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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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My post was a **** take, we are constantly told that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east yet they are proposing internment and deportation of a single race of people (Blacks).

No wonder there are people who get ****** off with the way the Israeli gov does things. :roll:


haha Jews in Israel come in all colours! Loads of black Jews in Israel.


Have you ever been?


and who outside of Israel is entitled to get ****** off at the way their gov deals with illegal immigrants?


i'll tell you - people who want to change Israels ethnicity from Jewish. :)


The people are fully behind the government on this issue, therefore

"Only democracy in the Middle East" stands.

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Why not,we manage to take just about anyone so why cant they?we too are a small country.


UK is not a small country compared to Israel which is only the size of Wales. Also half of that is desert, which can only support a small number of people. Therefore, Israel is in effect one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The cities teem with people, much much more crowded than anywhere in Britain or Europe. In that way, Tel Aviv feels more like an Asian city than a European one.


oh wait. That is precisely what it is.

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Yes we should adopt a better immigration policy, what do you suggest?:D


Immigration only when there is an absolute necessity, when someone here can’t do the job required or can’t be trained to do the job required and only if it doesn’t adversely affect their country of origin.


Example we shouldn’t poach doctors when their country of origin is desperate for doctors.

We don’t need cheap labours whilst we have high unemployment.

The population shouldn’t be allowed to exceed that which is self sustainable in energy and food. :)

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Immigration only when there is an absolute necessity, when someone here can’t do the job required or can’t be trained to do the job required and only if it doesn’t adversely affect their country of origin.


Example we shouldn’t poach doctors when their country of origin is desperate for doctors.

We don’t need cheap labours whilst we have high unemployment.

The population shouldn’t be allowed to exceed that which is self sustainable in energy and food. :)

If this was the case then we would have to whittle the population of the UK down to a few million as we here have to import the majority of our food I think.

If we grew food on every patch of soil we would not be able to feed the 60 million people here and we import a great deal of energy also, some of our electricity even comes over from France.

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If this was the case then we would have to whittle the population of the UK down to a few million as we here have to import the majority of our food I think.

If we grew food on every patch of soil we would not be able to feed the 60 million people here and we import a great deal of energy also, some of our electricity even comes over from France.


:):thumbsup: Yep and without imigration we would be doing just that.

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Every country is entitled to have their own immigration policy, ours has been pretty weak for the last decade or so, and I have no problem with wanting to kick anyone out of the country if they break the law or don't contribute and adopt the values of the society they make home in but when statements about wanting to 'keep Israel Jewish' and its 'what the war of independence was about' crop up it makes this all sound to me like a form of ethnic cleansing.


Hitler only wanted Europe to be for Europeans and didn't think much of lots of 'undesirable' Romanian gypsies, and look how that all panned out.

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It's amazing what you can get away with when you're Israel, they have broken more UN resolutions than any other country and now this.

Israel can do no harm in the eyes of some people.... Laughable, this is a policy straight out of the BNP handbook yet some still defend the indefensible.

I trust all those supporting the Israeli stand on this will be voting BNP or EDL at the next election.


P.S In the article it doesn't say those being cleansed from Israel are there Illegally.

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It's amazing what you can get away with when you're Israel, they have broken more UN resolutions than any other country and now this.

Israel can do no harm in the eyes of some people.... Laughable, this is a policy straight out of the BNP handbook yet some still defend the indefensible.

I trust all those supporting the Israeli stand on this will be voting BNP or EDL at the next election.


P.S In the article it doesn't say those being cleansed from Israel are there Illegally.


I don’t think one can vote for the EDL. :D

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