence. The future safety of the Jewish people, most believe, requires that Jews rule the country and are not out-populated by any other group.


The south will be a safer place with the Sudanese gone, undoubtedly, and our house prices will stop falling as fast. That is, unfortunately, more important to the average Israeli living in this region than the human rights of the good majority of Sudanese migrants.

The fact is they should have never come and now they have to leave. Once again the approach taken by government is an absolute PR disaster and knee jerk reaction. But that is how things work in Israel. It is a fairly new country with little experience in peacetime, living in constant fear of attacks. Flaunting international law and UN sanctions is a favourite pastime of the administration.


Israel is for the Jews. The sooner everyone else realises that, they'll stop being shocked by its actions.


It does pose another question though, who is going to fill all these job vacancies in areas that Israelis refuse to work?


I wouldn't be surprised if they set up a similar deal to the one they have with the Thais and Filipinos: which is one based on temporary residency and slave labour.

The average wage is around 4£ and most legal foreign workers in home care, agriculture and construction don't even make half that.

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Can't say I blame them. At last Europe is waking up to the madness of just letting anybody go anywhere they please.


They're even talking of suspending the Schengen Agreement. Horse. Stable. Bolted...




It does pose another question though, who is going to fill all these job vacancies in areas that Israelis refuse to work?


Send them here. We've got an unlimited need for 'people who prop up the NHS', 'cheap plumbers/nannies' etc. So unlimited we need 5m of them.


And who's going to look after our old people?:gag:

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Their skin colour and ethnicity is irrelevant to most Israelis. The south has a thriving Ethiopian population and also many from the African American cult known as the black Hebrews. For every numpty they find to say "burn the blacks' it's possible to find 5 bleeding heart liberals who are collecting money to send the sudanese youths on a pleasure trip to Jerusalem.


Israel has come a long way since Golda Meir apparently said, on being asked to consider the immigration of Ethiopian Jews into Israel, 'haven't we got enough problems anyway, without all these blacks?'


kind of funny looking back on it really. Of course since then and after a considerable amount of investment the Ethiopians have assimilated pretty well into the rest. Literally changed the complexion of the country.


the most shocking anti black sentiments you will find in the Middle East are of course among the Arabs. British Somalis are pretty likely to experience something unpleasant when they are on their hajj, never mind people from sub Saharan Africa, like Nigeria, etc. Then there's all the tension between Egyptian Arabs/black Nubians, Libyan Arabs/black Chadians etc. Dislike of and predjudice against black people is very deep seated, I even heard stories of Iraqi insurgents cancelling ambushes at the last minute on American platoons in Iraq, because there were no black soldiers in the unit. They wanted to hold their fire until they had the chance to shoot up a few blacks who they regarded as absolutely the worst kind of possible invader. Could be an apocyphal tale I suppose, but not totally unbelievable.

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It’s a policy decision by the elected government to stop and send back illegal immigrants, is there anything to suggest they wouldn’t do the same if thousands of white British people turned up and caused problems?


It’s a very small county and just can’t absorb the large amounts of people that arrive from much larger countries.[/quote]



Why not,we manage to take just about anyone so why cant they?we too are a small country.

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Why not,we manage to take just about anyone so why cant they?we too are a small country.


Their country is significantly smaller and we already have too many people so we should also adapt a better immigration policy.

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